246 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Gender, Penghargaan Finansial dan Pertimbangan Pasar Kerja Terhadap Minat Berkarir Menjadi Akuntan Publik pada Mahasiswa Akuntansi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Balikpapan

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    This study aims to prove whether gender, financial rewards and labor market considerations affect career interest in becoming a public accountant for accounting students at the Balikpapan College of Economics.The analytical tool used in this research is Multiple Linear Regression. Financial rewards and labor market considerations affect career interest in becoming a public accountant for accounting students at the Balikpapan College of Economics, and among the two variables the most dominant is financial rewards with a higher tcount value. greater than the value of t table (2.908> 1.992). and the sig value. 0.005 <0.05. For the gender variable, it shows that there is no influence on the interest in a career as a public accountant for accounting students at the Balikpapan College of Economics, where the results show that tcount (-1.199) is smaller than t table (1.992) with a sig value. 0.234 is greater than the specified significance of 0.05. Keywords: Gender,    Financial  Rewards, Labor    Market  Considerations,       Career   Interest to Become A Public   Accountan

    Pelatihan Proposal Penelitian Bagi Mahasiswa Prodi Akuntansi STIE Balikpapan

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    Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah&nbsp; memberikan pelatihan penulisan proposal penelitian untuk mahasiswa Program Studi Akuntansi&nbsp; yang akan dan sedang menyelesaikan tugas akhir atau skripsi. untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menulis&nbsp; proposal penelitian sehingga dapat memperlancar dan mempercepat mahasiswa tersebut dalam menyelesaikan tugas akhir mereka. Kegiatan pengabdian ini di ikuti oleh empat puluh orang mahasiswa Prodi Akuntansi STIE Balikpapan semester delapan yang diadakan pada tanggal 19 April 2021 bertempat di Aula Kampus STIE Balikpapan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah sosialisasi yakni presentasi materi&nbsp; dan tanya jawab. Rancangan evaluasi untuk mengukur kebermanfaatan pelatihan menulis proposal penelitian dilakukan dengan angket .. Hasil capaian pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan &nbsp;proposal penelitian &nbsp;bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa semester delapan Program Studi Akuntansi STIE Balikpapan dengan hasil angket yang menyatakan setuju sebesar 71,43%

    100 GHz Spaced 10 Gbit/s WDM over 10 degrees C to 70 degrees C using an uncooled DBR laser

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    100 GHz spaced 10 Gbit/s (NRZ, PRBS 2(31)-1) WDM transmission is demonstrated with an uncooled DBR laser. The wavelength of the laser was stabilised within 2 GHz from 10 degrees C to 70 degrees C using a predicting algorithm. (C) 2004 Optical Society of America

    Phase locking of an Optical Injection Phase-lock Loop coherent receiver under emulated atmospheric fading conditions

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    An Optical Injection Phase-Lock Loop coherent receiver has been tested against various levels of deep atmospheric fading to experimentally evaluate its feasibility in a ground-to-satellite optical communications application

    Low-power-consumption coherent receiver architecture for satellite optical links

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    As the demand for satellite data transmission increases, higher capacity optical links need to be developed to allow satellites to be connected directly to ground stations (GST). The advantages of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) direct-to-Earth links are smaller latency when compared to relay systems using Geostationary Orbit (GEO) satellites, i.e. LEO-to-GEO and GEO-to-GST, and an increased available bandwidth offered by the optical spectrum with respect to radio frequency (RF) which allows for much higher link capacity. The increase in data rate of optical satellite to ground links towards 100 Gbps will require implementing optical coherent transceivers with capability to compensate for Doppler shift and atmospheric channel impairments. An important figure of merit which needs to be carefully considered in a satellite system is the equipment power consumption. The power consumption of coherent receivers used for terrestrial applications is closely related to the bit rate, with a receiver back-end digital signal processing being responsible for the vast majority of the power consumed. In this paper we propose a hybrid approach to signal processing consisting of simplified digital and analogue elements allowing for significant power reduction. Moreover, one of the attractive aspects of the proposed approach is that it does not require an increased complexity for an increase in baud rate. It will be discussed that the analogue approach to the frequency and phase recovery would allow a saving of approximately 40% to 50% of power on the overall DSP block at baud rates between 10 Gbaud and 100 Gbaud

