160 research outputs found

    Reduction of nutrient run-off by the use of coated slow-release fertilizers on two container-grown nursery crops

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    The agricultural district of Pistoia (Tuscany, Italy) is one of the most important sites in Europe for the production of Hardy Ornamental Nursery Stock (HONS). One of the main problems of this sector is the environmental impact of the pot cultivation, mainly due to an incorrect irrigation scheduling that leads to high nitrogen and phosphorus losses. The aim of this research has been to compare the effects of the traditional fertigation versus new fertilization strategies, based on the use of controlled slow-release fertilizers (CRFs), on plant growth and on nitrogen and phosphorus run-off in two container HONS species (Photinia Ă— fraseri and Prunus laurocerasus). Every week, plant height, cumulate irrigation and drainage volume were measured on four replicates for each treatment and species. Every four weeks two average samples of drainage water and irrigation water for each treatment and species were analysed, determining total nitrogen and phosphorus content, in order to draft a water and nutrient balance. The three different fertilization strategies did not produce any relevant effect on the final plant height and all plants were ranked in the top quality market category. The data confirmed that the use of CRFs could contribute to a huge reduction of nitrogen and phosphorus run-off in the environment and could be a winning strategy for the fertilization of HONS in nitrate vulnerable zones

    Low sodium and tolvaptan have opposite effects in human small cell lung cancer cells.

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    Abstract Purpose Hyponatraemia is frequently observed in cancer patients and can be due to the syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuresis (SIAD), related to ectopic vasopressin secretion, particularly in small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Hyponatraemia is associated with a worse outcome in cancer patients. The vasopressin receptor antagonist tolvaptan effectively corrects hyponatraemia secondary to SIAD and there is in vitro evidence that it has also an antiproliferative effect in cancer cells. The purpose of this study was i) to analyse the effect of low serum sodium concentrations ([Na+]) in SCLC cells and ii) to determine whether tolvaptan counteracts tumor progression. Methods We evaluated cell proliferation, cell cycle, apoptosis, oxidative stress, invasivity in low [Na+] as well as after exposure to tolvaptan. We also analysed the intracellular signalling pathways involved. Results In reduced [Na+] cell proliferation was significantly increased compared to normal [Na+] and cells were mostly distributed in the G2/M phase. Apoptosis appeared reduced. In addition, the ability to cross matrigel-coated membranes markedly increased. As observed in other cancer cell models, the expression of the heme-oxigenase-1 gene was increased. Finally, we found that in cells cultured in low [Na+] the RhoA/ROCK1/2 pathway, which is involved in the regulation of actin cytoskeleton, was activated. On the other hand, we found that tolvaptan effectively inhibited cell proliferation, anchorage-independent growth, invasivity and promoted apoptosis. Accordingly, the RhoA/ROCK-1/2 pathway was inhibited. Conclusions These findings demonstrate for the first time that low [Na+] favours tumor progression in SCLC cells, whereas tolvaptan effectively inhibits cell proliferation, survival and invasivity

    Exploring the Bacterial Communities of Infernaccio Waterfalls: A Phenotypic and Molecular Characterization of Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas Strains Living in a Red Epilithic Biofilm

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    Acquarossa river (Viterbo, Italy) was the site of a prospering Etruscan civilization thanks to metallurgical activity around 625-550 B.C. This caused the spread of heavy metals throughout the area. Rocks along the river probably act as a filter for these elements and they are covered by two different biofilms (epilithons). They differ for both color and bacterial composition. One is red and is enriched with Pseudomonas strains, while the other one is black and Acinetobacter is the most represented genus. Along the river lay the Infernaccio waterfalls, whose surrounding rocks are covered only by the red epilithon. The bacterial composition of this biofilm was analyzed through high throughput sequencing and compared to those ones of red and black epilithons of Acquarossa river. Moreover, cultivable bacteria were isolated and their phenotype (i.e., resistance against antibiotics and heavy metals) was studied. As previously observed in the case of Acquarossa river, characterization of bacterial composition of the Infernaccio red epilithon revealed that the two most represented genera were Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas. Nonetheless, these strains differed from those isolated from Acquarossa, as revealed by RAPD analysis. This work, besides increasing knowledge about the ecological properties of this site, allowed to isolate new bacterial strains, which could potentially be exploited for biotechnological applications, because of their resistance against environmental pollutants

