1,278 research outputs found

    Improvement of current-control induced by oxide crenel in very short field-effect-transistor

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    A 2D quantum ballistic transport model based on the non-equilibrium Green's function formalism has been used to theoretically investigate the effects induced by an oxide crenel in a very short (7 nm) thin-film metal-oxide-semiconductor-field-effect-transistor. Our investigation shows that a well adjusted crenel permits an improvement of on-off current ratio Ion/Ioff of about 244% with no detrimental change in the drive current Ion. This remarkable result is explained by a nontrivial influence of crenel on conduction band-structure in thin-film. Therefore a well optimized crenel seems to be a good solution to have a much better control of short channel effects in transistor where the transport has a strong quantum behavior

    Parallel Subaltern Feminist Counterpublics in Cyberspace

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    The historically exclusive nature of public spaces and discourses is beyond dispute. While feminist and “other” counterpublics have provided alternative ways of organizing public interaction and dialogue, these have remained largely invisible to nonparticipants. New information technologies afford new possibilities for feminist counterpublics to influence the norms of participation and boundaries between insiders and outsiders in mainstream public spaces. In this article I argue that feminist counterpublics in cyberspace are evidence of a new development in social discourse: the creation of subaltern parallel counterpublics distinguishable from oppositional/separatist counterpublics based, to differing degrees, on identity politics


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    Conviction religieuse et responsabilité politique La question d’une implication des religions dans nos espaces publics

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    Comment impliquer les religions dans l’espace politique européen sans porter atteinte à la neutralité de la raison publique ? Une participation active des religions aux discussions publiques visant à instruire des questions de société est-elle compatible avec une conception neutraliste de nos espaces démocratiques ? Or, s’il est vrai que l’autonomie personnelle requiert de surmonter l’opposition entre responsabilité et conviction, dans l’esprit d’une « perlaboration » entre raison publique et foi religieuse, la réussite du défi « postséculier » suppose une conversion des religions aux principes – faillibiliste, criticiste, perspectiviste – d’une société ouverte. Cela s’accorde aux conditions d’un authentique dialogue interreligieux qui, à l’écart des tentations relativistes, assume la nécessaire confrontation – civile, légale et publique – des prétentions à la vérité.How to involve religions in the European political space without infringing on the neutrality of public reason? Is an active participation of Religions to Public discussions aiming at dealing with societal questions, compatible with a neutral conception of our democratic spaces? If it is true that personal autonomy requires the overcoming of the opposition between responsibility and conviction, in the spirit of a “collaboration” between Public reason and Religious faith, the success of the post-secular challenge supposed a conversion of Religions to the principles – fallibility, criticism, perspective – of an open society. This matches with the conditions of an authentic interreligious dialogue, which removed from the relativistic temptations, owns up for the necessary confrontation – civil, legal, public – of pretentions to truth.¿Cómo implicar a las religiones en el espacio político europeo sin atentar contra la neutralidad de la razón pública? ¿Es compatible una participación activa de las religiones en las discusiones públicas, que apunte a instruir cuestiones de sociedad, con una concepción neutralista de nuestros espacios democráticos? Ahora bien, si es cierto que la autonomía personal requiere remontar la oposición entre responsabilidad y convicción, en el espíritu de una “perlaboración” entre razón pública y fe religiosa, el éxito del desafío postsecular supone una conversión de las religiones a los principios – failibilista, criticista, perspectivista – de una sociedad abierta. Esto se alinea con las condiciones de un auténtico diálogo interreligioso que, exento de tentaciones relativistas, asume la necesaria confrontación – civil, legal y pública –, de las pretensiones a la verdad

    Telos, Nomos, Ethos. Quel sens philosophique de l’Europe politique ?

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    After World War II, the project of an European Political Union seems to have been developing in a quite opposite spirit to that in which a renowned master of thought such as Husserl in his famous 1935 Vienna Lecture had appealed to a “ Philosophical Europe” , while calling the “European humanity” to a “heroism of reason”, in order to prevent western rationalism from getting bogged down in objectivism and naturalism. There is a sharp contrast between this idealism and the realism of the pioneers of the European construction, a process dominated by economicism, functionalism, technocracy; a “cold” process par excellence, hardly capable of nourishing political passions, and even less likely to arouse philosophic enthusiasms. Yet what is at stake is the big post-national transformation, probably more important than the French Revolution was for its contemporaries. The very legacy of the Enlightenment’s main idea – the cosmo-political idea – is at stake behind the “coldness” of the transnational integration process. In this respect a normative approach to the European project sheds light on its philosophical dimension

    Tranformations of political Publicity

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    Since the advent of mass society political publicity has undergone transformations on such a scale that it seems impossible to analyze and assess it in reference to the great classical models which our political culture uses as its paradigmatic standards. The "new public space" of which the media system nowadays tends to be a structuring element is problematic because of its principles of definition of social value. Yet it offers original possibilities for political regulation.Depuis l'avènement des sociétés de masse, la Publicité politique a subi une telle mutation qu'il semble impossible de l'analyser et de l'évaluer à l'un des deux grands modèles de référence de notre culture politique : l'espace public grec et l'espace public bourgeois. Le « nouvel espace public », tel qu'il tend aujourd'hui à se structurer autour du système médiatique, fonctionne comme un principe problématique de sélection de la valeur sociale, tout en offrant des possibilités inédites de régulation politique