    Dynamic Spatial Tuning Patterns of Shoulder Muscles with Volunteers in a Driving Posture

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    Computational human body models (HBMs) of drivers for pre-crash simulations need active shoulder muscle control, and volunteer data are lacking. The goal of this paper was to build shoulder muscle dynamic spatial tuning patterns, with a secondary focus to present shoulder kinematic evaluation data. 8M and 9F volunteers sat in a driver posture, with their torso restrained, and were exposed to upper arm dynamic perturbations in eight directions perpendicular to the humerus. A dropping 8-kg weight connected to the elbow through pulleys applied the loads; the exact timing and direction were unknown. Activity in 11 shoulder muscles was measured using surface electrodes, and upper arm kinematics were measured with three cameras. We found directionally specific muscle activity and presented dynamic spatial tuning patterns for each muscle separated by sex. The preferred directions, i.e. the vector mean of a spatial tuning pattern, were similar between males and females, with the largest difference of 31° in the pectoralis major muscle. Males and females had similar elbow displacements. The maxima of elbow displacements in the loading plane for males was 189 ± 36 mm during flexion loading, and for females, it was 196 ± 36 mm during adduction loading. The data presented here can be used to design shoulder muscle controllers for HBMs and evaluate the performance of shoulder models

    Numerical Modeling of Whiplash Injury

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    Soft tissue cervical spine (neck) injuries, known as ‘whiplash’, are a leading cause of injury in motor vehicle collisions. A detailed finite element (FE) model of the cervical spine that is able to predict local tissue injury is a vital tool to improve safety systems in cars, through understanding of injury mechanisms at the tissue level and evaluation of new safety systems. This is the motivation for the formation of the Global Human Body Models Consortium, which is a collective of major automotive manufacturers with the goal of producing a detailed FE human body model to predict occupant response in crash. This work builds on an existing detailed cervical spine model, with a focus on improved validation in terms of kinematics and tissue level response. The neck model used in this research represents a 50th percentile male and was developed at the University of Waterloo. The model includes both passive and active musculature, detailed nucleus and annulus models of the discs, rate dependent non-linear ligaments, facet capsules with a squeeze film model of the synovial fluid, and rigid vertebrae with the geometry derived from CT scans. The material properties were determined from published experimental testing and were not calibrated to improve the model response. The model was previously validated at the segment level. In this study, the model was validated for tension loading, local tissue response during both frontal and rear impacts, and head kinematic response during frontal and rear impact. The whole neck model without musculature was exposed to a tensile load up to 300N and the predicted response was within the experimental corridors throughout. The ligament strains and disc shear strains predicted by the model were compared to bench-top cadaver tests. In frontal impact, the ligament and disc strains were within a standard deviation of the experiments 26/30 and 12/15 times respectively. In rear impact, the strains were within a standard deviation of the experiments 9/10 and 12/15 times for the ligaments and discs respectively. All of the ligament strains were within two standard deviation of the experimental average and the disc strains were all within three standard deviations. The global kinematic response of the head for 4g and 7g rear impacts and 7g and 15g frontal impacts was generally a good fit to the experimental corridors. These impact loads are relevant to the low speed impacts that generally cause whiplash. In the global kinematic validation, the model was shown to oscillate more, which is likely due to the lack of soft-tissues such as the skin and fat or the lack of high-rate material data for the intervertebral discs. In rear impact, the head over extended by 17° and 6° for 4g and 7g impacts respectively; this is likely due to difficulties defining the facet gap or lack of uncovertebral joints. Even with these limitations the model response for these varied modes of loading was considered excellent. A review of organic causes of whiplash revealed the most likely sources of whiplash include the capsular ligament, other ligaments, and the vertebral discs. The model was exposed to frontal and rear impacts with increasing severities until the soft tissue strains reached damage thresholds. In frontal impact, these strains started to reach damage values at a 15g impact. The disc annulus fibres were likely injured at 10g in a rear impact, and the ligaments were likely injured at 14g in a rear impact. These impact severities agree with findings from real-life accidents where long term consequences were found in rear impacts from 9g to 15g. The model was used to show that bench-top cadaver impacts under predict strain because they lack active musculature. A number of recommendations have been proposed to improve the biofidelity of the model including perform in-vivo measurement of human facet gaps, incorporate the uncovertebral joints, measure rate-dependent properties for the annulus fibrosus of the disc, include non-structural soft tissues for increased damping, determine a muscle activation strategy that can maintain head posture in a gravity field, and continue to develop relationships between prolonged painful injury and strain in structures of the neck other than the capsular ligaments. Furthermore, it was recommended that the model should be developed further for whiplash injury prediction with out of position occupants

