111 research outputs found

    Investigación y modelización de la adherencia, el desgaste y la fenomenología de daño asociada a la rodadura en contactos rueda-carril de aceros al carbono y bainíticos

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    [EN] Despite the huge quantity of investigations carried out on the wheel-rail contact problem, a lot of questions remains, and the variability of the data found by various authors doesn't help to improve the situation, making harder the finding of behaviour rules and the selection of new materials. In this Thesis, a new twin-disc testing machine has been employed in order to stablish the level of adherence that can be expected in a wide range on normal load and sliding conditions, both in clean and oil or water-contaminated surfaces. At he same time a complete characterization, in the mentioned range of conditions, has been obtanined for the consequences of rolling with respect to the test discs wear and the changes they suffer, including plastic deformation and its consequences (hardening and cracking due to exhaustion of plasticity) and other alterations of the surface as their look or roughness. Having a big quantity of results has allowed the identification of empirical relationships between the control variables of the tests (normal load and sliding) and adhesion, the wear rate and the other results obtained from the various contact conditions (surface clean, with water or with oil) so that you have a clear view of the influence of the control variables on the transmission of stresses in rolling ,wear and changes which occur on the surface of the materials in contact. In the study both plain carbon steels and steels with a bainitic hardening treatment have been used. This has allowed the study of the advantages and disadvantages of each material and see how bainitic steels provide a similar level of adhesion but with a worse response to wear, not being, in principle, a viable alternative to current rail steels.[ES] Pese a la gran cantidad de investigaciones llevadas a cabo sobre el contacto rueda-carril en vehículos ferroviarios, son muchas las incógnitas que aún persisten y la variabilidad de los resultados encontrados por distintos autores no ayuda a mejorar la situación, dificultando el establecimiento de reglas de comportamiento y la selección de nuevos materiales. En esta Tesis se ha usado un nuevo equipo de ensayos de discos gemelos para establecer los niveles de adherencia que pueden esperarse en un amplio rango de condiciones de carga normal y deslizamiento, tanto con las superficies limpias como en presencia de agua o aceite. Al mismo tiempo se ha obtenido una caracterización completa, en el rango de condiciones mencionado, de las consecuencias de la rodadura en lo referente al desgaste que soportan los discos y a los cambios que sufren en cuanto a la aparición de deformaciones plásticas, sus consecuencias (endurecimiento y aparición de grietas por agotamiento de la plasticidad) y otras alteraciones de la superficie como su aspecto o la rugosidad. Disponer de una gran cantidad de resultados ha permitido establecer relaciones empíricas entre las variables de control de los ensayos (carga normal y deslizamiento) y la adherencia, la velocidad de desgaste y el resto de resultados obtenidos en las distintas condiciones de contacto (superficie limpia, con agua o con aceite), de forma que se dispone de una clara visión de la influencia de las variables de control sobre la transmisión de esfuerzos en rodadura, el desgaste y los cambios que tienen lugar en la superficie de los materiales en contacto. En el estudio se han usado tanto aceros al carbono como acero con tratamiento bainítico de endurecimiento. Ello ha permitido estudiar las ventajas e inconvenientes de cada uno de ellos y comprobar como los aceros bainíticos proporcionan un nivel de adherencia similar pero con una peor respuesta frente al desgaste, no siendo en principio una alternativa viable a los actuales aceros ferroviarios.[CA] Pese a la gran cantitat d'investigacions duts a terme sobre el contacte roda-carril en vehículs ferroviaris, son moltes les incògnites que encara persistixen i la variabilitat dels resultats trobats per distints autors no ajuda a millorar la situació, dificultant l'establiment de regles de comportament i la selecció de nous materials. En esta Tesis s'ha usat un nou equip d'assaigs de discs bessons per a establir els nivells d'adherència que poden esperar-se en un ample ranc de condicions de carrega normal i lliscada, tant amb les superfícies netes com en presencia d'aigua o oli. Al mateix temps, s'ha obtingut una caracterisació completa, en el ranc de condicions mencionat, de les conseqüències de la rodament en lo referent al desgast que soporten els discs i als canvis que patixen en quant a l'aparició de deformacions plàstiques, les seues conseqüencies (enduriment i aparició de clavilles per exhauriment de la plasticitat) i atres alteracions de la superfície com el seu aspecte o la rugositat. Dispondre d'una gran cantitat de resultats ha permés establir relacions empíriques entre les variables de control dels assaigs (carrega normal i lliscada) i l'adheréncia, la velocitat de desgast i la resta de resultats obtinguts en les distintes condicions de contacte (superfície neta, amb aigua o amb oli), de forma que es dispon d'una clara visió de l'influencia de les variables de control sobre la transmissió d'esforços en rodament, el desgast i els canvis que tenen lloc en la superfície dels materials en contacte. En l'estudi s'han amprat tant acers al carbono com acer amb tractament bainític d'enduriment. Això ha permés estudiar les ventages i inconvenients de cada un d'ells i comprovar com els acers bainítics proporcionen un nivell d'adheréncia similar pero en una pijor resposta front al desgast, no sent en principi una alternativa viable als actuals acers ferroviaris.Salas Vicente, F. (2015). Investigación y modelización de la adherencia, el desgaste y la fenomenología de daño asociada a la rodadura en contactos rueda-carril de aceros al carbono y bainíticos [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/52182TESI


