527 research outputs found

    The management of knee osteoarthritis in elderly: results from a national survey compared to ESCEO guidelines

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    OBJECTIVE: Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is a degenerative and inflammatory disease with a rising incidence and prevalence worldwide. Various therapeutic strategies have been proposed over time, depending on the degrees of severity and usually based on individual clinical practice. However, several European and international scientific societies published guidelines, to provide practical clinical stepwise guidance and to facilitate individualized therapeutic decisions regarding the management of KOA. The aim of this prospective multicentre observational study was to describe the real outpatient territorial management of patients with knee osteoarthritis and to compare it with the ESCEO guidelines, in order to identify operational strategies for delivering patient-centric care. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The educational project was divided in three modules: the first and the last through webinar; the second held in daily practice. The participants had to register structured observations. RESULTS: The project has been joined by 155 discussants, and the 2,656 observations collected allowed the understanding of the most common therapeutic approaches for knee osteoarthritis on the Italian territory. CONCLUSIONS: The educational project proved to be useful for updating on the state of the art of therapeutic management of knee osteoarthritis, and to increase expertise in detecting prevention and treatment strategies according to ESCEO guidelines to apply in the Real-Life context

    State of art in intra-articular hip injections of different medications for osteoarthritis: a systematic review

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    Background: Intra-articular hip injections for osteoarthritis represent a useful instrument to reduce pain and disability in the common clinical practice. Several medications can be injected locally with different level of evidence-based efficacy. Objective: The objective of this systematic review is to investigate the effectiveness of intra-articular injections of different medications or substances for the pain treatment and the management of disability in subjects affected by hip osteoarthritis. Methods: Two reviewers selected independently randomised controlled trials published in the last 10 years, using PubMed and Scopus databases. The risk of bias was evaluated with Cochrane library assessment tool. Results: 12 randomised controlled trials have been selected. We found 8 papers comparing hyaluronic acid with platelet rich plasma, with corticosteroids and with saline solution; 1 paper compares two types of hyaluronic acid with different molecular weights; 3 papers study the effects of corticosteroids alone or compared to ketorolac or saline solution. Conclusions: The studies reviewed were heterogeneous regarding sample size, level of osteoarthritis, evaluated with Kellegren-Lawrence score, medications used and follow up timings. However, we have observed that intra-articular injections of platelet-rich plasma seem to decrease pain at short term and disability at long term, in patients affected by hip osteoarthritis better than hyaluronic acid. The association of hyaluronic acid and corticosteroids could give better results compared to hyaluronic acid alone, while the use of intra-articular ketorolac and saline solution requires more studies

    The client satisfaction with device: a Rasch validation of the Arabic version in patients with upper and lower limb amputation

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    BACKGROUND: The Client Satisfaction with Devices (CSD) module of the Orthotics and Prosthetics Users' Survey is an extensively used questionnaire that measures patients' satisfaction with orthosis and prosthesis. However, the validated version for Arabic speakers (CSD-Ar) is only applicable for orthosis users. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric proprieties of the CSD-Ar for prosthetics users. METHODS: The study used a convenience sample of prosthesis users from Saudi Arabia and Turkey (N\u2009=\u2009183), who completed the CSD-Ar. The collected data were analysed using Rasch analysis to evaluate item fit, reliability indices, item difficulty, local item dependency, and differential item functioning (DIF) using WINSTEPS version 4.6.1. RESULTS: Based on the analysis, the four-response Likert-scale was acceptable, as shown by the category functioning test, All eight items did achieve a fit to the Rasch Model [(infit) and (outfit) mean-square 0.75 to 1.3]. Person separation reliability was 0.76, and item separation reliability was 0.94. A principal component analysis (PCA) showed satisfactory unidimensionality and no local item dependency. The DIF analysis showed no notable dependency among items on participant characteristics in terms of age, gender, duration of use, country, and level of amputation. CONCLUSION: This study contributes to the confidence of using CSD-Ar to evaluate users' satisfaction with different prostheses, affirming the need for further refinement of the quality of the outcome measure

    Trust/untrust is not the same as true/false. lessons learned and ethical questions on the application of untrustworthiness scales to judge individuals

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    This special paper reflects on trustworthiness and its implications for scientific medical journals and all the communities they serve: health professionals, policymakers, the public, and a specific discipline, in our case, Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. We start from a recent episode: a paper claimed the untrustworthiness of two randomised controlled trials (RCTs) published in the European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine based on a newly developed trustworthiness scale, used until now only in systematic reviews. This likely represents the first case of applying such a scale focusing on a single leading author. Developing a proper answer to this case led us to present some insights from the perspective of a Journal editor. We discuss the impact of false research results, why trust is needed in science and medicine, the difference between untrust and false results, the problems in judging trustworthiness, the unfortunately weak capacity of the peer review system in preventing these issues, the problems of "post-hoc" judgements and the emerging ethical issues. We conclude with some suggestions for the future based on prevention at the system level

    Ricerca del grano tenero in miscela con il duro negli sfarinati e nelle paste variamente essiccate

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    Il riconoscimento dell'uso del grano tenero nella produzione della pasta alimentare si basa sull'analisi gas cromatografica deli esteri degli steroli previo isolamento della frazione lipidica. Il metodo consente di calcolare la percentuale di grano tenero utilizzato sia negli sfarinati sia nelle paste

    PEP mask therapy for the rehabilitation of a pre-term infant with respiratory distress syndrome: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: Preterm infants can develop many complications related to organs underdevelopment. Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is considered the most important cause of morbidity and mortality in these patients. Traditional therapies for severe RDS, such as mechanical ventilation, come with a potential risk for pneumothorax and bronchopulmonary dysplasia while evidence on chest physiotherapy in preterm infants are controversial in terms of feasibility, tolerability and safety. The use of the positive expiratory pressure (PEP) mask is known in the pediatric field especially in cystic fibrosis for the removal of secretions and lung re-expansion. However, no literature exists on the application and effectiveness of this treatment modality for the respiratory rehabilitation of preterm infants. In this study, we aimed to assess the efficacy of a respiratory rehabilitation protocol based on PEP mask in a preterm infant with respiratory distress syndrome. CASE REPORT: A Caucasian girl born at 26 and 5 weeks of gestational age with respiratory distress syndrome was treated with mechanical ventilation, oxygen therapy and PEP-mask. CLINICAL REHABILITATION IMPACT: Three weeks of PEP mask led to a significant clinical and radiological improvement of the lung’s function with progressive reduction of the oxygen supplement and mechanical ventilation until complete weaning off. Given the absence of literature on this subject, further studies should be conducted to confirm these preliminary observations