172 research outputs found

    Coping behavior of women with breast cancer with visible postsurgery deformity

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    Research was carried out to explore coping strategies in cancer patients. In all, 70 women with breast cancer were studied: 35 of them had visible postsurgery deformity, and 35 did not have visible postsurgery deformity. The purpose of the research was to uncover their preferences for using various strategies and resources to cope with their illness. The results showed that both groups of women had a special set of strategies for coping with stress. The women with visible postsurgery deformity made significantly less use of resources for coping with their illness than did the subgroup of women without visible postsurgery deformity

    Research and Analysis Container Shipping Line on the Basis of Simulation

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    Container transport is the main and leading form of transportation in shipping. Selection of the route for each voyage is determined by the nature of the traffic and operating conditions of the fleet. The best way to avoid any inconvenience when solving the predictive task of the liner ships is to use simulation taking into account both deterministic and stochastic processes arising from the operation of liner ships. The article describes a simulation model of a sea container line, for example, the company Fesco, working on a regular container line in St. Petersburg (Russia), using mathematical model and proposed model “follow the leader” to describe the movement of ships. The main task in the simulation is to achieve an optimal balance between ship traffic and the decision on group forecast issues with the composition of the ships on the line

    Diversity of Trypsin Inhibitors in Cultural and Wild Barley

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    Diversity of trypsin inhibitors was studied in 35 spring barley cultivars (Hordeum vulgare), 21 samples of H. spontaneum, and 3 samples of H. agriocrithon. Six variants of trypsin inhibitor spectra were identified by native electrophoresis method followed by specific development of activity. Four variants were found in both cultivated and wild barley, and the other two were revealed only in H. spontaneum. Trypsin inhibitor activities (TIA) and soluble protein contents were determined in four cultivars with different variants of trypsin inhibitors. It was shown that TIA differed in the cultivars studied and did not correlate with soluble protein contents

    System Approach to the Simulation of Transport Infrastructure of Container Terminals

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    This article describes a systematic approach to the simulation and provides practical application of the seaport infrastructure analysis


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    Modern processes in the world economy directly affect the development and changes in sea passenger ports and their infrastructure. The principles of organization of the “city - sea passenger port” system are changing and becoming more complex. Recently there has been a significant increase in passenger traffic and cruise ship and ferry traffic in Baltic Sea. Since these objects are complex technical systems consisting of many elements, in their study it is necessary to use the system approach, to solve the problem of structure synthesis and the determination of objective functions. The objective of this publication was to study how the forecast for the development of demand for sea passenger ports (number cruise ships and passengers flow for next year) could be done by combining simulation and forecast functions. These tasks depend on the qualitative construction of specialized information simulation models. Such subsystems should be used by passenger port management for both operational everyday tasks and strategic tasks. One of the main goals of the forecast is the qualitative construction of an analytical function work of the terminal that determines the passenger flow based on real data. The article considers the solution of this problem by using the method of average growth rate and polynomial extrapolation. In the article, the characteristics and infrastructural features of the passenger ports of St. Petersburg are given, and the main directions of development based on the results of simulation are considered. The paper discusses advantages of using such forecast and their introduction in the early stages of operation of the terminal. The study represents an example of analytical information used for the forecast of the terminal load, the analysis of the workload and efficiency of the organization of the marine terminal in operational tasks using analytical function based on real data

    Rate‐determining steps of oxygen surface exchange kinetics on Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.5O6−δ

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    The oxygen surface kinetics of Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.5O6−δ was determined using the 16O2/18O2 isotope exchange method with gas phase analysis at 600-800 °C. The heterogeneous exchange rates (rH) and the oxygen diffusion coefficients (D) were calculated by processing the concentration dependences of the 18O fraction using Ezin's model. The rates of oxygen dissociative adsorption (ra) and incorporation (ri) were calculated based on a model using the three exchange type rates. It has been established that the rates ra and ri were comparable in this temperature range. Assumptions were made about the effect of the chemical composition of the surface on the rate of oxygen adsorption. It was found that the oxygen exchange coefficient (k) of Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.5O6−δ is comparable to that of La0.6Sr0.4MnO3±δ oxide. High values of the oxygen diffusion coefficient were found for Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.5O6−δ. The values were comparable to those of the double cobaltite praseodymium-barium and exceed by more than an order those of lanthanum‐strontium manganite. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 00161Government Council on Grants, Russian FederationThe study was partly financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (17-08-00161) and the Russian Federation Government, agreement 02.A03.21.0006 (no. 211)

    Some Experiences of Specialists in Maritime Transport Education at SUAI (Russia) and the University of Dubrovnik (Croatia)

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    Transport sector is traditionally globally oriented, so education is necessarily connected with standardization. The importance of experience exchange between education centers and schools is obvious. More and more skills that are necessary for specialist in transport sector are connected with logistics and ICT. The most effective approach is that one in which the education is governed by simulators and especially educated instructors with great experience from real sector. In this paper, we have presented some experiences from Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI) in Russia and Maritime Department from The University of Dubrovnik in Croatia

    Parametric Generation of Subharmonics in a Composite Multiferroic Resonator

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    Parametric generation of subharmonics in a composite multiferroic resonator is observed and investigated. The resonator has the form of a disk and contains two mechanically coupled layers, one of which is amorphous ferromagnet Fe-B-Si-C and the other piezoelectric lead zirconate titanate. The resonator is placed inside two planar electromagnetic coils with orthogonal axes. A static magnetic field of 0-100 Oe is applied parallel to the plane of the resonator. The resonator is excited in the frequency range f = 9-10 kHz by either a harmonic magnetic field with an amplitude of up to 5 Oe generated by one of the coils, or a harmonic electric field with an amplitude of up to 500 V/cm applied to the piezoelectric layer. When the pump field is above a certain threshold, generation of a subharmonic of half-frequency (f/2) is observed for three different excitation methods. The first two employed either the direct magnetoelectric effect or the converse magnetoelectric effect, while in the third a transformer system is utilized. The subharmonic is generated in a limited range of pump frequencies and its amplitude is a nonlinear function of both the pump-field amplitude and the strength of static magnetic field. A theory of parametric generation of the subharmonic in a multiferroic resonator is developed, taking into account the magnetoacoustic nonlinearity of the ferromagnetic layer of the structure and excitation of acoustic resonances near the pump and subharmonic frequencies. The theory qualitatively describes the main characteristics of the subharmonic generation.</p