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    La presente investigación se realizó con el objetivo de determinar la relación entre el control administrativo y calidad de servicios en trabajadores de una Micro y Pequeña Empresa (MYPE) de mantenimiento y reparación de vehículos automotores Lima, 2023. El método fue de tipo aplicado, enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental y nivel correlacional. La población y muestra estuvo conformada por 14 trabajadores. El estudio contó con el visto bueno de la empresa. Se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta para recopilar de forma sistémica la información, evaluando las variables control administrativo y calidad de servicios, se estableció al cuestionario como instrumento de recolección de datos que constó de 46 interrogantes de acuerdo a la escala de Likert. Los resultados, para el procesamiento de datos se usó el programa SPSS Versión 26.0, con datos organizados en cuadros simples de doble entrada, frecuencia relativa y absoluta. Se concluyó, que se llegó a determinar de una existente correlación positiva muy fuerte de la variable control administrativo y calidad de servicios, alcanzando un valor de r=0,839, ratificando una relación directa y proporcional; a la vez, se logró un sig. Bilateral de 0.00 inferior al 0,05, por ello se llegó a rechazar la hipótesis nula y finalmente aceptar la alterna

    Analysis on the effect of the mobility of combustion vehicles in the environment of cities and the improvement in air pollution in Europe: A vision for the awareness of citizens and policy makers

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    [EN] Today, the design and remodeling of urban environments is being sought in order to achieve green, healthy, and sustainable cities. The effect of air pollution in cities due to vehicle combustion gases is an important part of the problem. Due to the indirect effect caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, political powers in Europe have imposed confinement measures for citizens by imposing movement restrictions in large cities. This indirect measure has given us a laboratory to show how the reduction in vehicle circulation affects in a short time the levels of air pollution in cities. Therefore, this article analyzes the effect in different European cities such as Milan, Prague, Madrid, Paris, and London. These cities have been chosen due to their large amount of daily road traffic that generates high levels of pollution; therefore, it can clearly show the fall in these pollutants in the air in the analyzed period. The results shown through this study indicate that the reduction in combustion vehicles greatly affects the levels of pollution in different cities. In these periods of confinement, there was an improvement in air quality where pollutant values dropped to 80% compared to the previous year. This should serve to raise awareness among citizens and political powers to adopt measures that induce sustainable transport systemsWe would like to give thanks to the materials technology institute (ITM) of Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain for supporting this researchCárcel-Carrasco, J.; Pascual Guillamón, M.; Salas Vicente, F. (2021). Analysis on the effect of the mobility of combustion vehicles in the environment of cities and the improvement in air pollution in Europe: A vision for the awareness of citizens and policy makers. Land. 10(2):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/land10020184S11610

    Improve the Energy Efficiency of the cooling system by slide regulation the capacity of refrigerator compressors

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    [EN] A fundamental part of the electric consumption of the main industries of the food sector comes from the refrigeration production, needed in all production phases. Therefore, every measure that aims to optimize the electric consumption and increase the efficiency of centralized industrial refrigeration systems will help the energetic waste of the company, improving reliability and maintenance. Acting on the regulation of capacity of power compressors used can be a good way to save energy. This article shows a case studied by the authors in an industrial company in the meat industry in Spain, where the refrigeration systems have a great importance in the productive process. It displays the methodology used, the description of the taken actions and the results obtained. These combined measures brought about an improvement, with an energetic saving value reaching 400 MWh per year, leading to an equivalent in CO2 emission reduction of 147.9 tons.Cárcel-Carrasco, J.; Pascual Guillamón, M.; Salas Vicente, F. (2021). Improve the Energy Efficiency of the cooling system by slide regulation the capacity of refrigerator compressors. Applied Sciences. 11(5):1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11052019S11311

