130 research outputs found

    Numerical analysis of microwave assisted thermocatalytic decomposition of methane

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    assisted thermocatalytic decomposition of methane with activated carbon as the catalyst. A simple reaction kinetic model for methane conversion (accounting for catalyst deactivation)is developed from previously published experimental data and coupled with the governing equations for the microwaves, heat transfer, mass transfer and fluid flow physics. Temperature distribution and concentration profiles of CH4 & H2 in the catalyst bed are presented. The temperature profiles at different input power values predict a nonuniform temperature distribution with hot-spots near the top and bottom of the catalyst. The concentration profiles predict a linear variation of CH4 and H2 concentration along the length of the reactor and show a good agreement with experimental conversion values. The influence of volumetric hourly space velocity on methane conversion is also investigated

    Caracterização do perfil lesivo das atletas de futebol feminino da 1ª divisão da Federação Portuguesa de Futebol

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em FisioterapiaObjetivo: este estudo teve como propósito avaliar e caracterizar as lesões mais comuns na 1ª divisão nacional de futebol feminino da Federação Portuguesa de Futebol, nas últimas 3 épocas (2009/2012). Métodos: para caracterização do perfil lesivo foi aplicada uma entrevista a 145 jogadoras do escalão sénior, com idades superiores a 18 anos. Foi avaliado a incidência, o tipo e localização de lesões, assim como, o mecanismo lesivo, o momento da época e a posição em campo em que ocorreram os traumatismos (macro e microtraumatismos). Resultados: Da totalidade de 221 lesões, 154 (69,7%) ocorreram sem contacto com as adversárias. Os membros inferiores foram a região anatómica com maior frequência lesiva (89,6%). A entorse da tibiotársica (38%), os estiramentos musculares (10,4%) e a rotura do ligamento cruzado anterior (9%) foram as lesões mais comuns, e o tornozelo/pé (40,7%), joelho (20,4%) e coxa (18,1%) foram os locais anatómicos mais afetados. Durante o período observado, 134 (60,6%) das lesões foram sofridas a meio da época, onde as defesas apresentaram o maior número de lesões (92 – 41,6%). Conclusão: Podemos concluir, que as lesões mais comuns na 1ª divisão nacional de futebol feminino nas últimas 3 épocas foram: entorses da tibiotársica (38%), estiramentos musculares (10,4%) e rotura do ligamento cruzado anterior (9%). Objective: the purpose of this study was to investigate the most common injuries in the first national division women's soccer from Portuguese Football Federation in the last 3 seasons (2009/2012). Methods: it was applied an interview to characterize the harmful profile of 145 players registered in the senior age-level with age over 18 years. It was evaluated the incidence, type and location of the injury, as well as the injury mechanism, the time of season and field position in which the trauma occurred (macro-and microtrauma). Results: A total of 221 injuries, 154 (69,7%) occurred without contact with the opponent player. The lower limbs were the anatomical region with the highest harmful frequency 198 (89,6%). The tibiotarsal sprain (38%), muscular strains (10,4%) and anterior cruciate ligament rupture (9%) were the most common injuries and, the ankle/foot (40,7%), knee (20,4%) and thigh recorded the anatomical sites most affected. During the observed period, 134 (60,6%) of the injuries were suffered mid-season where the defenders showed the highest number of injuries. Conclusion: we may conclude, that the most common injuries in the first national division women's soccer in the last 3 seasons were: tibiotarsal sprain (38%), muscular strains (10,4%) and anterior cruciate ligament rupture (9%)

    Numerical investigation of microwave-assisted pyrolysis of lignin

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    A comprehensive three-dimensional mathematical model is developed for studying the microwave-assisted pyrolysis of biomass. Kraft Lignin is considered as biomass feedstock in the model, and a mixture of lignin and char, is used as the sample for pyrolysis. A lumped kinetic model which considers three lumped pyrolysis products (gas, liquid and remaining solid fractions) is coupled with the governing equations for the microwave field, heat transfer, mass transfer, Darcy fluid flow and a transient numerical analysis is performed. The distribution of electric field in the microwave cavity, and the distribution of electric field, temperature, and pyrolysis products within the lignin sample are presented. The lignin sample is predicted to undergo volumetric heating when subjected to microwave heating. Accordingly the reaction zone extends from the center of the biomass sample bed towards the outer surface. Preliminary evaluation of the applicability of the model for assessing the effect of different parameters on the microwave pyrolysis of lignin is also carried out

    Enhancing portuguese public services: prototype of a mobile application with a digital assistant

