19 research outputs found

    Recombinant adeno associated viral (AAV) vector type 9 delivery of Ex1-Q138-mutant huntingtin in the rat striatum as a short-time model for in vivo studies in drug discovery

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    Huntington's disease (HD) is an inherited neurodegenerative disorder characterized by dyskinesia, cognitive impairment and emotional disturbances, presenting progressive neurodegeneration in the striatum and intracellular mutant Huntingtin (mHTT) aggregates in various areas of the brain. Recombinant Adeno Associated Viral (rAAV) vectors have been successfully used to transfer foreign genes to the brain of adult animals. In the present study we report a novel in vivo rat HD model obtained by stereotaxic injection of rAAV serotype2/9 containing Exon1-Q138 mHTT (Q138) and Exon1-Q17 wild type HTT (Q17; control), respectively in the right and in the left striatum, and expressed as C-terminal GFP fusions to facilitate detection of infected cells and aggregate production. Immunohistochemical analysis of brain slices from animals sacrificed twenty-one days after viral infection showed that Q138 injection resulted in robust formation of GFP-positive aggregates in the striatum, increased GFAP and microglial activation and neurodegeneration, with little evidence of any of these events in contralateral tissue infected with wild type (Q17) expressing construct. Differences in the relative metabolite concentrations (N-Acetyl Aspartate/Creatine and Myo-Inositol/Creatine) were observed by H1 MR Spectroscopy. By quantitative RT-PCR we also demonstrated that mHTT induced changes in the expression of genes previously shown to be altered in other rodent HD models. Importantly, administration of reference compounds previously shown to ameliorate the aggregation and neurodegeneration phenotypes in preclinical HD models was demonstrated to revert the mutant HTT-dependent effects in our model. In conclusion, the AAV2/9-Q138/Q17 exon 1 HTT stereotaxic injection represents a useful first-line in vivo preclinical model for studying the biology of mutant HTT exon 1 in the striatum and to provide early evidence of efficacy of therapeutic approaches

    Morphometrical evaluation of neurodegeneration: an integrated multiparametric approach using whole slide imaging

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    Assessing degree of neurodegeneration and eventually identifying a compound related neuroprotection can be much more arduous than one might imagine: number of animals, number of samples/animal, experimental design and statistics, together with the choice of proper IHC markers and the technology whereby they are evaluated are prominent factors in order to obtain reliable results. In acute models, histopathological measurements are an essential part of the experimental procedure; here we describe an integrated (qualitative/quantitative) histological assessment to be applied for the evaluation of neuroprotection in acute models of Huntington’s disease. We used whole slide imaging to validate a rat model of Huntington disease obtained by intrastriatal viral vector delivery of mutant huntingtin (Htt). Recombinant Adeno Associated Viral (AAV) vectors have been used successfully to transfer genes in a variety of tissues, including the brain, in adult animals [1]. Here we used rAAV9, charged with Exon 1 Htt carrying 17 and 138 CAG repeats. AAV9-Ex1- GFP-Q138 injection induced the formation of GFP positive Htt aggregates in the entire striatal area, increased GFAP and microglial activation with respect to Q17 injected striatum. NeuN, ChAT, GFAP, OX42 immunohistochemistry and GFP epifluorescence were evaluated contemporaneously to qualitatively evaluate the degree of induced lesions; qualitative evaluation allowed to exclude animals that have not responded to rAAV9 infection. The remaining selected animals were used for a multivariate statistical analysis based on whole slide imaging of immunohistochemically stained sections. We believe this approach increases results reliability when evaluating animal models of neurodegeneration

    Il ruolo della Corte di giustizia nella definizione della politica economica e monetaria europea

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    Il ruolo giocato dalla Corte di giustizia nel campo della politica economica e della politica monetaria è stato importante quanto sottostimato. Le due competenze dell’Unione sono profondamente differenti - ciascuna dotata di significative peculiarità - e tuttavia strettamente interconnesse. Definire i confini incerti tra politica economica e politica monetaria è stato il ruolo più importante svolto dalla Corte in questo campo. Questo ha comportato una precisazione dei ruoli delle istituzioni chiamate ad agire - Commissione, Consiglio, Banca centrale - così come dei limiti all’indipendenza dell’istituto di emissione, ma anche della ripartizione di competenze tra Stati e Unione. Dal 2012, un’ulteriore funzione è stata esercitata dalla Corte: la verifica della legittimità dell’intervento straordinario della BCE nell’economia per gestire le crisi. L’assenza nei trattati europei di disposizioni specifiche che contemplassero un ruolo della Banca come prestatore di ultima istanza o nella gestione delle crisi economiche e finanziarie spiega bene le contestazioni dell’ultimo decennio, così come la necessità di pronunce autorevoli da parte della Suprema Corte europea. Queste si collocano a buon diritto nel solco della giurisprudenza in tema di rule of law e di garanzia del rispetto dei principi generali nell’ordinamento europeo

    Sanzioni amministrative ed effettivitĂ  del diritto del lavoro

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    La ricerca è tesa a verificare se e in quale misura le sanzioni amministrative attualmente vigenti risultino strumenti idonei ad assicurare il rispetto delle norme in materia di lavoro. A tale scopo, esaminate, al capitolo primo, le principali teorie elaborate in materia di effettività (principio idoneo a disvelare i rapporti tra fatto e diritto), la ricerca analizza le cause della depenalizzazione degli illeciti in materia di lavoro ed i principi generali in materia di illecito amministrativo dettati dalla legge numero 689/81 (capitolo II). Al terzo capitolo è una sintetica ricognizione dei principali illeciti amministrativi in materia di lavoro; particolare attenzione è riservata agli illeciti in materia di orario di lavoro e di lavoro sommerso, attesa la centralità dei beni giuridici che vengono in considerazione e dei molteplici, recenti, interventi legislativi succedutisi in materia. Il quarto capitolo è, infine, dedicato all’esame della disciplina (primaria e secondaria) in materia di vigilanza del lavoro atteso il rilievo che la vigilanza (momento che precede, cronologicamente e logicamente, l’applicazione della sanzione) assume nella prospettiva dell’effettività della norma.The present study is directed to verify if administrative sanctions in force are fit instruments to ensure that labour rules are observed. After examining, in chapter I, the main theories about effectiveness (principle revealing relationships between facts and law), the study analyses the cause of decriminalization of labour crimes and the general principles of administrative crimes as regulated by legge n. 689/81. In chapter III is a short pass of the main administrative labour crimes. Particular attention is given to administrative time work and undeclared work crimes because of the importance of values concerned and the numerous laws recently occurred. In chapter IV labour vigilance is examined considering the importance that controls have to ensure laws’ respect