448 research outputs found

    Hibridização interespecífica do gênero Phaseolus visando à resistência a seca.

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    Estudos realizados sobre hibridacao interespecifica em feijao visando sua resistencia a seca, no Nordeste do Brasil.Trabalho apresentado no Curso de Pos-Graduacao em Genetica e Melhoramento de Plantas, da ESALQ

    Agricultura familiar na Amazônia Brasileira: clones de guaraná: tecnologia sustentável para a Amazônia.

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    Importância econômica e social do guaraná. Material genético. Características morfológicas e agronômicas dos clones de guaranazeiro. Sustentabilidade da produção.bitstream/item/120954/1/Folder-Guarana.pd

    Suitability of Amazonian Fruit: Araçá-Boi (Eugenia stiptata McVaugh) for Liquor Production

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    The potential of araçá-boi for liquor processing was studied through fruit pulp composition and the effect of processing parameters, such as: extraction liquid type, maceration time, pulp/extraction liquid ratio, proportion of syrup/extract and syrup processing method. The araçá-boi presents good characteristics for liquor processing, such as, acidic pH, high titrable acidity, soluble solids and total carotenoids contents. For the araçá-boi liquor processing the optimized parameters were five days for maceration time; 1:2 (g/ml) of pulp/extraction liquid ratio at maceration; the 1:0.5 (ml/ml) of syrup/extract ratio at the formulation; preparation of the syrup using heat; utilization of the corn alcohol. With this conditions, a good product is obtained.Para avaliar o potencial do araçá-boi para produção de licores, foi estudada a composição química da polpa e o efeíto de alguns parâmetros do processamento, tais como, tipo de líquido extrator, tempo de maceração, proporção polpa/líquido extrator, proporção xarope/extrato c método de preparo do xarope. O araçá-boi apresentou boas características para o processamento de licor, como o pH ácido, altos teores de acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis e carotcnóides totais. Os parâmetros ideais para obtenção de licor de boa qualidade foramcinco dias de maceração na proporção de 1:2 (p/v) de polpa:álcool de milho, relação de 1:0,5 (v/v) de xarope:cxtrato na formulação, utilizando-se xarope preparado com dissolução do açúcar sob aquecimento

    Novos clones de guaranazeiro para o Estado do Amazonas.

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    Esses novos clones de guaranazeiro, podem contribuir expressivamente para o desenvolvimento da cultura do guaraná, com aumento em quantidade e qualidade da produção estadual desse fruto, que é considerado de grande importância econômica e social na região.bitstream/CPAA-2009-09/7052/1/ComTec-8.pd

    Obtenção e difusão de cultivares de arroz irrigado para o estado de Goiás: relatório técnico 2002/2003 a 2004/2005.

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    Introdução; Objetivo; Equipe do projeto; Atividades de pesquisa; Ano agrícola 2002/03; Ano agrícola 2003/04; Ano agrícola 2004/05; Lançamento de cultivares; Atividades de difusão de tecnologia; Considerações gerais.bitstream/CNPAF/25047/1/doc_183.pd

    Use of airborne radar images and machine learning algorithms to map soil clay, silt, and sand contents in remote areas under the Amazon rainforest.

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    Soil texture has a great influence on the physical-hydric and chemical behavior of soils. In the Amazon regions, due to the presence of dense forest cover and limited access to roads, carrying out surveys and mapping of soils is challenging. When data exist, they are relatively sparse and the distribution is quite uneven. In this context, machine learning algorithms (ML) associated with remote sensor covariates offer a framework to derive digital maps of soil attributes. The objective of this study was to produce maps of surface and subsurface soil clay, silt, and sand contents in a 13.440 km2 area in the Amazon. The specific objectives were to a) evaluate the gain in prediction accuracy when using the P-band of airborne radar as a covariate; b) evaluate two sampling approaches (Reference Area-RA and Total Area-TA); and c) evaluate the transferability and performance of three ML algorithms: regression tree (RT), random forest (RF), and support vector machine (SVM). The study site was divided into three blocks, called Urucu, Araracanga, and Juruá, respectively. The soil dataset consisted of 151 surface and subsurface sand, silt, and clay observations and 21 covariates (20 relief variables and the backscattering coefficient from the P-band). Both the RA and TA sampling approach used 114 observations for training the prediction models (75%) and 37 for validation (25%). The RA approach was better for the development of sand and silt models. Overall, RF derived the most accurate predictions for all variables. The effect of introducing the P-band backscattering coefficient improved the sand prediction accuracy at the surface and subsurface in Araracanga, which had the highest sand content, with relative improvements (RI) of the R2, root mean square error (RMSE), and mean absolute error (MAE) of 46%, 3%, and 4% at the surface, respectively, and 66.7%, 4.4%, and 5.2% at the subsurface, respectively. For silt, the P-band improved the predictions at the surface in Araracanga, which had the lowest silt contents among the blocks. For clay, adding the P-band improved the RF predictions at the subsurface, with RI of the R2, RMSE, and MAE of 29%, 5%, and 5%, respectively. Despite the low observation density, inherently hindered by the low accessibility of the area and high costs of sampling thereof, the results showed the potential of ML algorithms boosted by airborne radar P-band to map soil clay, silt, and sand contents in the Amazon.On-line first

    Novos clones de guaranazeiro para o Estado do Amazonas.

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