106 research outputs found

    Anthelmintic activity of Cymbopogon martinii, Cymbopogon schoenanthus and Mentha piperita essential oils evaluated in four different in vitro tests

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    AbstractAnthelmintic resistance is a worldwide concern in small ruminant industry and new plant-derived compounds are being studied for their potential use against gastrointestinal nematodes. Mentha piperita, Cymbopogon martinii and Cymbopogon schoenanthus essential oils were evaluated against developmental stages of trichostrongylids from sheep naturally infected (95% Haemonchus contortus and 5% Trichostrogylus spp.) through the egg hatch assay (EHA), larval development assay (LDA), larval feeding inhibition assay (LFIA), and the larval exsheathment assay (LEA). The major constituent of the essential oils, quantified by gas chromatography for M. piperita oil was menthol (42.5%), while for C. martinii and C. schoenanthus the main component was geraniol (81.4% and 62.5%, respectively). In all in vitro tests C. schoenanthus essential oil had the best activity against ovine trichostrongylids followed by C. martini, while M. piperita presented the least activity. Cymbopogon schoenanthus essential oil had LC50 value of 0.045mg/ml in EHA, 0.063mg/ml in LDA, 0.009mg/ml in LFIA, and 24.66mg/ml in LEA. The anthelmintic activity of essential oils followed the same pattern in all in vitro tests, suggesting C. schoenanthus essential oil could be an interesting candidate for nematode control, although in vivo studies are necessary to validate the anthelmintic properties of this oil

    Dried brewers grains in growing rabbits: nutritional value and effects on performance

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    [EN] Two assays were carried out to determine i) the nutritional value of dried brewers’ grains and ii) the effects of inclusion of this ingredient in growing rabbit diets on animal performance and economic performance of the breeding unit. In the digestibility assay, a total of 28 male rabbits were distributed in 2 groups differing in the diet offered to animals: a reference diet (35.51% neutral detergent fibre and 16.50% crude protein [CP]) and a test diet (60% of reference diet and 40% of dried brewers grains). The dried brewers’ grain contained 37.9% of CP and 3371 kcal digestible energy/kg dry matter. In the performance study, 80 weaned rabbits (40 males and 40 females) were allotted at 40 d of age to 5 groups differing in the inclusion levels of dried brewers’ grains (0, 7, 14, 21 and 28%) from 40 d to 90 d of age. Inclusion of dried brewers’ grains did not affect the live weight at 90 d, the feed intake between 40 d and 90 d or the dressing percentage of rabbits (on average 223 g, 96 g/d and 51.3%, respectively). There was no effect of diet on the meat quality parameters (69.5% water holding capacity, 25.6% cooking loss, 3.4 kg/cm2 Warner-Bratzler shear force and pH 5.70) and inclusion levels above 14% reduced the feed cost (–18%; P<0.001), while inclusion above 21% improved net income (+32%; P<0.001). In conclusion, these results suggest that the use of dried brewers’ grains in diets for growing rabbits could improve the economic performance of the production system without impairing the animals’ performance.Lima, P.; Watanabe, P.; Cândido, R.; Ferreira, A.; Vieira, A.; Rodrigues, B.; Nascimento, G.... (2017). Dried brewers grains in growing rabbits: nutritional value and effects on performance. World Rabbit Science. 25(3):251-260. doi:10.4995/wrs.2017.6813.SWORD251260253Albuquerque, D. M. N., Lopes, J. B., Klein Junior, M. H., Merval, R. R., Silva, F. E. S., & Teixeira, M. P. F. (2011). Resíduo desidratado de cervejaria para suínos em terminação. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 63(2), 465-472. doi:10.1590/s0102-09352011000200026AOAC International. 2005. Official methods of analysis of Association Official Analytical Chemists International. AOAC, Arlington VA. USA.Briganó, M. V., Pacheco, G. D., Bridi, A. M., Oba, A., Fonseca, N. A. N., & Silva, C. A. da. (2008). Desempenho e características de carcaça de suínos submetidos a diferentes programas de restrição alimentar na fase dos 30 aos 118 kg. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 37(8), 1398-1404. doi:10.1590/s1516-35982008000800009De Blas, J. C., Rodriguez, C. A., Bacha, F., Fernandez, R., & Abad-Guamán, R. (2015). Nutritive value of co-products derived from olivecake in rabbit feeding. World Rabbit Science, 23(4), 255. doi:10.4995/wrs.2015.4036Etchu K.A., Humbu M.E., Ndamukong K.J.N., Agbor E.B. 2012. Effect of varying levels of brewers' dried grain on the growth performance of weaner rabbits (Oryctolagus Cuniculus). Greener J. Agric. Sci., 2: 237-245.Fazano A.R.T., Zinsly C.F., Mattos W.R.S., Packer I.H. 1986. Digestibilidade e valor biológico da proteína da levedura seca (Saccharomyces spp.) e do farelo de soja para coelhos. Boletim de Indústria Animal, 46: 185-191.Lounaouci-Ouyaed G., Lakabi-ioualitene D., Berchiche M., Lebas F. 2008. Field beans and brewers grain as protein source for growing rabbits in Algeria: first results on growth and carcass quality. Nutrition and Digestive Physiology. In: 9th World Rabbit Congress, June 10-13, Verona, Italy. 723-728.Matterson L.D., Potter L.M., Stutz M.W., Singsen E.P. 1965. The metabolizable energy of feed ingredients for chickens. Storrs: University of Connecticut; Agricultural Experiment Station Research Report, 11: 11.National Research Council. 2007. Nutrient requirements of small ruminants: sheep, goats, cervids, and New World camelids. Washington, D.C.: National Academic Press, 292.Partridge G., Wyatt C. 1995. More flexibility with new generation of enzymes. World Poultry,11: 17-21.SAS 2000. SAS/STAT User's Guide (Release 6.12). SAS Inst. Inc., Cary NC, EUA.Villamide, M. J. (1996). Methods of energy evaluation of feed ingredients for rabbits and their accuracy. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 57(3), 211-223. doi:10.1016/0377-8401(95)00855-

