8 research outputs found

    Natural fruit beverages fortified by biologically active substances of grape vines

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    Based on the study of general knowledge of biochemical and all subsequent developmental studies of organic matter, especially products of grapevine and selected fruit products, a comprehensive study of processing technologies is prepared. Use of a combination of vine products and fruit products in the form of natural grapes. Beverages are researched and developed to be purely natural on the basis of grape musts, blue and white, either individually and again separately in targeted combinations, both biochemically, organoleptically and colorfully, with fruit sources. The core of grape value of biologically active substances is an integral and essential new part and condition of designing these beverages. Their increased biological values, which create the preconditions for containment and if properly managed on the basis of scientific knowledge, may in some cases almost result in the elimination of synthetic additives. It should be noted that 20 - 25% of the adult population suffers from many unexpected allergies, for example, to the sulphite content, although its content in the final product does not exceed the health-approved normatives. And there are many other, interrelated relationships. Beverages are technologically dealt with both without alcohol fermentation and with this fermentation, but only based on their compositional natural resources. They are therefore suitable for the entire population profile. The whole set contains 7 variants and a combination of natural beverages from different fruits. Including natural beverages with or without alcoholic fermentation from the must of white wine grapes, the juice of apple puree with those of biologically active substances from the products grapevine. Three months of monitoring and determination of basic (oenological) values and biologically active substances were performed on these products. The high-performance liquid chromatography method with a refractometric detector determined amount of sugar and alcohol, whilst titrating determined total and volatile acids and free sulfur dioxide. Yeast assimilable nitrogen, total anthocyanins and polyphenols were determined by spectrophotometry, antioxidant activity by DPPH and ABTS methods. © 2019 Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences

    Content of endogenous sulfur dioxide in wines

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    Content of free and total endogenous sulfur dioxide were evaluated by classical iodometric titration in must, during winemaking processes and in bio-wine. No exogenous sulfur dioxide was added in any technological operations to simplify the evaluations. In addition, the results were corrected on the content of reductons (total content of reducing substances). The results confirmed formation of endogenous sulfur dioxide from sulfur containing substances (sulfur containing amino acids etc.) in both experiments. Microbial sulfur dioxide is preferably bound to carbonyl substances. Only minor part is present in the free (active) form of the sulfur dioxide. In addition, total content of polyphenols (TPC) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) were determined by spectrophotometry at the same time. A procedure OIV-MA-AS323-O4B: R 2009 was used. Contents of "free" and "total" sulfur dioxide (with/without correction on contents of reductons) and total content of reductones were determined after complexing the sulfur dioxide with formaldehyde. A standard spectrophotometric method using Folin-Ciocalteu reagent was applied for determination of total content of polyphenolics (TPC) at 765 nm after 60 min incubation. The results were expressed as tannin equivalents (in mg. L-1). A standard DPPH (2,2'-difenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl dissolved in methanol) spectrophotometric method was applied for determination of total antioxidant capacity (TAC) at 515 nm. Depletion of the color intensity was measured after 60 min incubation against blank (methanol) and absorbance decrease Δ(A) = (A0 - A1)/A0 was calculated and used for construction of calibration curve. The TAC values were expressed as ascorbic acid concentrations (in mg. L-1). © 2018 Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences

    Interaction of polyphenols and wine antioxidants with its sulfur dioxide preservative

