18 research outputs found

    Thermal comfort assessment in a typological non-isolated maternity pig sheds with different types of farrowing systems

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    Received: February 1st, 2021 ; Accepted: May 8th, 2021 ; Published: May 19th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] facilities in tropical climates, especially the maternity, have worked with typological systems that have been little studied to determine the influence of the type of farrowing on microenvironmental conditions and its effect on both the sows and the piglets' physiological parameters. Therefore, the aim of the research was evaluate the thermal environment (Temperature Humidity Index - THI and Radiant Thermal Load - RTL) and its influence on some physiological parameters (respiratory frequency - RF and rectal temperature - TRectal) in the sows and piglets in two different types of farrowing systems (Traditional and Slatted), in a typological swine facility located in tropical climates in Colombia. The findings showed that in the two systems, both for sows and piglets, the type of farrowing system did not generate significant differences in the physiological responses RF and TRectal. Also, the RTL did not show significant differences in the two types of farrowing system at the piglets and the sows’ level, without exceeding the maximum allowed levels. Temperature-Humidity Index was above the threshold during all experimental time, being slightly higher at the piglets' level with Slatted systems. These results show that the type of floor has little impact on the conditions of animal thermal comfort at the sows and piglets’ level. However, variables like low-temperature, low radiant energy exchange, and high humidity, which were found mainly at the piglets’ level, could have the highest incidence for not achieving a suitable microenvironment. This means that almost all Colombian pig farming facilities require a redesign of their farrowing system to guarantee better thermal conditions for both piglets and sows

    Measure of thermal transmittance of two different infill wall built with bamboo cultivated in Tuscany

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    ArticleBamboo is used in different scenarios of application, its physical and mechanical characteristics guarantee a high flexibility of use especially in the buildings constructions. The experience gained in civil constructions demonstrates that bamboo can be considered a sustainable material able to replace wood in many constructive elements with structural functions. The applications of bamboo aimed at carrying out structural functions are thoroughly studied. For this reason the present research focuses on the thermal insulation performance. To ensure an approach focused on the sustainability of potential exploitation, the research examined only local material coming from three bamboo fields located in the Tuscany region (Italy). The material harvested and suitably treated was utilized for the realization of two different kind of wall, undergone later to experimental tests in compliance with the ISO 9869 standard for the calculation of the transmittance values. The measure of transmittance enabled to know the characteristics of thermal conduction of bamboo walls. The first wall was made of cut throw longitudinal axis bamboo culms; the second one was made of cut throw longitudinal axis bamboo culms coated in internal face with a sustainable mortar. The test was carried out using insulating thermal box with internal temperature under control. The calculation of the transmittance in place was compared with the images captured by thermal camera. Thermal imagine allowed to highlight the behaviour of the material subjected to a thermal stress induced by the experimental test

    Decision three to predict respiratory rate of piglets submitted to cold conditions

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    Received: January 16th, 2021 ; Accepted: March 13th, 2021 ; Published: October 5th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] subjected to thermal conditions outside their comfort zones may show altered physiological and behavioural responses, which may consequently cause productive losses. For these reasons, the aim of this paper is to develop a decision tree for the prediction of respiratory rate (RR, mov min-1 ) of piglets exposed to different thermal situations. The experiment was carried out in an experimental pig farm of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia Campus Medellin, located at the San Pablo Agraria Experimental Station located in the eastern sector of the department of Antioquia, during August 2019. A database containing the raw data for dry bulb temperature - tdb (°C), and relative humidity - RH (%) as input variables, and RR (mov min-1 ) of six piglets were assessed every two hours as output variable for piglets was generated. The experimental database was composed of 78 observed data. The decision trees were developed to conditions of tdb between 19.2 to 29.5 °C and RH between 50.2 to 88.4%. In the experimental period, RR of piglets submitted to tdb higher than 27.1 °C the RR was around 60 mov min-1 , tdb smaller than 27.1 °C the RR varied from 36 to 46 mov min-1 . These low values of physiological responses may indicate that the piglets are not in a comfortable situation, so their development, welfare and production can be affected. The decision tree developed can be useful to provide a quick understanding of the piglet’s welfare condition based on the environmental variables and physiological responses

    Spatial distribution of thermal variables, acoustics and lighting in compost dairy barn with climate control system