    Composition of some metallic fragments found in food that are undetectable by magnetic or eddy currents equipment: A case study

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    [EN] Contamination of food with metallic fragments implies a serious risk to the end consumer. Therefore, that metallic waste must be detected and removed before that contaminated food arrives to the market. One of the cheapest and most common ways of dealing with this problem is the use of magnetic separators for ferromagnetic waste. If the waste has a non-ferromagnetic character eddy current metal detectors are a good alternative. However, depending on the composition and shape of the metallic fragments, its detection can be very difficult. This paper presents a study on the composition of some metal fragments, a hypodermic needle used during veterinary treatments and metallic wire, that were not detected by the magnetic separator nor by the eddy current sensors of a meat processing line. The composition of the fragments was analyzed by EDX Spectroscopy and compared with the results of a plain magnetic attraction test. The results show the non-detected fragments were made of stainless austenitic steels, which have a non-ferromagnetic character and a relatively low electric conductivity, making this material difficult to detect using magnetic means. To avoid this problem and guarantee the detectability, austenitic steels should, when possible, be substituted by ferritic or duplex stainless steels.Cárcel-Carrasco, J.; Pascual Guillamón, M.; Salas Vicente, F. (2022). Composition of some metallic fragments found in food that are undetectable by magnetic or eddy currents equipment: A case study. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 153:1-5. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2021.112358S1515

    Planificación estratégica de una empresa consultora "global consult"

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    The phenomenon of globalization has accelerated the processes of change, so often be identified competencies and capabilities of enterprises to adapt to changing macroeconomic environments and meet the requirements of national and international markets with products and services of high quality, affordable competitive. Consistent with this reality, it identified the need for a Strategic Plan launched a consulting firm that provides the necessary inputs to establish a development plan that enables the institution to sustained orderly growth for the next five years. It should be noted that the Strategic Planning is a discipline that is to identify as clearly as possible the elements of corporate strategy, starting with the fundamental principles and corporate values, Vision and Mission statement, the major objectives, policies, strategies, programs and investment projects. Strategic Planning uses several tools to achieve your goals, based on an assessment of the current situation assessment and projections, analysis of social, economic and political systems and the internal capabilities of the organization. This clarification process rests solidly on the concepts of focus and flexibility, identifying key success factors (CSFs) of the emerging strategy and then deploy the strategic role in a performance management framework by clearly marked

    Estudio del uso que hacen los alumnos de los tests online voluntarios

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    [ES] En este trabajo se ha hecho un análisis del uso que hacen los alumnos de una asignatura de ciencia de materiales de una serie de tests en línea que se ha puesto a su disposición para que practiquen de cara a los exámenes parciales y obtengan información sobre su proceso de aprendizaje a lo largo de todo el curso. Los datos muestran que si bien los alumnos hacen uso de estos tests con prodigalidad y les sirven para obtener una mejor nota el test del examen, los hacen solamente en los días previos a los exámenes, contestando de forma apresurada y sin que les sirva realmente para aumentar su comprensión de la materia estudiada.[EN] This paper presents an analysis of the use the students of a materials science course have done of a series of online tests that have been made available with the objective of providing them with a tool to practice before the evaluative exams and of giving them feedback about their learning process along the course.The analyzed data show that although the students have used extensively these tests and that they have allowed them to obtain higher marks in the exams tests, they have done the tests only the days before the exams, answering rushedly and without obtaining a real benefit for their comprehension of the subject.Salas Vicente, F.; Vicente Escuder, A. (2021). Estudio del uso que hacen los alumnos de los tests online voluntarios. En IN-RED 2020: VI Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 629-639. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2020.2020.11931OCS62963

