24 research outputs found

    Astroglial expression of the P-glycoprotein is controlled by intracellular CNTF

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    BACKGROUND: The P-glycoprotein (P-gp), an ATP binding cassette transmembrane transporter, is expressed by astrocytes in the adult brain, and is positively modulated during astrogliosis. In a search for factors involved in this modulation, P-gp overexpression was studied in long-term in vitro astroglial cultures. RESULTS: Surprisingly, most factors that are known to induce astroglial activation in astroglial cultures failed to increase P-gp expression. The only effective proteins were IFNγ and those belonging to the IL-6 family of cytokines (IL-6, LIF, CT-1 and CNTF). As well as P-gp expression, the IL-6 type cytokines - but not IFNγ - stimulated the expression of endogenous CNTF in astrocytes. In order to see whether an increased intracellular level of CNTF was necessary for induction of P-gp overexpression by IL-6 type cytokines, by the same cytokines analysis was carried out on astrocytes obtained from CNTF knockout mice. In these conditions, IFNγ produced increased P-gp expression, but no overexpression of P-gp was observed with either IL-6, LIF or CT-1, pointing to a role of CNTF in the intracellular signalling pathway leading to P-gp overexpression. In agreement with this suggestion, application of exogenous CNTF -which is internalised with its receptor - produced an overexpression of P-gp in CNTF-deficient astrocytes. CONCLUSIONS: These results reveal two different pathways regulating P-gp expression and activity in reactive astrocytes, one of which depends upon the intracellular concentration of CNTF. This regulation of P-gp may be one of the long searched for physiological roles of CNTF

    Immunological and pharmacological removal of small cell lung cancer cells from bone marrow autografts.

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    Autologous bone marrow transplantation is used in small cell lung cancer (SCLC) to reverse the hematological toxicity induced by high dose therapy even though the presence of cancerous cells in the graft is potentially dangerous by reinfusion of the disease along with the hematopoietic stem cells. The present studies were undertaken to examine the effectiveness of anti-SCLC rat monoclonal antibodies LCA1 and LC66 plus human complement combined with a derivative of cyclophosphamide (Asta-Z 7557) for the elimination of cancerous clonogenic cells from the graft. In a series of assays conducted with three SCLC cell lines, used alone or mixed with normal bone marrow cells, the addition of Asta-Z 7557 to two cycles of treatment with monoclonal antibodies plus complement results in a 4- to 5-logarithmic reduction of the clonogenic SCLC cells detectable by limiting dilution analysis. This was superior to either treatment used alone. When normal bone marrow was submitted to the same treatment, a median (range) of 44% (15-77%) of the colony-forming unit, granulocyte-macrophage was recovered. These results suggest that the association of immunological (LCA1 and LC66 plus human complement) and pharmacological (Asta-Z 7557) removal methods is effective for purging metastatic clonogenic cells from bone marrow of SCLC patients and could be considered before autologous bone marrow transplantation

    Détection par RT-PCR de métastases circulantes dans les greffons hématopoïétiques avant et après immunosélection positive des progéniteurs CD34+

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    Les chimiothérapies à hautes doses pratiquées sous le couvert d'une greffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques sont de plus en pus utilisées pour le traitement d'hémopathies malignes et de tumeurs solides. La présence de cellules tumorales circulantes dans les greffons pourrait limiter le bénéfice thérapeutique en contribuant à al rechute. L'immunosélection positive des cellules souches CD34+ constitue une première approche pour réduire la contamination. Dans le cadre du cancer du sein, nous avons évalué une approche de RT-PCR spécifique de l'ARNm de l'antigène carcino-embryonnaire (CEA) pour détecter la présence de métastases circulantes dans le sang périphérique et dans les produits de cytaphérèse. la recherche de cellules tumorales avant et après sélection positive des cellules souches nous a permis de démontrer un effet purge en cellules tumorale