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    Wine is considered to be a significant alcoholic beverage, which is the result of fermentation of grape must or mash. Wine is a must when the substances contained in it play a major role, which are essential inhibiting water, carbohydrates, acids, minerals, nitrates, polyphenols and aromatics. These biochemical components are an important tracking element in wine evaluation in terms of chemical analyzes. An important parameter of monitoring is polyphenolic substances. Polyphenol substances are identified in plant materials as several thousand pieces with a very diverse structure. However, they have a common feature up to one or more aromatic rings substituted with hydroxyl groups. These substances may be present in plant material in a small or large amount. The total daily intake of polyphenols is estimated at 1 g. This is a higher intake than antioxidant vitamin intakes and it is confirmed that their antioxidant activity is higher than that of antioxidant vitamins. When monitoring the content of all polyphenols (TPC) in selected samples using a spectrophotometric method, a higher TPC content of red wines against white white wines can be observed. Total antioxidant activity is introduced to compare antioxidant effects of different mixtures and is based on the ability to eliminate radicals. Antioxidant activity and effects of polyphenols can be inhibited by the addition of preservatives to wine. The preservative is sulfur dioxide (SO2), which has antimicrobial and antioxidant effects. This compound is not harmless because it is a strong allergen, blocks bacteria in the digestive tract and prevents the conversion of sugars and alcohol derivatives in the liver by blocking vitamin B. In the normal life, SO2 is consumed under the E 220 mark. The aim of this work is to monitor the change in the total polyphenols content related to free and bound sulfur dioxide (SO2) content using accredited OIV-MA-AS323-O4B: R, 2009 samples in wine samples. Comparison of organic wines and wines produced by classical, it was found that organic wine have a higher content of biologically active substances and have a strong correlation factor TAA - total SO2 (r = 0.77 to 0.91), depending on the wine variety. © 2018 Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences

    Biologically active compounds contained in grape pomace

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    A healthy lifestyle and gastronomic trends based on traditional and local foods accompanied by waste-free technologies are currently in the primary focus. One of the raw materials with properties in alignment with such requirements is grape pomace. This paper evaluates the antioxidant activity of grape pomace (which is homogenized into a brown powder) and selected commonly available commercial flours — wheat bread, rye plain, and rye whole grain flour — using DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl-hydrate) and total polyphenol content method, where was used Folin-Ciocalteaure agent and then it was determined by spectrophotometric method (the measure of absorbance). The total amount of polyphenols in grape pomace was measured of 47.94 mg GAE.g-1, but the value 0.27 mg GAE.g-1 was measured in wheat bread flour. Grape pomace performed the antioxidant activity of 57.45 mg AAE.g-1, whereas wheat bread flour of only 0.21 mg AAE.g-1 Compared to selected commercial flours, the total amount of polyphenols in grape pomace was up to 150 times higher and the ratio of antioxidant activity between grape pomace and wheat bread flour was even more than 280 times higher. This makes it possible to fortify commercial, commonly available flours with different amount of grape pomace so that products with a higher amount of biologically active substances can be prepared. Another benefit could be a reduction in health risks and a contribution to improving consumer health. © 2020 Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, License: CC BY 3.

    Process for preparing wine with maintained natural antioxidative capacity and low content of SO2

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    Způsob výroby vína se zachovanou přírodní antioxidační kapacitou a s nízkým obsahem SO2 spočívá v tom, že u vstupní suroviny se provede stanovení obsahu biologicky aktivních látek (BAL) a ekvivalentní určení přírodní antioxidační kapacity (PAK), vstupní surovina se podrobí jednotlivým technologickým etapám procesu zpracování, během něhož se ve všech předem stanovených kritických bodech těchto technologických etap provede zjištění změny obsahu BAL-PAK, takto zjištěný pokles obsahu BAL (PAK) se nahradí ekvivalentní dávkou SO2 jako látky se syntetickou antioxidační kapacitou (SAK) v přebytku až do 40 mg/l u bílého vína nebo 30 mg/l u červeného vína (20% z normativu SO2 pro tato vína bez zvýšeného obsahu cukru). Celková antioxidační kapacita na výstupu z technologického procesu výroby vína je tvořena až z 35 % přírodní antioxidační kapacitou a zbytek je tvořen SAK – podílem SO2. Kritické body přitom představuje a) ukončení lisování hroznů za získání hroznové šťávy, b) ukončení kvašení moštu před separací kvasnic a bentonitových kalů, c) vyzrávání 3 až 4 týdny po separaci kvasnic a bentonitových kalů, d) ukončení technologického procesu výroby vína před plněním do lahví nebo před zpracováním na další produkty na bázi vína, e) příprava k dodatečné manipulaci, jako je přečerpávání, filtrace, transport.The invented process for preparing wine with maintained natural antioxidative capacity and low content of SO2 is characterized by determining the content of biologically active substance (BAL) in the starting material and by carrying out equivalent determination of a natural antioxidative capacity (PAK), subjecting the starting material to individual processing steps during which the determination of change in the content of BAL – PAK is carried out in each processing step in a predetermined critical points thereof. So determined drop of the BAL (PAK) content is then substituted by an equivalent dosage of SOi2 as a substance with a synthetic antioxidative capacity (SAK) and namely in an excess of up to 40 mg/l in a white wine or 30 mg/l in a red wine (20 percent of the SOi2 standard for these wines without increased amount of sugar). The total antioxidative capacity at the output of the wine preparation processing steps consists of up to 35 percent of the natural antioxidative capacity and the balance is SAK – with the share of SOi2. At the same time, the critical points are as follows: a) finish of wine grape pressing in order to obtain wine grape juice, b) finish of the wine grape juice fermentation prior separation of yeast and bentonite sludge, c) ripening for a period of 3 to 4 weeks after separation of yeast and bentonite sludge, d) finish of wine preparation technological process prior filling thereof in bottles or prior processing thereof to other wine-based products, e) preparation for additional handling such as pumping, filtration and transportation