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    Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.A inteligência artificial (IA) está a transformar a forma como interagimos com a tecnologia, incluindo a forma como os cidadãos acedem e interagem com os serviços públicos. Portugal desenvolveu uma estratégia nacional para a adoção da IA, a fim de melhorar a experiência e o envolvimento dos cidadãos, com destaque para a inclusão digital e a digitalização da administração pública. Apesar dos progressos, o país está atrasado em relação a outros países da União Europeia no que respeita à transformação digital. Para simplificar e modernizar os serviços públicos, Portugal introduziu o portal ePortugal, que inclui o chatbot “Sigma” e uma assistente virtual, que neste momento ainda se encontra numa versão de teste. A adoção de sistemas de IA conversacional, como os assistentes de voz e os chatbots, tem o potencial de reduzir os encargos administrativos, melhorar a acessibilidade e aumentar a participação dos cidadãos. Este projeto visa conceber uma aplicação móvel para o ePortugal, que inclui uma assistente digital equipada com funcionalidades de texto e voz.ABSTRACT: Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way we interact with technology, including how citizens access and engage with government services. Portugal has developed a national strategy for AI adoption to improve the citizen experience and engagement, with a focus on digital inclusion and the digitalization of public administration. Despite progress, the country lags behind other European Union countries in digital transformation. To simplify and modernize public services, Portugal has introduced the ePortugal portal, featuring a chatbot named “Sigma” and a virtual assistant that is currently being tested. The adoption of conversational AI systems, such as voice assistants and chatbots, has the potential to reduce administrative burdens, improve accessibility, and enhance citizen engagement. This project aims to design the ePortugal mobile application, featuring a digital assistant equipped with both text and voice functionalities.N/

    Comparative evaluation of GHG emissions from the use of Miscanthus for bio-hydrocarbon production via fast pyrolysis and bio-oil upgrading

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    This study examines the GHG emissions associated with producing bio-hydrocarbons via fast pyrolysis of Miscanthus. The feedstock is then upgraded to bio-oil products via hydroprocessing and zeolite cracking. Inventory data for this study were obtained from current commercial cultivation practices of Miscanthus in the UK and state-of-the-art process models developed in Aspen Plus®. The system boundary considered spans from the cultivation of Miscanthus to conversion of the pyrolysis-derived bio-oil into bio-hydrocarbons up to the refinery gate. The Miscanthus cultivation subsystem considers three scenarios for soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration rates. These were assumed as follows: (i) excluding (SOC), (ii) low SOC and (iii) high (SOC) for best and worst cases. Overall, Miscanthus cultivation contributed moderate to negative values to GHG emissions, from analysis of excluding SOC to high SOC scenarios. Furthermore, the rate of SOC in the Miscanthus cultivation subsystem has significant effects on total GHG emissions. Where SOC is excluded, the fast pyrolysis subsystem shows the highest positive contribution to GHG emissions, while the credit for exported electricity was the main ‘negative’ GHG emission contributor for both upgrading pathways. Comparison between the bio-hydrocarbons produced from the two upgrading routes and fossil fuels indicates GHG emission savings between 68% and 87%. Sensitivity analysis reveals that bio-hydrocarbon yield and nitrogen gas feed to the fast pyrolysis reactor are the main parameters that influence the total GHG emissions for both pathways

    Caracterização do perfil lesivo das atletas de futebol feminino da 1ª divisão da Federação Portuguesa de Futebol

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em FisioterapiaObjetivo: este estudo teve como propósito avaliar e caracterizar as lesões mais comuns na 1ª divisão nacional de futebol feminino da Federação Portuguesa de Futebol, nas últimas 3 épocas (2009/2012). Métodos: para caracterização do perfil lesivo foi aplicada uma entrevista a 145 jogadoras do escalão sénior, com idades superiores a 18 anos. Foi avaliado a incidência, o tipo e localização de lesões, assim como, o mecanismo lesivo, o momento da época e a posição em campo em que ocorreram os traumatismos (macro e microtraumatismos). Resultados: Da totalidade de 221 lesões, 154 (69,7%) ocorreram sem contacto com as adversárias. Os membros inferiores foram a região anatómica com maior frequência lesiva (89,6%). A entorse da tibiotársica (38%), os estiramentos musculares (10,4%) e a rotura do ligamento cruzado anterior (9%) foram as lesões mais comuns, e o tornozelo/pé (40,7%), joelho (20,4%) e coxa (18,1%) foram os locais anatómicos mais afetados. Durante o período observado, 134 (60,6%) das lesões foram sofridas a meio da época, onde as defesas apresentaram o maior número de lesões (92 – 41,6%). Conclusão: Podemos concluir, que as lesões mais comuns na 1ª divisão nacional de futebol feminino nas últimas 3 épocas foram: entorses da tibiotársica (38%), estiramentos musculares (10,4%) e rotura do ligamento cruzado anterior (9%). Objective: the purpose of this study was to investigate the most common injuries in the first national division women's soccer from Portuguese Football Federation in the last 3 seasons (2009/2012). Methods: it was applied an interview to characterize the harmful profile of 145 players registered in the senior age-level with age over 18 years. It was evaluated the incidence, type and location of the injury, as well as the injury mechanism, the time of season and field position in which the trauma occurred (macro-and microtrauma). Results: A total of 221 injuries, 154 (69,7%) occurred without contact with the opponent player. The lower limbs were the anatomical region with the highest harmful frequency 198 (89,6%). The tibiotarsal sprain (38%), muscular strains (10,4%) and anterior cruciate ligament rupture (9%) were the most common injuries and, the ankle/foot (40,7%), knee (20,4%) and thigh recorded the anatomical sites most affected. During the observed period, 134 (60,6%) of the injuries were suffered mid-season where the defenders showed the highest number of injuries. Conclusion: we may conclude, that the most common injuries in the first national division women's soccer in the last 3 seasons were: tibiotarsal sprain (38%), muscular strains (10,4%) and anterior cruciate ligament rupture (9%)