    Análisis multiparamétrico y validación de tres simulaciones globales en el Mediterráneo occidental

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    We analyse a hierarchy of three 1/4° global numerical simulations (ORCA-025.G70 (G70), ORCA-025.G85 (G85) and GLORYS1V1 (GLORYS)) by assessing their performance against observational data in the western Mediterranean. When compared with the EN3_v2a temperature and salinity database, the simulations are capable of reproducing surface layer temperature interannual variability but G70 is inaccurate with intermediate and deep-layer trends. This aspect is improved by the increased vertical resolution of G85 and by data assimilation in GLORYS. Salinity is the most problematic parameter because of the imbalance of the freshwater budget derived from inaccuracies in the atmospheric forcing parameters. Surface salinity restoring is needed in order to avoid salinity drift and inaccurate sea-level trends. G70, with a stronger relaxation, has a lower trend closer to altimetric measurements than G85. Mean surface circulation is well reproduced for relatively large-scale signals. We further show that G85 and GLORYS provide evidence of the 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 deep convection events in the Gulf of Lion. Finally, transports through the main straits of the western Mediterranean are correct in order of magnitude, direction and seasonal cycle when compared with observations. This study contributes to the improvement of the ORCA hierarchy of simulations and points out the strengths and weaknesses of these simulations in the Mediterranean Sea.Analizamos un conjunto de tres simulaciones numéricas globales de 1/4º (ORCA-025.G70 (G70), ORCA-025.G85 (G85) y GLORYS1V1 (GLORYS)) comparándolas con datos observacionales en el Mediterráneo Occidental (WMED). Contrastando con la base de datos de temperatura y salinidad EN3_v2a las simulaciones son capaces de reproducir la variabilidad superficial en temperatura sin embargo G70 exagera las tendencias en capas intermedias y profundas. Este aspecto es mejorado por la mayor resolución vertical de G85 y la asimilación de datos de GLORYS. La salinidad es el parámetro más problemático debido al desequilibrio del balance de agua dulce procedente de imprecisiones en los parámetros de forzamiento atmosférico. Relajación de salinidad superficial es necesaria para evitar derivas de salinidad y nivel del mar. De hecho G70 con su relajación más intensa tiene una tendencia más baja (y más cercana a mediciones altimétricas) que G85. La circulación promedio en superficie está bien reproducida para señales relativamente grandes. Además, demostramos que G85 y GLORYS muestran evidencia de los eventos de convección profunda de 2004-2005 y 2005-2006 en el Golfo de León. Finalmente, transportes a través de los principales canales y estrechos del Mediterráneo Occidental son correctos cuando se comparan con observaciones, tanto en orden de magnitud y dirección, como en el ciclo estacional. Este estudio contribuye a la mejora del conjunto de simulaciones ORCA y señala las fortalezas y debilidades de estas simulaciones en el Mar Mediterráneo

    Die Zukunft der bezahlten und unbezahlten Arbeit: drei Szenarien

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    Die in diesem Diskussionspapier zusammengefassten Beiträge von Carsten Stahmer (Halbtagsgesellschaft: konkrete Utopie für eine zukunftsfähige Grundsicherung), Ronald Schettkat (Dienstleistungen zwischen Eigenarbeit und Professionalisierung) und Gerhard Scherhorn (Demokratisierung des Wohlstands) beruhen auf einer Reihe von Veranstaltungen im Rahmen des Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums des Wuppertal Instituts. In dieser von Ronald Schettkat im Jahr 2007 organisierten Seminarreihe wurden am Wuppertal Institut ausgewählte Fragestellungen im Spannungsfeld von Wirtschaftswachstum und Nachhaltiger Entwicklung diskutiert. Mit der Präsentation seines Konzeptes einer Halbtagsgesellschaft, die einen radikalen Bruch mit konventionellen Arbeitsarrangements und eine drastische Ausweitung informeller Versorgungssysteme (informelle Arbeit, räumliche Substitution, Zeittauschringe) vorsieht, hatte Carsten Stahmer einen Stein ins Wasser geworfen. Die drei hier skizzierten Szenarien machen deutlich, dass verschiedene Zukünfte der Arbeit vorstellbar sind. Sie sind von unterschiedlichen Wertvorstellungen geprägt und mit verschiedenartigen Gestaltungsansätzen verbunden. Gesellschaft und Politik sind aufgerufen zu diskutieren, welche Entwicklungsrichtung wahrscheinlicher und welche zukunftsfähiger erscheint. Dazu wollen die drei Beiträge Impulse setzen. -- This discussion paper outlines articles from Carsten Stahmer (Halbtagsgesellschaft: konkrete Utopie für eine zukunftsfähige Grundsicherung / Part-time society: concrete utopia for a sustainable provision of basic social security), Ronald Schettkatt (Dienstleistungen zwischen Eigenarbeit und Professionalisierung / Supply of services between one's own work and professionalising) and Gerhard Scherhorn (Demokratisierung des Wohlstands / Democratisation of wealth), which are based on a series of events organised in the context of the Wuppertal Institute's scientific colloquium on economics. The lecture series organised by Ronald Schettkat at the Wuppertal Institute in 2007 dealt with discussions about selected questions in the conflicting fields of economic growth and sustainable development. The three scenarios, presented in this paper, demonstrate the possibility of different future work models. They are based on different moral concepts and on diverse conceptual approaches and want to give an impetus to society and policy to discuss which of the trends seems more likely and which of them seems more sustainable.