524 research outputs found

    La "grandiosa opera": il ponte Vecchio di Ragusa (1812-1844). La storia e le rappresentazioni.

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    L'articolo ricostruisce la storia del ponte dei Cappuccini di Ragusa, attraverso nuove acquisizioni documentarie e iconografie inedite

    [3H]Spiroperidol binding in normal and denervated carotid bodies

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    Producción CientíficaSpecific dopamine receptors were studied in freshly dissected, unhomogenized rabbit carotid bodies incubated in [3H]spiroperidol. Total binding and non-specific binding were determined in the absence and presence of 0.2 #M (+)-butaclamol, respectively. Specific binding in normal carotid bodies incubated at near saturating concentrations (0.38 nM) was 1.63 _+ 0.58 pmol/g of tissue. Chronic section of the carotid sinus nerve (14 days) resulted in a 64070 reduction (P < 0.05) in specific binding. We conclude that the majority of specific dopaminergic receptors are located on carotid sinus nerve afferent terminals

    Reciprocal modulation of tyrosine hydroxylasea activity in rat carotid body

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    The carotid body is an arterial chemoreceptor organ responsive to blood levels of pO2, pCOe and pH 13. The parenchymal tissue of the carotid body is composed mainly of two cell types: the glomus or Type I cells, which are disposed together in groups or glomeruli, and the sustentacular or Type II cells, which appear as glial-like elements enclosing the glomeruli in capsular fashion 3,4. The Type I cells, which have abundant dense-cored vesicles and are known to contain catecholaminesl, 2,11,15, receive a sensory innervation from afferent fibers of the carotid sinus nerve 3. Recent studies have also shown the presence of reciprocal synapses at these junctions between afferent nerve terminals and Type I cells TM. In addition, these cells receive an efferent innervation from both preganglionic and postganglionic sympathetic fibers which reach the carotid body from the superior cervical ganglion 1

    Localization and Function of Cat Carotid Body Nicotinic Receptors

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    Producción CientíficaAcetylcholine and nicotinic agents excite cat carotid body chemoreceptors and modify their response to natural stimuli. The present experiments utilized [125I]a-bungarotoxin ([125I]a-BGT) to localize within the chemosensory tissue the possible sites of action of exogenous and endogenous nicotinic cholinergic substances. In vitro equilibrium binding studies of intact carotid bodies determined a K d of 5.57 nM and a Bma x of 9.21 pmol/g of tissue. Chronic section (12-15 days) of the carotid sinus nerve (CSN) did not change the amount of displaceable toxin binding. In contrast, the specific binding was reduced by 46% following removal of the superior cervical ganglion. Light microscope autoradiography of normal, CSN-denervated and sympathectomized carotid bodies revealed displaceable binding sites concentrated in lobules of type I and type II cells. Treatment of carotid bodies with 50 nM a-BGT in vitro reduced by 50% the release of [3H]dopamine (synthesized from [3H]tyrosine) caused by hypoxia or nicotine, and also significantly reduced the stimulus-. evoked discharges recorded from the CSN. The data suggest (1) an absence of ct-BGT binding sites on the afferent terminals of the CSN and (2) that nicotinic receptors located within parenchymal cell lobules may modulate the release of catecholamines from these cells

    Alpha-bungarotoxin binding in cat carotid body

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    Producción CientíficaThe carotid body is an arterial chemosensory organ which detects changes in blood gas tensions and pH, and reflexly contributes to the cardiorespiratory adjustments which occur during hypoxia, hypercapnia and acidosis. However, the sensory mechanisms involved in carotid chemoreception remain to be elucidated. Morphologically, the carotid body consists of an association of elemental units, or glomeruli, within a connective tissue stroma penetrated by a dense capillary net 5. The glomeruli are comprised of catecholamine-rich type I, or chief cells, which are enveloped by glial-like processes of type II, or sustentacular, cellsa,4,19. Sensory fibers from the carotid sinus nerve penetrate the glomeruli to terminate in synaptic-like apposition on type I cellst,18, 21

    Effects of low pH on synthesis and release of catecholamines in the cat carotid body in vitro

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    Producción CientíficaThe rates of dopamine and noradrenaline synthesis in the cat carotid body (c.b.) are 5.9 _+ 0.58 pmol/c.b./2 h and 0.3 + 0.02 pmol/c.b./2 h, respectively. The synthesis is doubled when the organs are incubated at pH 7. Similarly, low pH induces a release of dopamine from the c.b. which is proportional to increased activity in the carotid sinus nerve

    Differential stimulus coupling to dopamine and norepinephrine stores in rabbit carotid body type I cells

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    Recent studies suggest that preneural type I (glomus) cells in the arterial chemoreceptor tissue of the carotid body act as primary transducer elements which respond to natural stimuli (low 02, pH or increased CO2) by releasing chemical transmitter agents capable of exciting the closely apposed afferent nerve terminals. These type I cells contain multiple putative transmitters, but the identity of the natural excitatory agents remains an unresolved problem in carotid body physiology. Characterization of putative transmitter involvement in the response to natural and pharmacological stimuli has therefore become fundamental to further understanding of chemotransmission in this organ. The present study demonstrates that a natural stimulus (hypoxia) evokes the release of dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE) in approximate proportion to their unequal stores in rabbit carotid body (DA release/NE release = 8.2). In contrast, nicotine (100/~M), a cholinornimetic agent thought to act on the nicotinic receptors present on the type I cells, evokes the preferential release of NE (DA release/NE release = 0.17). These findings suggest that distinct mechanisms are involved in a differential mobilization of these two cateeholamines from the rabbit carotid body

