25 research outputs found

    Global analysis of the apple fruit microbiome: are all apples the same?

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    We present the first worldwide study on the apple (Malus × domestica) fruit microbiome that examines questions regarding the composition and the assembly of microbial communities on and in apple fruit. Results revealed that the composition and structure of the fungal and bacterial communities associated with apple fruit vary and are highly dependent on geographical location. The study also confirmed that the spatial variation in the fungal and bacterial composition of different fruit tissues exists at a global level. Fungal diversity varied significantly in fruit harvested in different geographical locations and suggests a potential link between location and the type and rate of postharvest diseases that develop in each country. The global core microbiome of apple fruit was represented by several beneficial microbial taxa and accounted for a large fraction of the fruit microbial community. The study provides foundational information about the apple fruit microbiome that can be utilized for the development of novel approaches for the management of fruit quality and safety, as well as for reducing losses due to the establishment and proliferation of postharvest pathogens. It also lays the groundwork for studying the complex microbial interactions that occur on apple fruit surfaces.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Improved Cold Tolerance of Mango Fruit with Enhanced Anthocyanin and Flavonoid Contents

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    Red fruits were suggested to be tolerant to cold. To understand cold-storage tolerance of red mango fruit that were subjected to sunlight at the orchard, mango cv. Shelly from inside (green fruit) or outside (red fruit) the tree canopy was stored for 3 weeks at 5, 8 or 12 °C and examined for flavonoids, antioxidant, volatiles and tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress. Red fruit from the outer canopy showed significant increases in total anthocyanin and flavonoids, and antioxidant activity. Ripening parameters for red and green mango fruit were similar at harvest and during storage. However, red fruit with high anthocyanin and flavonoid contents were more tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses. After 3 weeks of suboptimal cold storage, green fruit showed significantly more lipid peroxidation and developed significantly more chilling-injury symptoms—black spots and pitting—than red fruit. Volatiles of red and green peels revealed significant modulations in response to cold-storage. Moreover, red fruit were more tolerant to biotic stress and had reduced general decay incidence. However, during long storage at 10 °C for 4, 5 or 6 weeks, red fruit showed a non-significant reduction in decay and chilling injuries. These results suggest new approaches to avoiding chilling injury during cold storage

    Combined Treatments Reduce Chilling Injury and Maintain Fruit Quality in Avocado Fruit during Cold Quarantine.

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    Quarantine treatment enables export of avocado fruit (Persea americana) to parts of the world that enforce quarantine against fruit fly. The recommended cold-based quarantine treatment (storage at 1.1°C for 14 days) was studied with two commercial avocado cultivars 'Hass' and 'Ettinger' for 2 years. Chilling injuries (CIs) are prevalent in the avocado fruit after cold-quarantine treatment. Hence, we examined the effect of integrating several treatments: modified atmosphere (MA; fruit covered with perforated polyethylene bags), methyl jasmonate (MJ; fruit dipped in 2.5 μM MJ for Hass or 10 μM MJ for Ettinger for 30 s), 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP; fruit treated with 300 ppb 1-MCP for 18 h) and low-temperature conditioning (LTC; a gradual decrease in temperature over 3 days) on CI reduction during cold quarantine. Avocado fruit stored at 1°C suffered from severe CI, lipid peroxidation, and increased expression of chilling-responsive genes of fruit peel. The combined therapeutic treatments alleviated CI in cold-quarantined fruit to the level in fruit stored at commercial temperature (5°C). A successful therapeutic treatment was developed to protect 'Hass' and 'Ettinger' avocado fruit during cold quarantine against fruit fly, while maintaining fruit quality. Subsequently, treated fruit stored at 1°C had a longer shelf life and less decay than the fruit stored at 5°C. This therapeutic treatment could potentially enable the export of avocado fruit to all quarantine-enforcing countries. Similar methods might be applicable to other types of fruit that require cold quarantine

    Postharvest Dips of Persimmon Fruit in Gibberellic Acid: An Efficient Treatment to Improve Storability and Reduce Alternaria Black Spot

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    In Israel, fruit softening during storage and the occurrence of Alternaria black spot (ABS) disease, caused by Alternaria alternata, are the main postharvest factors that reduce quality and impair storability of persimmon fruit. The pathogen causing ABS infects the fruit in the orchard and remains quiescent until harvest, or renews its development just before harvest but mainly during storage. A preharvest spray with 50 µg·L−1 gibberellin (GA3) significantly improved fruit storability, as determined by fruit firmness and levels of ABS. While GA3 treatments have been commercially applied for more than 30 years, significant limitations of the use of the preharvest treatment like enhancing the risk of a reduced yield have been described. Recent findings suggested that postharvest dip treatments with increased concentrations of GA3 also delayed fruit softening and reduced ABS to similar levels to the commercially applied preharvest treatment in persimmon fruit stored for 3 months at 0 °C. Postharvest GA3 dip treatments at concentrations ranging from 500 to 1500 µg·L−1 were similarly more efficient in the prevention of fruit softening and ABS development than the 50 µg·L−1 preharvest spray. Present results indicated that postharvest GA3 treatment physiologically affects fruit firmness and susceptibility to ABS during storage