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    ArticleThe main objective of this research was to evaluate the spatial distribution of the thermal variables, acoustics and lighting in climate controlled compost dairy barn. The experiment was conducted in October 2017, in a farm located in the west of Minas Gerais state, Brazil. For the study, the interior of the animal facility was divided into 120 meshes equidistant points, in which air temperature (tdb), relative humidity (RH), noise, illuminance, and air speed (Vair) were manually collected. The technique of geostatistics was used to evaluate the distribution and spatial dependence of variables. Spatial distribution maps showed the occurrence of high variability of attributes and content within the animal facility. Thermal environment variables showed alert situations throughout practically the entire facility. The noise and luminance levels were within the recommended values

    Compost-bedded pack barns in the state of Minas Gerais: architectural and technological characterization

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    ArticleCompost bedding pack (CBP) barns have been receiving increased attention as an alternative housing system for dairy cattle. Thus, a systematic investigation of the primary management practices of dairy cattle in CBP barns in the state of Minas Gerais (Brazil) has proven to be of environmental and economic relevance. The aim of this research was to summarize the compost bed data, barn dimension data and to determine the major interactive factors in the success of bed composting from qualitative and quantitative methods. Data for this study was collected from 16 CBP barns, distributed throughout the southern state of Minas Gerais (Brazil) between March 2017 and July 2018. These data were used to describe the building layouts and dimensions, to identify barn management practices, and to characterize the compost bedding material concerning moisture content. The majority of these barns had feed alleys and driveways; overshot ridges with frequent orientation from NE to SW; bedding process and aeration using mechanical tillage. The average bedding moisture content was found to be 36.9 ± 5.2% (w.b.). Based on the information found, it is possible to evaluate that there is still no defined construction pattern, with a high variation of size and technologies employed

    Comparative environmental analysis of soil sampling methods in precision agriculture for lime application in Paraná State, Brazil

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    Precision agriculture (PA) provides techniques that favour the localized application of inputs allowing their rational use. This makes the PA a potential indicator of reduced operational costs, input volume, and environmental impacts. The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the environmental effects of three different sampling methods used in PA for the lime application. The first sampling method evaluated was the grid sampling (GS). It was performed at a density of one sample per hectare in a 100×100 m georeferenced grid. The second method was the directed sampling, that was performed after defining the management zones by soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) using a soil electrical conductivity sensor. The lest sampling method was the Altitude-based management zone (AMZ) sampling that was developed based on altitude maps of the field. These sampling methods were tested in three different areas in the south of Brazil. This study evaluated the spatial variability of the lime volume in the soil and compared quantitatively and spatially the recommended application volumes achieved by each sampling method. Results highlighted that the sensor-directed soil sampling method was the alternative that would generate the lowest environmental impact

    Preliminary study on the potential use of RPA images to quantify the influence of the defoliation after coffee harvesting to its yield

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    Received: January 24th, 2023 ; Accepted: May 22nd, 2023 ; Published: September 18th, 2023 ; Correspondence: [email protected] is an agricultural commodity with global commercial importance capable of impacting the production chain. The quantification of defoliation at harvest is important for monitoring crop yield because defoliation is one of the main types of damage caused by this agricultural operation in coffee crops. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between yield and defoliation obtained in the field and obtained through remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) images. The experiment was conducted in a coffee plantation belonging to the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), Lavras, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. An RPA with a rotary wing containing a multispectral camera was used in autonomous flight mode with a height of 30 m, an image overlap of 80%, and a speed of 3 m s-1 . The images were collected before and after the 2020 and 2021 harvest, defoliation data obtained in the field were measured in 2020 and 2021, and the yield was measured from 2019 to 2021. Image processing was performed in the software PhotoScan, postimage processing was performed in QGIS, and statistical analyses were performed using the software R. With the processing of the images in 2020, the crop showed reductions of 17.3% and 18.4% in leaf area and volume, respectively, after harvest. In 2021, the crop showed reductions of 12.8% and 9.8% in leaf area and volume, respectively, after harvest. The leaf area and leaf volume of the coffee plantation after harvest could be quantified by means of images obtained by RPA, which allowed the observation of the loss of area and volume of the coffee plantation. Furthermore, it was possible to analyse the interactions between field data and the yield of the same harvest year, which were directly proportional, and the interaction of image data from one year with the previous yield, which were inversely proportional. In the year 2020, there was a reduction of 17.3% in leaf area after harvest, and a reduction of 18.4% in leaf volume after harvest in the plots under study.In the processing carried out in 2021, there was a 12.8% reduction in leaf area after harvest, and a 9.8% decrease in leaf volume after harvest in the plots under study

