405 research outputs found

    The adipokines in cancer cachexia

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    Cachexia is a devastating pathology induced by several kinds of diseases, including cancer. The hallmark of cancer cachexia is an extended weight loss mainly due to skeletal muscle wasting and fat storage depletion from adipose tissue. The latter exerts key functions for the health of the whole organism, also through the secretion of several adipokines. These hormones induce a plethora of effects in target tissues, ranging from metabolic to differentiating ones. Conversely, the decrease of the circulating level of several adipokines positively correlates with insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. A lot of findings suggest that cancer cachexia is associated with changed secretion of adipokines by adipose tissue. In agreement, cachectic patients show often altered circulating levels of adipokines. This review reported the findings of adipokines (leptin, adiponectin, resistin, apelin, and visfatin) in cancer cachexia, highlighting that to study in-depth the involvement of these hormones in this pathology could lead to the development of new therapeutic strategies

    The effects of two gold-N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) complexes in ovarian cancer cells: a redox proteomic study

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    Purpose: Ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women. Standard treatment consists of tumor debulking surgery followed by platinum and paclitaxel chemotherapy; yet, despite the initial response, about 70-75% of patients develop resistance to chemotherapy. Gold compounds represent a family of very promising anticancer drugs. Among them, we previously investigated the cytotoxic and pro-apoptotic properties of Au(NHC) and Au(NHC)2PF6, i.e., a monocarbene gold(I) complex and the corresponding bis(carbene) complex. Gold compounds are known to alter the redox state of cells interacting with free cysteine and selenocysteine residues of several proteins. Herein, a redox proteomic study has been carried out to elucidate the mechanisms of cytotoxicity in A2780 human ovarian cancer cells. Methods: A biotinylated iodoacetamide labeling method coupled with mass spectrometry was used to identify oxidation-sensitive protein cysteines. Results: Gold carbene complexes cause extensive oxidation of several cellular proteins; many affected proteins belong to two major functional classes: carbohydrate metabolism, and cytoskeleton organization/cell adhesion. Among the affected proteins, Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase inhibition was proved by enzymatic assays and by ESI-MS studies. We also found that Au(NHC)2PF6 inhibits mitochondrial respiration impairing complex I function. Concerning the oxidized cytoskeletal proteins, gold binding to the free cysteines of actin was demonstrated by ESI-MS analysis. Notably, both gold compounds affected cell migration and invasion. Conclusions: In this study, we deepened the mode of action of Au(NHC) and Au(NHC)2PF6, identifying common cellular targets but confirming their different influence on the mitochondrial function

    Proteomic and carbonylation profile analysis of rat skeletal muscles following acute swimming exercise

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    Previous studies by us and other groups characterized protein expression variation following long-term moderate training, whereas the effects of single bursts of exercise are less known. Making use of a proteomic approach, we investigated the effects of acute swimming exercise (ASE) on protein expression and carbonylation patterns in two hind limb muscles: the Extensor Digitorum Longus (EDL) and the Soleus, mostly composed of fast-twitch and slow-twitch fibres, respectively. Carbonylation is one of the most common oxidative modifications of proteins and a marker of oxidative stress. In fact, several studies suggest that physical activity and the consequent increase in oxygen consumption can lead to increase in reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) production, hence the interest in examining the impact of RONS on skeletal muscle proteins following ASE. Results indicate that protein expression is unaffected by ASE in both muscle types. Unexpectedly, the protein carbonylation level was reduced following ASE. In particular, the analysis found 31 and 5 spots, in Soleus and EDL muscles respectively, whose carbonylation is reduced after ASE. Lipid peroxidation levels in Soleus were markedly reduced as well. Most of the decarbonylated proteins are involved either in the regulation of muscle contractions or in the regulation of energy metabolism. A number of hypotheses may be advanced to account for such results, which will be addressed in future studies

    Globular Adiponectin Activates Motility and Regenerative Traits of Muscle Satellite Cells