    Content of endogenous sulfur dioxide in wines

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    Content of free and total endogenous sulfur dioxide were evaluated by classical iodometric titration in must, during winemaking processes and in bio-wine. No exogenous sulfur dioxide was added in any technological operations to simplify the evaluations. In addition, the results were corrected on the content of reductons (total content of reducing substances). The results confirmed formation of endogenous sulfur dioxide from sulfur containing substances (sulfur containing amino acids etc.) in both experiments. Microbial sulfur dioxide is preferably bound to carbonyl substances. Only minor part is present in the free (active) form of the sulfur dioxide. In addition, total content of polyphenols (TPC) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) were determined by spectrophotometry at the same time. A procedure OIV-MA-AS323-O4B: R 2009 was used. Contents of "free" and "total" sulfur dioxide (with/without correction on contents of reductons) and total content of reductones were determined after complexing the sulfur dioxide with formaldehyde. A standard spectrophotometric method using Folin-Ciocalteu reagent was applied for determination of total content of polyphenolics (TPC) at 765 nm after 60 min incubation. The results were expressed as tannin equivalents (in mg. L-1). A standard DPPH (2,2'-difenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl dissolved in methanol) spectrophotometric method was applied for determination of total antioxidant capacity (TAC) at 515 nm. Depletion of the color intensity was measured after 60 min incubation against blank (methanol) and absorbance decrease Δ(A) = (A0 - A1)/A0 was calculated and used for construction of calibration curve. The TAC values were expressed as ascorbic acid concentrations (in mg. L-1). © 2018 Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences

    Grapevine drinks with higher biological values

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    The higher biological values of grapevine drinks (natural drinks from blue grapevine juices), without unoriginal components, come from the stabilization in grape production, technological processes with biological methods, and restriction of additives, sulfites. Controlled technological processes allow a production of these drinks with ethanol fermentation, or without it, with no alcohol. The requirement is SO2 reduction, a compound responsible for intolerance. These drinks contribute to a gastronomic consumption potential and as support for medicinal and food supplements

    Total polyphenolic compounds contents (TPC), total antioxidant activities (TAA) and HPLC determination of individual polyphenolic compounds in selected Moravian and Austrian wines

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    Wine samples (Gruner Veltliner (GV) and Zweigelt (ZW) from four different geographical regions of Austria and Czech Republic) were analyzed to determine their total phenolic content (TPC) by applying the Folin-Ciocalteau method, total antioxidant activity (TAA) by FRAP (ferric reducing antioxidant power) and DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl) assays, and to identify and quantify eleven phenolic compounds using a HPLC/UV-VIS method