    Essays on Privilege and its Implications for Relational Autonomy and Vaccine Hesitancy

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    One goal of feminist philosophy is to challenge unjust systems of power like patriarchy, which privilege some social groups while oppressing others. In this three-chapter dissertation, I argue that to achieve this goal, we need a better understanding of privilege and its implications. In chapter one, I raise objections to some existing philosophical accounts of privilege. These accounts are either too broad in defining privilege as always advantageous or they are vague regarding what privilege comprises. I provide an account of privilege which clarifies that privilege is generally advantageous and that privilege includes tangible resources and options to do certain things or be a certain way. In chapter two, I utilize my account of privilege in the context of feminist debates on relational autonomy. Recently, strong substantive and constitutive accounts of relational autonomy have come under criticism. Critics argue these accounts generate perverse conclusions about oppressed agents. I show these accounts generate the same perverse conclusions about privileged agents. Critics also argue these accounts are poorly suited to achieve feminist goals, which are to combat systems of power and to offer an account for how autonomy is influenced by oppression and privilege. I defend an alternative account of relational autonomy given by Andrea Westlund and explain how it avoids the perverse conclusions while still achieving the second goal, as it can explain how oppression and privilege can influence autonomy. However, I argue that autonomy alone is not enough to achieve the first goal of combatting systems of power. In chapter three, I investigate the issue of vaccine hesitancy, where parents delay or refuse routine vaccinations for their children. Some empirical literature suggests a proportion of these parents are privileged. However, this literature lacks a clear definition of privilege. I supplement and strengthen this research with my account of privilege. I demonstrate how my account of privilege captures additional elements of parents’ privilege. Using my account of privilege, I show how privilege can potentially influence some of the reasons parents have for delaying or refusing vaccines. I also clarify how my discussion impacts public health policies aimed at addressing vaccine hesitancy

    The expansion of thymopoiesis in neonatal mice is dependent on expression of high mobility group a 2 protein (Hmga2).

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    Cell number in the mouse thymus increases steadily during the first two weeks after birth. It then plateaus and begins to decline by seven weeks after birth. The factors governing these dramatic changes in cell production are not well understood. The data herein correlate levels of High mobility group A 2 protein (Hmga2) expression with these temporal changes in thymopoiesis. Hmga2 is expressed at high levels in murine fetal and neonatal early T cell progenitors (ETP), which are the most immature intrathymic precursors, and becomes almost undetectable in these progenitors after 5 weeks of age. Hmga2 expression is critical for the initial, exponential expansion of thymopoiesis, as Hmga2 deficient mice have a deficit of ETPs within days after birth, and total thymocyte number is repressed compared to wild type littermates. Finally, our data raise the possibility that similar events occur in humans, because Hmga2 expression is high in human fetal thymic progenitors and falls in these cells during early infancy

    Frequency-Selective Homodyne Coherent Receiver with an Optical Injection Phase Lock Loop

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    The first homodyne coherent receiver with optical injection phase lock loop is reported, achieving phase-error variance of 5 x 10(-3) rad(2) (1.5MHz linewidth). 10Gb/s ASK data was demodulated with BER<10(-9) with an equal-power interfering signal at 25GHz offset. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America