    Synthesis and Release of Catecholamines by the Cat Carotid Body in Vitro: Effects of Hypoxic Stimulation

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    Producción CientíficaThe role of catecholamines (CAs) in cat carotid body chemoreception has been controversial. On the basis of pharmacological experiments, it would appear that endogenous dopamine (DA) may act either as an inhibitory or excitatory transmitter. Neurochemical studies on the effects of natural stimulation on the release of carotid body CAs in the cat have also been inconclusive. In the present study, we have characterized the synthesis and release of CAs in the in vitro cat carotid body preparation in response to different levels of hypoxic stimulation and have correlated these measures with the chemosensory activity of the carotid sinus nerve. The synthesis of [3H]DA and [3H]norepinephrine was linear for at least 4 h in carotid bodies incubated with their natural precursor [~H]tyrosine. Synthesis of both [3H]CAs plateaued when the [3H]tyrosine concentration in the media reached 40 uM, which is a concentration similar to that found in cat plasma. Exposure of the animals to an atmosphere of 10% 02 in N~ for 3 h prior to removal and incubation of the carotid bodies with [3H]tyrosine resulted in an approximately 100% increase in the rate of [3H]DA synthesis but no change in [3H]norepinephrine synthesis. This selective increase in [3H]DA synthesis was not detected when [3H]dihydroxyphenylalanine was used as precursor. Carotid bodies first incubated with [3H]tyrosine and later superfused with solutions equilibrated with different gas mixtures (0 100% 0 2 in N2) exhibited an increase in [3H]DA release and carotid sinus nerve discharge which were inversely related to the oxygen concentration. This relationship was strongest for the weaker stimuli (between 50% and 20% O 2 in N2), where both nerve activity and [3H]DA release increased almost in parallel. With lower oxygen concentrations (10% O 2 and 0% 02 equilibrated solutions), the increase in the release of [3H]DA was proportionally greater than the increase in carotid sinus nerve discharge. Our results demonstrate that hypoxic stimulation increases both the rate of synthesis and release of DA in the cat carotid body. Although the precise role of DA in this chemoreceptor organ is presently unknown, our findings suggest that this biogenic amine plays a direct role in generating or controlling the electrical activity in the carotid sinus nerve. INTRODUCTION The mammalian carotid body is an arterial chemoreceptor organ activated by low paO2, low pH and high p~CO2 (ref. 21). Structurally, the receptor complex is formed by clusters of two types of cells, the type I and type II cells; the clusters lie within a supporting connective tissue matrix containing a dense capillary net24, 41. Sensory fibers of the carotid sinus nerve (CSN) penetrate these cell clusters to end in synaptic apposition with type I cells, which are considered to be preneural (receptor) elements. Two perennial issues pertaining to arterial chemoreception, concern first, whether the type 1 cells are in fac

    Smart lighting

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    En aquest document es presenten totes les eines necessàries per a desenvolupar un sistema amb la capacitat de controlar i monitorar un sistema d'il·luminació intel·ligent a partir d'elements capaços de comunicar-se entre ells sense cablejat, i tenint un control i visió de les dades via servei web. El principal objectiu del projecte presentat, és oferir la capacitat d'administrar i tenir un control sobre un sistema d'il·luminació destinat per a entitats que els interessi reduir costos energètics així com tenir control sobre el sistema d'il·luminació. S'ha realitzat un prototip a petita escala del sistema complet d'il·luminació a fi de demostrar el seu funcionament així com presentar-lo com una alternativa d'estalvi energètic. El prototip realitzat no presenta totes les característiques del sistema final o posterior a aquest projecte, ja que el sistema final, previst com a continuació de la maqueta, per dimensions, cost i per alimentació elèctrica d'aquest, han fet impossible aplicar-les al prototip. Tot i així al projecte és el pas previ de cara al resultat final del sistema. Al llarg de projecte s'ha hagut de realitzar una important recerca de llenguatge de programació no coneguts o poc utilitzats com són PHP, HTML, LaTeX, CSS i Javascript. Aquest aprenentatge s'ha fet de manera autònoma, ja que en els temps en que ens trobem, podem trobar tot allò que necessitem per internet

    A chronic pain: inflammation-dependent chemoreceptor adaptation in rat carotid body

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    Producción CientíficaExperiments in recent years have revealed labile electrophysiological and neurochemical phenotypes in primary afferent neurons exposed to specific stimulus conditions associated with the development of chronic pain. These studies collectively demonstrate that the mechanisms responsible for functional plasticity are primarily mediated by novel neuroimmune interactions involving circulating and resident immune cells and their secretory products, which together induce hyperexcitability in the primary sensory neurons. In another peripheral sensory modality, namely the arterial chemoreceptors, sustained stimulation in the form of chronic hypoxia (CH) elicits increased chemoafferent excitability from the mammalian carotid body. Previous studies which focused on functional changes in oxygen-sensitive type I cells in this organ have only partially elucidated the molecular and cellular mechanisms which initiate and control this adaptive response. Recent studies in our laboratory indicate a unique role for the immune system in regulating the chemo-adaptive response of the carotid body to physiologically relevant levels of hypoxia