    Organización de la evaluación formativa y sumativa: una experiencia negativa

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    [ES] El diseño de los sistemas de evaluación formativa y sumativa es esencial para guiar a los alumnos hacia la consecución de los objetivos de aprendizaje planteados en la guía docente y evitar, junto con la motivación adecuada, que la meta de los alumnos se quede en la mera superación de la asignatura. Esto no siempre es fácil y precisa conocer cual es el comportamiento, no de los mejores alumnos, sino de los menos motivados. En este trabajo se presenta el efecto que ha tenido seleccionar unos métodos de evaluación formativa y sumativa que por quedar su uso a la voluntad de los alumnos y dejar un tipo de evaluación sumativa para el final del curso no ha dado los resultados esperados, llevando a los alumnos a centrarse en asegurar el aprobado y no en conseguir una buena formación y, en consecuencia, una buena calificación.[EN] The design of the systems of the formative and summative evaluation is of paramount importance to guide the students towards the achievement of the learning objectives that were planned in the course’ syllabus and avoid, along with the appropriate motivation, passing the course being the goal of the students. That is not always easy and it is needed to know the behavior, not of the most gifted students, but of those less motivated.In this paper we describe the unexpected and undesirable effects that an on-demand formative evaluation and the design of a summative evaluation that left one of its parts, problems resolving, to the end of the course, when, as there was no minimum mark in each part of the evaluation, almost all the students had practically passed the course. These facts led the students to center their effort in assure passing the course and not in achieving a good formation level and, with it, a good mark. Furthermore, if the problems part were eliminated, the marks would have been very high although the actual formation level of the students was low.Salas Vicente, F.; Vicente Escuder, A. (2021). Organización de la evaluación formativa y sumativa: una experiencia negativa. En IN-RED 2020: VI Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 496-504. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2020.2020.11964OCS49650

    VMD: a community annotation database for oomycetes and microbial genomes

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    The VBI Microbial Database (VMD) is a database system designed to host a range of microbial genome sequences. At present, the database contains genome sequence and annotation data of two plant pathogens Phytophthora sojae and Phytophthora ramorum. With the completion of the draft genome sequences of these pathogens in collaboration with the DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI), we have created this resource to make the sequences publicly available. The genome sequences (95 MB for P.sojae and 65 MB for P.ramorum) were annotated with ∼19 000 and ∼16 000 gene models, respectively. We used two different statistical methods to validate these gene models, Fickett's and a log-likelihood method. Functional annotation of the gene models is based on results from BlastX and InterProScan screens. From the InterProScan results, we could assign putative functions to 17 694 genes in P.sojae and 14 700 genes in P.ramorum. We created an easy-to-use genome browser to view the genome sequence data, which opens to detailed annotation pages for each gene model. A community annotation interface is available for registered community members to add or edit annotations. There are ∼ 1600 gene models for P.sojae and ∼700 models for P.ramorum that have already been manually curated. A toolkit is provided as an additional resource for users to perform a variety of sequence analysis jobs. The database is publicly available at

    An Overview about the Current Situation on C&D Waste Management in Italy: Achievements and Challenges

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    [EN] The disposal volume of material for Construction and Demolition in Europe is increasing each year, that the European Union has decided to take control of the matter unifying practices and goals to achieve. This article analyses how waste management works in Italy adjusting its system to the European Union, regarding Construction and Demolition, taking into consideration the disposal of material coming from C&D (Construction and Demolition) production. In Italy, the disposition may differ according to the regions in which it is divided, and this must be taken into consideration when analysing information that reflects the different logistical aspect linked to the territory. It is also necessary to consider how the volume of waste can vary according to the size of the region considered and the type of industrial development to which it belongs. The analysis of the Italian situation shows their achievements regarding reaching a good level of recycling waste volume; indeed, their amount of C&D recycled waste after 2010 was always up to the 70% value established by the European Union, though barriers are still present in the field of waste management. Through data collecting, it has been seen the different volume that is generated in construction-related activities in the country, along with the recovered waste volume. Thus, the goal of this paper is to deepen the general knowledge on waste produced by Construction and Demolition in Italy and waste management practices adopted according to the European Union.This work was carried out at the Universitat Politècnica de València in the framework of CONDEREFF project (Ref. PGI05560-CONDEREFF).Cárcel-Carrasco, J.; Peñalvo-López, E.; Pascual Guillamón, M.; Salas Vicente, F. (2021). An Overview about the Current Situation on C&D Waste Management in Italy: Achievements and Challenges. Buildings. 11(7):1-12. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings11070284S11211