    Raloxifene reduces urokinase-type plasminogen activator-dependent proliferation of synoviocytes from patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Extracellular fibrinolysis, controlled by the membrane-bound fibrinolytic system, is involved in cartilage damage and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) synovitis. Estrogen status and metabolism seem to be impaired in RA, and synoviocytes show receptors for estrogens. Our aims in this study were to evaluate in healthy and RA synoviocytes the effects of Raloxifene (RAL), a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), on: proliferation; the components of the fibrinolytic system; and chemoinvasion. The effects of RAL were studied in vitro on synoviocytes from four RA patients and four controls. Proliferation was evaluated as cell number increase, and synoviocytes were treated with 0.5 μM and 1 μM RAL with and without urokinase-plasminogen activator (u-PA) and anti-u-PA/anti-u-PA receptor (u-PAR) antibodies. Fibrinolytic system components (u-PA, u-PAR and plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI)-1) were assayed by ELISA with cells treated with 0.5 μM and 1 μM RAL for 48 h. u-PA activity was evaluated by zymography and a direct fibrinolytic assay. U-PAR/cell and its saturation were studied by radioiodination of u-PA and a u-PA binding assay. Chemoinvasion was measured using the Boyden chamber invasion assay. u-PA induced proliferation of RA synoviocytes was blocked by RAL (p < 0.05) and antagonized by antibodies alone. The inhibitory effect of RAL was not additive with u-PA/u-PAR antagonism. RA synoviocytes treated with RAL showed, compared to basal, higher levels of PAI-1 (10.75 ± 0.26 versus 5.5 ± 0.1 μg/10(6 )cells, respectively; p < 0.01), lower levels of u-PA (1.04 ± 0.05 versus 3.1 ± 0.4 ng/10(6 )cells, respectively; p < 0.001), and lower levels of u-PAR (11.28 ± 0.22 versus 23.6 ± 0.1 ng/10(6 )cells, respectively; p < 0.001). RAL also significantly inhibited u-PA-induced migration. Similar effects were also shown, at least partially, in controls. RAL exerts anti-proliferative and anti-invasive effects on synoviocytes, mainly modulating u-PAR and, to a lesser extent, u-PA and PAI-1 levels, and inhibiting cell migration and proliferation

    uPAR controls vasculogenic mimicry ability expressed by drug-resistant melanoma cells.

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    Malignant melanoma is a highly aggressive skin cancer characterized by an elevated grade of tumor cell plasticity. Such plasticity allows adaptation of melanoma cells to different hostile conditions and guarantees tumor survival and disease progression, including aggressive features such as drug resistance. Indeed, almost 50% of melanoma rapidly develop resistance to the BRAF(V600E) inhibitor vemurafenib, with fast tumor dissemination, a devastating consequence for patients’ outcomes. Vasculogenic mimicry (VM), the ability of cancer cells to organize themselves in perfused vascular-like channels, might sustain tumor spread by providing vemurafenib-resistant cancer cells with supplementary ways to enter into circulation and disseminate. Thus, this research aims to determine if vemurafenib resistance goes with the acquisition of VM ability by aggressive melanoma cells, and identify a driving molecule for both vemurafenib resistance and VM. We used two independent experimental models of drug-resistant melanoma cells, the first one represented by a chronic adaptation of melanoma cells to extracellular acidosis, known to drive a particularly aggressive and vemurafenib-resistant phenotype, the second one generated with chronic vemurafenib exposure. By performing in vitro tube formation assay and evaluating the expression levels of the VM markers EphA2 and VE-cadherin by Western blotting and flow cytometer analyses, we demonstrated that vemurafenib-resistant cells obtained by both models are characterized by an increased ability to perform VM. Moreover, by exploiting the CRISPR-Cas9 technique and using the urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) inhibitor M25, we identified uPAR as a driver of VM expressed by vemurafenib-resistant melanoma cells. Thus, uPAR targeting may be successfully leveraged as a new complementary therapy to inhibit VM in drug-resistant melanoma patients, to counteract the rapid progression and dissemination of the disease
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