4,682 research outputs found

    Aerodynamic force measurements with a strain-gage balance in a cryogenic wind tunnel

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    Aerodynamic force measurements on a generalized 75 deg delta wing model with sharp leading edges were made with a three component internal strain gage balance in a cryogenic wind tunnel at stagnation temperatures of 300 K, 200 K, and 110 K. The feasibility of using a strain gage balance without thermal control in a cryogenic environment as well as the use of electrical resistance heaters, an insulator between the model and the balance, and a convection shield on the balance was investigated. Force and moment data on the delta wing model as measured by the balance are compared at the different temperatures while holding constant either the Reynolds number or the tunnel stagnation pressure. Tests were made at Mach numbers of 0.3 and 0.5 and at angles of attack up to 29 deg. The results indicate that it is feasible to acquire accurate force and moment data while operating at steady state thermal conditions in a cryogenic wind tunnel, either with or without electrical heaters on the balance. Within the limits of the balance accuracy, there were no apparent Reynolds number effects on the aerodynamic results for the delta wind model

    Estimation of ground reaction forces and ankle moment with multiple, low-cost sensors

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    Abstract Background Wearable sensor systems can provide data for at-home gait analyses and input to controllers for rehabilitation devices but they often have reduced estimation accuracy compared to laboratory systems. The goal of this study is to evaluate a portable, low-cost system for measuring ground reaction forces and ankle joint torques in treadmill walking and calf raises. Methods To estimate the ground reaction forces and ankle joint torques, we developed a custom instrumented insole and a tissue force sensor. Six healthy subjects completed a collection of movements (calf raises, 1.0 m/s walking, and 1.5 m/s walking) on two separate days. We trained artificial neural networks on the study data and compared the estimates to a multi-camera motion system and an instrumented treadmill. We evaluated the relative strength of each sensor by testing each sensor’s ability to predict the ankle joint torque calculated from a reference inverse kinematics algorithm. We assessed model accuracy through root mean squared error and normalized root mean square error. We hypothesized that the estimation of the models would have normalized root mean square error measures less than 10 %. Results For walking at 1.0 and walking at 1.5 m/s, the single-task, intra-day and multi-task, intra-day predictions had normalized root mean square error less than 10 % for all three force components and both center of pressure components. For the calf raise task, the single-task, intra-day and multi-task, intra-day predictions had normalized root mean square error less than 10 % for only the anterior-posterior center of pressure. The multi-task, intra-day model had similar predictions to the single-task, intra-day model. The normalized root mean square error of predictions from the insole sensor alone were less than 10 % for walking at 1.0 m/s and 1.5 m/s. No sensor was sufficient for the calf raise task. The combination of the insole sensor and the tendon sensor had lower normalized root mean square error than the individual sensors for all three tasks. Conclusions The proposed sensor system provided accurate estimates for five of the six components of the ground reaction kinetics during walking at 1.0 and 1.5 m/s and one of the six components during the calf raise task. The normalized root mean square error of the predictions of the ground reaction forces were similar to published studies using commercial devices. The proposed system of low-cost sensors can provide useful estimations of ankle joint torque for both walking and calf raises for future studies in mobile gait analysis.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/116024/1/12984_2015_Article_81.pd

    Measured and Simulated Acoustic Signature of a Full-Scale Aircraft with Airframe Noise Reduction Technology Installed

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    Microphone phased-array and pole-mounted microphone data gathered during the NASA Acoustics Research Measurements flight tests were used to benchmark results from companion full-scale aeroacoustics simulations. Conducted with the lattice Boltzmann solver PowerFLOW, the simulations predicted the acoustic behavior of various tested aircraft configurations. Emphasis was placed on those flown during the third flight test - a Fowler flap-equipped Gulfstream G-III with and without noise abatement technology on the main landing gear. Direct comparisons between experimental and synthetic microphone phasedarray data were achieved by applying the same processing and deconvolution technique to both sets of data. To extend the validation of the computations to the metric used for noise certification, the Effective Perceived Noise Level, a high-fidelity digital model of the nose landing gear, which was excluded from earlier computations, was developed and integrated into the G-III aircraft geometry. The acoustic study presented here demonstrates that the simulated beamform maps and corresponding integrated farfield spectra accurately predict the locations and strengths of the prominent airframe noise sources present on the G-III aircraft

    Molecular and mass spectroscopic analysis of isotopically labeled organic residues

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    Experimental studies aimed at understanding the evolution of complex organic molecules on interstellar grains were performed. The photolysis of frozen gas mixtures of various compositions containing H2O, CO, NH3, and CH4 was studied. These species were chosen because of their astrophysical importance as deducted from observational as well as theoretical studies of ice mantles on interstellar grains. These ultraviolet photolyzed ices were warmed up in order to produce refractory organic molecules like the ones formed in molecular clouds when the icy mantles are being irradiated and warmed up either by a nearby stellar source or impulsive heating. The laboratory studies give estimates of the efficiency of production of such organic material under interstellar conditions. It is shown that the gradual carbonization of organic mantles in the diffuse cloud phase leads to higher and higher visual absorptivity - yellow residues become brown in the laboratory. The obtained results can be applied to explaining the organic components of comets and their relevance to the origin of life

    Resonant hopping of a robot controlled by an artificial neural oscillator

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    "The bouncing gaits of terrestrial animals (hopping, running, trotting) can be modeled as a hybrid dynamic system, with spring-mass dynamics during stance and ballistic motion during the aerial phase. We used a simple hopping robot controlled by an artificial neural oscillator to test the ability of the neural oscillator to adaptively drive this hybrid dynamic system. The robot had a single joint, actuated by an artificial pneumatic muscle in series with a tendon spring. We examined how the oscillator-robot system responded to variation in two neural control parameters: descending neural drive and neuromuscular gain. We also tested the ability of the oscillator-robot system to adapt to variations in mechanical properties by changing the series and parallel spring stiffnesses. Across a 100-fold variation in both supraspinal gain and muscle gain, hopping frequency changed by less than 10%. The neural oscillator consistently drove the system at the resonant half-period for the stance phase, and adapted to a new resonant half-period when the muscle series and parallel stiffnesses were altered. Passive cycling of elastic energy in the tendon accounted for 70-79% of the mechanical work done during each hop cycle. Our results demonstrate that hopping dynamics were largely determined by the intrinsic properties of the mechanical system, not the specific choice of neural oscillator parameters. The findings provide the first evidence that an artificial neural oscillator will drive a hybrid dynamic system at partial resonance."http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64204/1/bb8_2_026001.pd

    Resident macrophages of pancreatic islets have a seminal role in the initiation of autoimmune diabetes of NOD mice

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    Significance Our studies indicate that the resident macrophages of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans have a seminal role in the initiation and progression of autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice. In this study, islet macrophages were depleted by administration of a monoclonal antibody to the CSF-1 receptor. Macrophage depletion, either at the start of the autoimmune process or when diabetogenesis is active, leads to a significant reduction in diabetes incidence. Depletion of the islet macrophages reduces the entrance of T cells into islets and results in the absence of antigen presentation. Concordantly, a regulatory pathway develops that controls diabetes progression. We conclude that treatments that target the islet macrophages may have important clinical relevance for the control of autoimmune type 1 diabetes.</jats:p
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