12 research outputs found

    Angiotensin-(1-7) Mas-receptor deficiency decreases peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma expression in adipocytes

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    The renin-angiotensin system is an important link between metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases. Besides angiotensin II, other angiotensin peptides such as angiotensin-(1-7), have important biological activities. It has been demonstrated that angiotensin-(1-7), acting through the G protein-coupled receptor encoded by the Mas protooncogene have important actions on the cardiovascular system. However, the role of angiotensin-(1-7)-Mas axis in lipidic profile is not well established. In the present study, the adipocyte metabolism was investigated in wild type and FVB/N Mas-deficient male mice. The gene expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, acetyl-CoA carboxylase and the amount of fatty acid synthase protein were reduced in the Mas-knockout mice. Serum nonesterified fatty acids of Mas-knockout showed a 50% increase in relation to wild type group. Basal and isoproterenol-stimulated lipolysis was similar between the groups, however, a significant decrease of the glycerol release (lipolytic index) in response to insulin was observed in wild type animals, while no effect of the insulin action was observed in a Mas-knockout group. The data suggest that the lack of angiotensin-(1-7) action through Mas receptor alters the response of adipocytes to insulin action. These effects might be related to decreased expression of PPARgamma


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    O presente artigo faz um levantamento da bibliografia disponível acerca da formação de professores em cursos de licenciatura, iniciando com um tratamento hermenêutico ao termo "formação", passando pela atual situação dos docentes no estado de São Paulo. Caracteriza a constituição das instituições formadoras e levanta aspectos convergentes em relação ao tratamento do tema na literatura. Finalmente são feitas considerações específicas sobre a formação dos professores em cursos de Licenciatura em Matemática.<br>This paper makes a review of the literature on teacher training, begining with hermeneutical remarks on the word "formation". It discusses the actual context of teaching in the State of São Paulo, focusing the constitution of training programmes in universities, and bring some convergent features about this theme available in the literature. Finally, this work focuses the training of Mathematics teachers

    Trajetória de vida e construção dos saberes de professoras de educação física History of life and construction of knowledges of physical education teachers

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    Considerando que os saberes dos professores são construídos ao longo dos diversos momentos de sua vida discente e docente, e que essa temática deveria ser mais abordada durante a formação inicial de professores, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a trajetória de vida de duas professoras de educação física escolar, sendo uma experiente (PE), com quase 30 anos de carreira, e uma novata (PN), com aproximadamente um ano e meio de carreira, dos ensinos fundamental e médio da rede pública da cidade de São Carlos-SP. Para tanto, a pesquisa pautou-se na abordagem qualitativa e teve como instrumento de coleta de dados a entrevista semi-estruturada. A análise dos dados conduziu à elaboração das seguintes categorias: 1) a infância e os possíveis reflexos na atuação profissional, que apresentou a escola e a relação com os pais como grandes responsáveis pela transmissão de valores do que é ser professor; 2) visão de curso/universidade, destacando o apreço sobre o período acadêmico na visão da PE e da PN; 3) dificuldades/reflexões sobre a vida docente, que revelou os obstáculos encontrados pela PN em seu início de carreira e, também, as artimanhas utilizadas pela PE ao lidar com as incertezas que envolvem a prática docente. Desta forma, ressaltamos que as trajetórias de vida dos professores, quando analisadas como uma perspectiva metodológica, podem apresentar aspectos importantes para futuros professores e também auxiliar os docentes durante as suas intervenções pedagógicas, pois o docente que relaciona e reflete a sua trajetória de vida com a sua atuação na escola pode reconstruir as suas intervenções e tornar-se um profissional melhor<br>Considering that the teacher's knowledge is built throughout several moments of the teachers' lives, both as students and as teachers, and that this subject should be approached more frequently during the initial years of their teaching education, the objective of this study was to analyze the courses of life of two teachers of Physical Education: an experienced teacher (ET), with almost 30 years of teaching experience, and a novice teacher (NT), with nearly one and a half years of teaching, of elementary and secondary schools in the city of São Carlos (São Paulo). We used a qualitative approach with a semi-structured interviews. The analysis of the data led to the production of the following categories: 1) the childhood and the possible reflexes in the professional action, which presented the school and the relationship with the parents as the responsible parts for the transmission of values of what being a teacher is; 2) perspective of the course/university, eliciting the regard for the academic period in the view of both the ET and the NT; 3) difficulties/reflections about the teaching life, which revealed the obstacles found by NT in the beginning of her career, and also the knowledgeable ways adopted by ET when she dealt with the uncertainties that are involved in the teaching practice. In the view of that, we emphasize that the course of life of the teachers, when analyzed as a methodological perspective, can present important aspects for the prospect teachers, and they can also assist the teachers during their educational interventions because the teacher that associates and reflects his life course with his actions in the school can reconstruct his interventions and become a better professiona