    Building performance analysis of a dairy factory in South Iraq: appraisal of a local bio-based envelope

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    Received: February 4th, 2021 ; Accepted: April 24th, 2021 ; Published: April 29th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] have a relevant impact on the environment, and building materials cause environmental impacts during all life cycle stages: production, utilization, management and demolition. The global request for more efficient buildings with less environmental impacts has grown during the last years. Among various technologies, thermal insulation has proven to be helpful in reducing emissions by increasing energy conservation. This paper intends to show how the Building Performance Analysis (BPA) supports the decision-making process in many areas where common insulation materials are not available and there is a general reluctance to use local natural materials. A building located in the city of Al Chubaish in Dhi Qar Province in Iraq is examined as a case study. The construction is designed for processing buffalo milk. It was built in the first decade of the century, during the Iraqi conflict, using only the materials available at that time, most of which, concrete bricks, mortar and plaster. Currently, this dairy factory is a very inefficient structure in terms of energy saving. But because its elementary form, it is a perfect example to investigate how a simple exterior wall insulation can improve building performance in extreme environmental conditions. Accordingly, two different models have been created. One is the replica of the real building without any upgrading. The second instead presents a thermal insulation realized with reed bio-based material locally available. Through advanced simulation engines and building performance analysis data integrated into Autodesk Revit, each model has been tested to identify significant improvements in terms of energy savings in this particular stressed background

    Thermal analysis of cement panels with lignocellulosic materials for building

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    The use of lignocellulosic material residue in cement composites can be considered as a good option because they allow good thermal behaviour. This paper aimed to compare three kinds of cement panels reinforced with different lignocellulosic materials (Coffee husk, Coconut shell, and Banana pseudostem) based on their thermal properties. To produce each panel, the methodology suggested by Souza (1994) was used. Six replicates of each lignocellulosic panel with dimensions of 7.0×7.5 were evaluated. The thermal analysis was performed in a chamber composed of MDP (medium density particleboard). The chamber contained the heat source (incandescent lamp) connected to a thermostat that maintained the temperature at 48.0 °C. The porosity and thickness of the panels and the thermal behaviour of each sample panel (thermal conductivity, resistivity, resistance, and transmittance) and the difference in temperature of both sides of the panel were evaluated. The temperature difference to stabilization was obtained after a sampling time of 200 minutes, with 1,000 readings of 12 s each. Although all the panels were submitted under the same temperature, the inner and external superficial temperatures of the coffee husk panels reached smaller values. Besides, coconut and banana pseudostem panels presented the best results of thermal transmittance and thermal resistance. Thus, coconut shell panels present the best thermal performance, which means that this panel might be an attractive alternative building material, in terms of heat insulation for indoor applications

    Comparison between the thermal properties of cement composites using infrared thermal images

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    The use of agribusiness residual lignocellulosic fibres can be a good alternative in the development of lignocellulosic composites. The current work aimed to investigate the thermal performance of cement-based composites with lignocellulosic materials: Eucalyptus, sugarcane bagasse, coconut fibre in comparison with commercial gypsum board to be used as internal partitions of the building using infrared thermal images. Three repetitions for each kind of lignocellulosic material were made, and three commercial gypsum boards were used. In the production of the panels, the following parameters were applied: material and cement ratio, 1:2.75; water and cement ratio, 1:2.5; hydration water rate of 0.25; additive, 4% (based on cement mass). The calculations were performed for a nominal panel density of 1,200 kg m- ³. The thermal analysis was performed in a chamber composed of MDP (Medium-Density Particleboard) and with an internal layer of rock wool and the heat source (thermal resistance). For the superficial temperature measurement, a FLIR E75 camera was used to capture the infrared images. When the internal temperature of the chamber stabilized at 50 °C, an infrared thermal image was collected from each side of the composite. Thermal properties were analysed: thermal conductivity, resistivity, resistance, and transmittance. Based on the results, sugar cane cement composites were characterized by higher values of thermal conductivity. Related to thermal resistivity, thermal resistance, and thermal transmittance, only the coconut panel presented similar behaviour to the commercial gypsum board. Thus, cement composite using coconut can be a potential alternative that might solve energy and environmental concerns simultaneously