118 research outputs found

    Preparing Syllabi: The Art of Self Defense

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    Arancel de los portazgos de la Orden de Santiago a fines del siglo XV

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    L'importance des péages dans le système tributaire du Moyen-- Age est connue; la présente transcription d'un tarif douanier que l'Ordre de Saint-Jacques établit pour ses territoires espagnols, dans le Chapitre Général de 1480, peut intéresser, donc, à bien de chercheurs. Il s'agit d'un tarif douanier unique pour tout l'Ordre, tandis qu'autrefois, les droits avaient été fixés séparément pour des lieux concrets. Il contient 56 entrées ou articles, avec une cinquantaine de produits commerciaux, qui payent entre un demi et douze maravedis de péage. On devine grâce à ce texte, que l'économie de l'Ordre de Saint- Jacques est éminemment agraire, davantage que celles des autres zones de l'Espagne. Le commerce d'importation comprenait seulement certains produits somptuaires et manufactures. On ne mentionne pas des produits colorants, ni des métaux differents du fer, ce qui consolide l'hypothèse du manque Presque complet d'industries dans l'Ordre. L'echelie de droits du tarif douanier s'etablit selon le degré de nécessité des produits: les plus indispensables sont ceux qui payent le moins. Il parait, ainsi, qu'une tradition chrétienne continue. On étudie aussi différents aspects particuliers du texte, parmi lesquels on pout souligner les lexicographiques. Nous avons propose de lire le mot vedrio, se rapportant à celui de Malaga, comme "vedrío" et le comprendre comme synonyme d'émaillé; le mot "cabaras" ou "cabacas" apparait dans un document pour la premiere fois, selon ce que nous avons pu verifier. Nous proposons qu'on le lise de la premiere façon et qu'on le considère comme une des variantes de "alcaparra".It is a document about unique tariff for the territories of the Order of Santiago in 1.480, in which we can find something about the economic activity of that Order. The only imported manufactured and luxury products, which makes one think of the scarcity in industries within the Order. The Customs duties changed in agreement with the necessities of the different products: most necessities paid less than others, according to a Christian tradition. Some interesting lexical aspects appear; thus vedrío, as a synonym of vidriado, and cabasas or cabacas, which are documented for the first time, and that the author consideres a varying of alcaparra

    Los mozárabes en el norte de España

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    Parece cierto, en mayor o menor medida, que algún mestizaje cultural llegó a producirse entre Al-Andalus y el Norte. Parece verdad, asimismo, como dice Albornoz, que los moros y cristianos no llegaron a conseguir una verdadera convivencia en la que pudiese germinar este mestizaje. Por tanto, ¿cómo pudo producirse? Tenemos que pensar en la mediación de dos grupos, ambos educados en el ambiente andalusí y ambos acogidos a los reinos del Norte: los mozárabes y los hebreos. Al pensar en los primeros, de quienes me ocupo en este artículo, observamos que aportaron un doble mestizaje: por una parte, como cristianos del sur, hispanizaron la cultura de los pueblos norteños, que habían sido los menos integrados o los ausentes en las formaciones sociales anteriores y quienes estaban construyendo la nueva; por otra, les llevaron algunas aportaciones árabes, a veces dudosas, pero con frecuencia entrevistas, que pudieron tocar los campos de la literatura, la arquitectura, la alfarería, la pintura, la orfebrería, el tejido, la música, la vida comercial, la organización de la familia..

    Infinito, límite de lo ilimitado

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    El infinito es un concepto controvertido como pocos en la matemática escolar: está presente en todos los cursos, de todas las ramas de la matemática y niveles, pero, salvo excepciones, no forma parte del contenido curricular explícito de ninguno de ellos. En este taller proponemos una reflexión sobre diferentes concepciones de infinito que conviven tanto en el aula como en la vida extraescolar, en contextos intra y extramatemáticos. A partir de una actividad invitamos a los asistentes a explicitar sus propias concepciones sobre el concepto, para después reflexionar sobre las posibles concepciones que conviven también en los estudiantes de nivel medio y superior. Este taller surge a raíz de un proyecto de investigación enmarcado dentro de la perspectiva socioepistemológica que buscó describir las concepciones de infinito presentes en los estudiantes de profesorado, bajo el supuesto de que son influenciadas por las prácticas sociales identificadas en Lestón (2011b)