    Heat integration for bio-oil hydroprocessing coupled with aqueous phase steam reforming

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    AbstractOptimized heat exchanger networks can improve process profitability and minimize emissions. The aim of this study is to assess the heat integration opportunities for a hypothetical bio-oil hydroprocessing plant integrated with a steam reforming process via pinch technology. The bio-oil hydroprocessing plant was developed with rate based chemical reactions using ASPEN Plus® process simulator. The base case is a 1600kg/h bio-oil hydroprocessing plant, which is integrated with a steam reforming process of the bio-oil aqueous phase. The impact of the reformer steam to carbon ratio on energy targets was analysed, revealing that significant energy savings can be achieved at different process variations. Aspen Energy Analyzer™ was employed to design the heat exchanger network. Two heat exchanger network designs are considered. The optimum design reveals that the second hydrodeoxygenation reactor effluent can preheat the bio-oil feed with minimal capital cost implication and achieve similar energy targets compared with the alternative design. The economic and environmental implications of the two heat exchanger network designs on product value were also evaluated

    Techno-economic analysis of biofuel production via bio-oil zeolite upgrading: An evaluation of two catalyst regeneration systems

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    Biofuels have been identified as a mid-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions abatement solution for decarbonising the transport sector. This study examines the techno-economic analysis of biofuel production via biomass fast pyrolysis and subsequent bio-oil upgrading via zeolite cracking. The aim of this study is to compare the techno-economic feasibility of two conceptual catalyst regeneration configurations for the zeolite cracking process: (i) a two-stage regenerator operating sequentially in partial and complete combustion modes (P-2RG) and (ii) a single stage regenerator operating in complete combustion mode coupled with a catalyst cooler (P-1RGC). The designs were implemented in Aspen Plus® based on a hypothetical 72 t/day pine wood fast pyrolysis and zeolite cracking plant and compared in terms of energy efficiency and profitability. The energy efficiencies of P-2RG and P-1RGC were estimated at 54% and 52%, respectively with corresponding minimum fuel selling prices (MFSPs) of £7.48/GGE and £7.20/GGE. Sensitivity analysis revealed that the MFSPs of both designs are mainly sensitive to variations in fuel yield, operating cost and income tax. Furthermore, uncertainty analysis indicated that the likely range of the MFSPs of P-1RGC (£5.81/GGE − £11.63/GGE) at 95% probability was more economically favourable compared with P-2RG, along with a penalty of 2% reduction in energy efficiency. The results provide evidence to support the economic viability of biofuel production via zeolite cracking of pyrolysis-derived bio-oil

    La desigualdad en el consumo por niveles de renta

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    La relación entre la renta y su distribución, por un lado, y el consumo y su composición, por otro, ha interesado a los macroeconomistas especialmente tras la crisis de 2008. En este trabajo explotamos la información de la base de datos LIS (Luxemburg Income Study) para examinar empíricamente dicha relación. Los países para los que LIS tiene datos sobre renta y consumo son economías de renta media y baja, en los que la desigualdad se reduce al aumentar la renta disponible per cápita. Para dicha muestra observamos que la propensión al consumo se reduce con el nivel de renta tanto por países como por decilas de renta dentro de los países. Asimismo, al aumentar el nivel de renta la composición del consumo, se altera reduciéndose la proporción del gasto destinada a salud, alimentación y alquiler de vivienda.The relationship between income and its distribution, on the one hand, and consumption and its composition, on the other, has been of interest to macroeconomists especially after the 2008 crisis. In this paper we exploit the information from the LIS (Luxemburg Income Study) database to empirically examine this relationship. The countries for which LIS has data on income and consumption are low- and middle-income economies, where inequality is reduced by increasing per capita disposable income. For this sample we observed that the propensity to consume is reduced with the level of income both by countries and by deciles of income within countries. In addition, as the level of income increases, the composition of consumption is altered by reducing the proportion of expenditure devoted to health, food and housing rentaGrado en Marketing e Investigación de Mercado