    Fitomassa de adubos verdes e controle de plantas daninhas em diferentes densidades populacionias de leguminosas.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a fitomassa de calopogônio, mucuna-preta, mucunarajada,feijão-de-porco, guandu de porte alto, Crotalaria spectabilis e C. breviflora sob diferentes densidades de semeadura (10, 20, 40, 80 e 160 sementes viáveis m-2), e o crescimento de plantas daninhas nessas densidades, em área de tabuleiros costeiros. O experimento foi desenvolvido de maio a agosto de 1996, no Campo Experimental “Antônio Martins”(EMDAGRO/Embrapa-CPATC), em Lagarto, SE. O número de plantas vivas na floração (NPVF) e a matéria seca da parte aérea das leguminosas (MSPA) foram determinados quando, em cada espécie, cerca de 50% das plantas floresceram. Maiores incrementos de MSPA, em resposta ao adensamento populacional, foram observados em C. spectabilis e C. breviflora, seguidas pelo calopogônio, mucuna-preta e mucuna-rajada. Em relação ao feijão-de-porco, a resposta foi negativa, enquanto com o guandu não houve influência. Quanto ao NPVF, as respostas ao adensamento foram lineares e positivas em C. spectabilis, C. breviflora e calopogônio, e quadráticas com ponto de máxima em feijão-de-porco,guandu e mucuna-rajada. Embora nenhum modelo tenha sido ajustado para expressar a relação entre NPVF e adensamento na semeadura de mucuna-preta, a sobrevivência dessa espécie foi reduzida em todas as densidades. Maiores inibições de plantas daninhas ocorreram nas parcelas de mucuna-preta e feijão-de-porco