    Real and virtual biological science living laboratory for science teachers' formation : promoting global scientific literacy and critical thinking for sustainable development

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    Global attempts to renew scientific education aim to stop the decline of young people's interest in science and technology, and to promote the development of citizens' scientific literacy for sustainable development. Among other changes, these aims require the adaptation of K12 Biological Science Teacher’s training to meet the new objectives. Scientific literacy involves knowing science and how knowledge is developed and validated, recognizing the interactions between science, technology and society, that is, the nature of science (NoS; a set of meta-scientific contents that encompass historical, epistemological and sociological aspects of science with great value for scientific education). It also involves grasping of cognitive skills underlying critical thinking (CT; a set of cognitive abilities, including self-regulation and metacognitive processes) and creative problem solving. Therefore, scientific literacy contributes to making informed decisions, facilitating the participation of citizens in situations and dilemmas of scientific tenor. In addition, CT is closely related to the performance of educators in their professional work. Particularly, in the teaching of science, CT skills favour and enhance the learning of concepts and theories linked not only to science but also to the NoS. Considering the current conditions of middle-higher K12 Biological Science Teachers’ formation and classrooms´ limitations in our country and the region, we propose a pilot project aiming to promote the transformation of initial teachers´ training, seeking to improve the development of CT skills and to deepen NoS comprehension. It will involve the immersion of K12 Biological Science Teacher students in Biological Science Living Physical and "mirror" Virtual Reality Laboratories. These laboratories will be equipped with "do it yourself" (DIY), "do it with others" (DIWO) and "bring your own device" (BYOD) technologies for the implementation of research-type activities framed in the philosophy of the "fabrication laboratories". The virtual platform will also comprise a library with didactic resources under permissive licenses to ensure a broader impact. Within these environments, K12 Biological Science Teacher students will engage in the creation of didactic units involving problem solving and knowledge building in parallel to deeper understanding of scientific processes. We also hope to promote the creativity and innovation of the participants, and the appropriation of DIY/DIWO/BYOD and virtual reality technologies as educational resources in the classroom and everyday life. Thanks to the virtual environment, this approach would also allow to reach both National and International K12 Biological Science Teacher students and graduate Biological Science Teachers. Considering the universal access to the Internet and free access to educational platforms in several countries, we also hope to impact on the non-formal and informal Biological Science education and contribute to achieving quality education for all (Objective # 4 of the Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030, UNESCO) beyond geographical and cultural barriers. This pilot project will be implemented by an interinstitutional, multidisciplinary and international team. It will capitalize on confluent groups´ previous experience and complementary strengths in Science didactics (particularly biology), engineering, arts, virtual reality, fabrication, as well as open hardware and open software culture. The experimental approach corresponds to a quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test design with control groups, and formative and summative evaluation. As a result of the implementation of this educational innovation we expect to contribute to the improvement of Biological Science Teachers students´ CT skills and promote their active involvement in practical activities that should enhance their professional activity

    COVID-19 anxiety, psychological well-being and preventive behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean: relationships and explanatory model

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    This study assesses the relationship between COVID-19 anxiety and subjective well-being in terms of the mediating role of COVID-19 preventive behaviors. Additionally, the contribution of sociodemographic factors (sex and age) and risk perception on COVID-19 anxiety and its potential measurement invariance was tested in 5655 participants from 12 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. A mixture of both latent and observable variables were analyzed using a system of structural equations. The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS), Preventive COVID-19 Infection Behaviors Scale (PCIBS) and single-item measures were used to assess the perceived probability of death, perceived severity and concern about transmitting COVID-19. The results indicated that there is a significant and relevant direct effect of COVID-19 anxiety on participants' well-being. Furthermore, COVID-19 anxiety significantly predicted both preventive behavior (β = .29, p < .01) and well-being (β = –.32, p < .01). The effects of COVID anxiety and preventive behavior explained 9.8% of the variance in well-being (R-square = .098); whereas, 8.4% of the variance in preventive behavior was associated with COVID anxiety (R-square = .084). Likewise, perceived likelihood of death from COVID, perceived severity of COVID, and concerns about COVID transmission were positively related to anxiety. Age was negatively related to anxiety, with men being less anxious than women. The results are invariant by country, i.e., the broad relationships found in the combined sample are also present in each individual country. The findings indicate that, although the exact relationships between variables may vary between countries, there are enough similarities to provide useful information about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in each of the countries included in the study
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