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    Regeneration of adult injured skeletal muscle is due to activation of satellite cells, a population of stem cells resident beneath the basal lamina. Thus, information on soluble factors affecting satellite cell activation, as well as migration towards injury and fusion into new myofibers are essential. Here, we show that globular adiponectin (gAd), positively affects several features of muscle satellite cells. gAd activates satellite cells to exit quiescence and increases their recruitment towards myotubes. gAd elicits in satellite cells a specific motility program, involving activation of the small GTPase Rac1, as well as expression of Snail and Twist transcription factors driving a proteolytic motility, useful to reach the site of injury. We show that satellite cells produce autocrine full length adiponectin (fAd), which is converted to gAd by activated macrophages. In turns, gAd concurs to attract to the site of injury both satellite cells and macrophages and induces myogenesis in muscle satellite cells. Thus, these findings add a further role for gAd in skeletal muscle, including the hormone among factors participating in muscle regeneration

    Cell instructive Liquid Crystalline Networks for myotube formation

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    Development of biological tissues in vitro is not a trivial task and requires the correct maturation of the selected cell line. To this aim, many attempts were done mainly by mimicking the biological environment using micro/nanopatterned or stimulated scaffolds. However, the obtainment of functional tissues in vitro is still far from being achieved. In contrast with the standard methods, we here present an easy approach for the maturation of myotubes toward the reproduction of muscular tissue. By using liquid crystalline networks with different stiffness and molecular alignment, we demonstrate how the material itself can give favorable interactions with myoblasts helping a correct differentiation. Electrophysiological studies demonstrate that myotubes obtained on these polymers have more adult-like morphology and better functional features with respect to those cultured on standard supports. The study opens to a platform for the differentiation of other cell lines in a simple and scalable way

    Effectiveness of different metrics of floristic quality assessment: The simpler, the better?

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    Vascular plants are good environmental indicators. Thus, floristic inventories have a high potential in environmental management since they reflect the current and past status of the environment. In this study, we used the flora of a suburban riverscape in central Italy to test the performance of the Floristic Quality Assessment (FQA) approach, an expert-based evaluation technique. Ten expert botanists assigned coefficients of conservatism (CC) to 382 plant species. We found statistically significant differences between the values assigned to the inventoried flora by botanical experts. In spite of this, the analysis of pseudo multivariate dissimilarity-based standard errors of CC values assigned by the different experts revealed that, in our case, an assessment by a minimum of five botanists allows characterizing the flora with a stable level of precision. We used the distance from agricultural and urban surfaces as a proxy of anthropogenic disturbance to divide the area around the river in four belts of increasing disturbance. The disturbance gradient was mirrored by median CC values and by the Adjusted Floristic Quality Assessment Index (Adjusted FQAI). Conversely, the Floristic Quality Assessment Index (FQAI), which is based on CC values and on the number of native species, showed increasing values with increasing disturbance. Comparing the performance of median CC values to Ellenberg Indicator Values (EIVs), life forms, and chorotypes, we revealed that the last three indicators may be ineffective in highlighting the conservation status of the environment. We suggest that the use of the median CC values may be a simpler and effective alternative to the calculation of indices in FQA, when the adequacy of the number of experts in minimizing the variability of CC values is a posteriori verified

    A Human Islet Cell-Culture System for High-Throuput screening.

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    A small-molecule inducer of beta-cell proliferation in human islets represents a potential regeneration strategy for treating type 1 diabetes. However, the lack of suitable human beta cell lines makes such a discovery a challenge. Here, we adapted an islet cell culture system to high-throughput screening to identify such small molecules. We prepared microtiter plates containing extracellular matrix from a human bladder carcinoma cell line. Dissociated human islets were seeded onto these plates, cultured for up to 7 days, and assessed for proliferation by simultaneous Ki67 and C-peptide immunofluorescence. Importantly, this environment preserved beta-cell physiological function, as measured by glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Adenoviral overexpression of cdk-6 and cyclin D(1), known inducers of human beta cell proliferation, was used as a positive control in our assay. This induction was inhibited by cotreatment with rapamycin, an immunosuppressant often used in islet transplantation. We then performed a pilot screen of 1280 compounds, observing some phenotypic effects on cells. This high-throughput human islet cell culture method can be used to assess various aspects of beta-cell biology on a relatively large number of compounds
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