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    Cold storage is considered the most effective method for prolonging fresh produce storage. However, subtropical fruit is sensitive to cold. Symptoms of chilling injury in mango include red and black spots that start from discolored lenticels and develop into pitting. The response of ‘Keitt’ mango fruit to chilling stress was monitored by transcriptomic, physiological and microscopic analyses. Transcriptomic changes in the mango fruit peel were evaluated during optimal (12°C) and suboptimal (5°C) cold storage. Two days of chilling stress upregulated genes involved in the plant stress response, including those encoding transmembrane receptors, calcium-mediated signal transduction, NADPH oxidase, MAP kinases and WRKYs, which can lead to cell death. Indeed, cell death was observed around the discolored lenticels after 19 days of cold storage at 5°C. Localized cell death and cuticular opening in the lumen of discolored lenticels were correlated with increased general decay during shelf-life storage, possibly due to fungal penetration. We also observed increased phenolics accumulation around the discolored lenticels, which was correlated with the biosynthesis of phenylpropanoids that were probably transported from the resin ducts. Increased lipid peroxidation was observed during chilling injury by both the biochemical malondialdehyde method and a new non-destructive luminescent technology, correlated to upregulation of the α-linolenic acid oxidation pathway. Genes involved in sugar metabolism were also induced, possibly to maintain osmotic balance. This analysis provides an in-depth characterization of mango fruit response to chilling stress and could lead to the development of new tools, treatments and strategies to prolong cold storage of subtropical fruit

    Ripening Attributes of New Passion Fruit Line Featuring Seasonal Non-climacteric Behavior

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    The passion fruit hybrid cultivar ‘Passion Dream’ (PD) produces two cycles of fruiting per year, in the summer and winter. Self-hybridization of PD created various lines, including ‘Ripens during Summer’ (RS), which lacks the ability to abscise during winter, suggesting a seasonal nonclimacteric behavior. The two lines were characterized by several quality traits: PD produced high ethylene levels in both seasons; RS produced significantly less ethylene during summer and almost none during winter. The ratio of total soluble solids to titratable acidity (TSS/TA), and aroma volatiles production, as determined by solid-phase microextraction/gas chromatograph–mass spectrometer (SPME/GC-MS) techniques, and taste indices were highest in PD summer fruits and lowest in RS winter fruits. Peel color in PD was affected by environmental and storage temperatures, whereas RS fruits always showed a strong purple color. The present findings suggest that ethylene production levels in passion fruit greatly influence various ripening processes, including acid degradation, increased TSS/TA ratio, accumulation of aroma volatiles, and tastiness

    Comparative Characterization of Virulent and Less-Virulent Lasiodiplodia theobromae Isolates

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    Lasiodiplodia theobromae attacks over 500 plant species and is an important pathogen of tropical and subtropical fruit. Due to global warming and climate change, the incidence of disease associated with L. theobromae is rising. Virulence tests performed on avocado and mango branches and fruit showed a large diversity of virulence of different L. theobromae isolates. Genome sequencing was performed for two L. theobromae isolates, representing more virulent (Avo62) and less-virulent (Man7) strains, to determine the cause of their variation. Comparative genomics, including orthologous and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analyses, identified SNPs in the less-virulent strain in genes related to secreted cell wall–degrading enzymes, stress, transporters, sucrose, and proline metabolism, genes in secondary metabolic clusters, effectors, genes involved in the cell cycle, and genes belonging to transcription factors that may contribute to the virulence of L. theobromae. Moreover, carbohydrate-active enzyme analysis revealed a minor increase in gene counts of cutinases and pectinases and the absence of a few glycoside hydrolases in the less-virulent isolate. Changes in gene-copy numbers might explain the morphological differences found in the in-vitro experiments. The more virulent Avo62 grew faster on glucose, sucrose, or starch as a single carbon source. It also grew faster under stress conditions, such as osmotic stress, alkaline pH, and relatively high temperature. Furthermore, the more virulent isolate secreted more ammonia than the less-virulent one both in vitro and in vivo. These study results describe genome-based variability related to L. theobromae virulence, which might prove useful for the mitigation of postharvest stem-end rot. [Graphic: see text] Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY 4.0 International license

    Phenylalanine: A Promising Inducer of Fruit Resistance to Postharvest Pathogens

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    More than 40% of harvested fruit is lost, largely due to decay. In parallel, restrictions on postharvest fungicides call for eco-friendly alternatives. Fruit’s natural resistance depends mainly on flavonoids and anthocyanins—which have antioxidant and antifungal activity—synthesized from the phenylpropanoid pathway with phenylalanine as a precursor. We hypothesized that phenylalanine could induce fruit’s natural defense response and tolerance to fungal pathogens. The postharvest application of phenylalanine to mango and avocado fruit reduced anthracnose and stem-end rot caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Lasiodiplodia theobromae, respectively. The postharvest application of phenylalanine to citrus fruit reduced green mold caused by Penicillium digitatum. The optimal phenylalanine concentrations for postharvest application were 6 mM for citrus fruits and 8 mM for mangoes and avocadoes. The preharvest application of phenylalanine to strawberries, mangoes, and citrus fruits also reduced postharvest decay. Interestingly, citrus fruit resistance to P. digitatum inoculated immediately after phenylalanine application was not improved, whereas inoculation performed 2 days after phenylalanine treatment induced the defense response. Five hours after the treatment, no phenylalanine residue was detected on/in the fruit, probably due to rapid phenylalanine metabolism. Additionally, in vitro testing showed no inhibitory effect of phenylalanine on conidial germination. Altogether, we characterized a new inducer of the fruit defense response—phenylalanine. Preharvest or postharvest application to fruit led to the inhibition of fungal pathogen-induced postharvest decay, suggesting that the application of phenylalanine could become an eco-friendly and healthy alternative to fungicides