22 research outputs found

    Electrocatalysis induced by surface redox activities on conductive metal oxide electrodes

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    Iridium dioxide electrodes form part of the dimensionally stable anodes (DSAÂź) and this electrode material is widely used in many industrial processes namely water electrolysis, metal electro-winning, cathodic protection and electro-organic synthesis due to the high electrochemical activity and stability of this electrode material. IrO2-based electrodes can be prepared using different techniques but the most common is the thermal decomposition of H2IrCl6 precursor solution on an inert substrate like titanium. Within the water stability potential domain, the charging/discharging process is attributed to the slow diffusion of protons within the IrO2 coating together with the electrical double layer capacitance. In fact the valence state of the Ir surface atoms of the coating varies from +IV to +VI in the potential domain between the on-set potentials of H2 and O2 evolution. Concerning the oxygen evolution reaction, direct evidence was found that the IrO2 coating participates actively in the reaction using an electrolyte solution containing isotopically labeled H218O. In fact, measurements of the relative amounts of electrogenerated 16O2 and 18O16O have demonstrated that the hydroxyl radicals coming from water discharge interact strongly with IrO2 resulting in the formation of the higher oxide (IrO3) and the decomposition of that oxide produces oxygen. IrO3 is thus the intermediate involved in the OER on these electrodes. During the oxidation of organic compounds, direct evidence was found by marking the IrO2 electrode with 18O that the higher valence state oxide IrO3 participates effectively also in this process. In fact, the oxidation of a solution of formic acid on a marked IrO2 coating containing 18O has shown that C16O18O is evolved proving that the oxidation of organic compounds occurs on IrO3 with competing side-reaction of oxygen evolution. The low overpotential of the OER allows performing selective electro-oxidation of a wide variety of organic compounds. In fact, the competing side reaction of oxygen evolution 'buffers' the potential around values where the oxidation products are not further oxidized showing that the IrO2 electrode is particularly suited for electro-organic synthesis. However, the current efficiency of the oxidation process remains low due to the competing side reaction of oxygen evolution

    Electrochemical comparison of IrO2 prepared by anodic oxidation of pure iridium and IrO2 prepared by thermal decomposition of H2IrCl6 precursor solution

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    Surface redox activities, oxygen evolution reaction (OER), oxidation of formic acid (FA), and anodic stability were investigated and compared for IrO2 electrodes prepared by two techniques: the thermal decomposition of H2IrCl6 precursor (TDIROF) and the anodic oxidation of metallic iridium (AIROF). Surface redox activities involved on the AIROF were found to be much faster than those involved on the TDIROF. Concerning the oxygen evolution reaction, both films show a similar mechanism and specific electrocatalytic activities. The situation seems to be different for FA oxidation. In fact, on TDIROF, the oxidation of FA and the OER compete involving the same surface redox couple Ir(VI)/Ir(IV) contrary to FA oxidation on AIROF, where the Ir(V)/Ir(IV) surface redox couple is involved. Finally, electrode stability measurements have shown that contrary to TDIROF, which are very stable under anodic polarization, the AIROF are rapidly corroded under anodic treatment. This corrosion is enhanced even further in the presence of formic aci

    Simultaneous detection of iodine and iodide on boron doped diamond electrodes

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    Individual and simultaneous electrochemical detection of iodide and iodine has been performed via cyclic voltammetry on boron doped diamond (SOD) electrodes in a 1 M NaClO4 (pH 8) solution, representative of typical environmental water conditions. It is feasible to compute accurate calibration curve for both compounds using cyclic voltammetry measurements by determining the peak current intensities as a function of the concentration. A lower detection limit of about 20 mu M was obtained for iodide and 10 mu M for iodine. Based on the comparison between the peak current intensities reported during the oxidation of KI, it is probable that iodide (I-) is first oxidized in a single step to yield iodine (I-2). The latter is further oxidized to obtain IO3-. This technique, however, did not allow for a reasonably accurate detection of iodate (IO3-) on a BDD electrode. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Amorphous Molybdenum Sulfide Films as Catalysts for Electrochemical Hydrogen Production in Water

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    Amorphous molybdenum sulfide films are efficient hydrogen evolution catalysts in water. The films are prepared via simple electro-polymerization procedures and are characterized by XPS, electron microscopy and electronic absorption spectroscopy. Whereas the precatalysts could be MoS3 or MoS2, the active form of the catalysts is identified as amorphous MoS2. Significant geometric current densities are achieved at low overpotentials (e.g., 15 mA cm−2 at η = 200 mV) using these catalysts. The catalysis is compatible with a wide range of pHs (e.g., 0 to 13). The current efficiency for hydrogen production is quantitative. A 40 mV Tafel slope is observed, suggesting a rate-determining ion+atom step. The turnover frequency per active site is calculated. The amorphous molybdenum sulfide films are among the most active non-precious hydrogen evolution catalysts

    Fe, Co, and Ni Ions Promote the Catalytic Activity of Amorphous Molybdenum Sulfide Films for Hydrogen Evolution

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    Molybdenum sulfide materials had been shown as promising non-precious catalysts for hydrogen evolution. This paper describes the study of the promotional effect of certain transition metal ions on the activity of amorphous MoS3 films. Ternary metal sulfide films, M-MoS3 (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn), have been prepared by cyclic voltammetry of aqueous solutions containing MCl2 and (NH4)2[MoS4]. Whereas the Mn-, Cu-, and Zn-MoS3 films show similar or only slightly higher catalytic activity as the MoS3 film, the Fe-, Co-, and Ni-MoS3 films are significantly more active. The promotional effects of Fe, Co, and Ni ions exist under both acidic and neutral conditions, but the effects are more pronounced under neutral conditions. Up to a 12-fold increase in exchange current density and a 10-fold increase in the current density at an overpotential of 150 mV are observed at pH = 7. It is shown that Fe, Co, and Ni ions promote the growth of the MoS3 films, resulting a high surface area and a higher catalyst loading. These changes are the main contributor to the enhanced activity at pH = 0. However, at pH = 7, Fe, Co, and Ni ions appear to also increase the intrisinc activity of the MoS3 film

    Microelectrode-array of IrO2 prepared by thermal treatment of pure Ir

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    In this paper, the IrO2 electrode preparation technique consisting in thermal treatment of pure Ir in air was used in order to produce an IrO2-based microelectrode-array (TOIROF-MEA) with low capacitive background current. The TOIROF-MEA was characterized using Fe(CN)(6)(4-/3-) as model redox couple. It was found that very low concentrations can be detected; this feature makes TOIROF-MEA suitable for analytical applications. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    PLA with Intumescent System Containing Lignin and Ammonium Polyphosphate for Flame Retardant Textile

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    Using bio-based polymers to replace of polymers from petrochemicals in the manufacture of textile fibers is a possible way to improve sustainable development for the textile industry. Polylactic acid (PLA) is one of the available bio-based polymers. One way to improve the fire behavior of this bio-based polymer is to add an intumescent formulation mainly composed of acid and carbon sources. In order to optimize the amount of bio-based product in the final material composition, lignin from wood waste was selected as the carbon source. Different formulations of and/or ammonium polyphosphate (AP) were prepared by melt extrusion and then hot-pressed into sheets. The thermal properties (thermogravimetric analyses (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)) and fire properties (UL-94) were measured. The spinnability of the various composites was evaluated. The mechanical properties and physical aspect (microscopy) of PLA multifilaments with lignin (LK) were checked. A PLA multifilament with up to 10 wt % of intumescent formulation was processed, and the fire behavior of PLA fabrics with lignin/AP formulation was studied by cone calorimeter