4,072 research outputs found

    Experimental Observation of Quantum Correlations in Modular Variables

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    We experimentally detect entanglement in modular position and momentum variables of photon pairs which have passed through DD-slit apertures. We first employ an entanglement criteria recently proposed in [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 106}, 210501 (2011)], using variances of the modular variables. We then propose an entanglement witness for modular variables based on the Shannon entropy, and test it experimentally. Finally, we derive criteria for Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Steering correlations using variances and entropy functions. In both cases, the entropic criteria are more successful at identifying quantum correlations in our data.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, comments welcom

    RGB vegetation indices applied to grass monitoring: a qualitative analysis

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    ArticleIn developing countries such as Brazil, research on low-cost remote sensing and computational techniques become essential for the development of precision agriculture (PA), and improving the quality of the agricultural products. Faced with the scenario of increasing production of emerald grass (Zoysia Japônica) in Brazil, and the value added the quality of this agricultural product. The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of RGB (IV) vegetation indices in the identification of exposed soil and vegetation. The study was developed in an irrigated area of 58 ha cultivated with emerald grass at Bom Sucesso, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The images were obtained by a RGB digital camera coupled to an remotely piloted aircraft. The flight plan was setup to take overlapping images of 70% and the aircraft speed was 10 m s -1 . Six RGB Vegetation index (MGVRI, GLI, RGBVI, MPRI, VEG, ExG) were evaluated in a mosaic resulting from the images of the study area. All of the VIs evaluated were affected by the variability of lighting conditions in the area but MPRI and MGVRI were the ones that presented the best results in a qualitative evaluation regarding the discrimination of vegetation and soil

    Indicadores para a avaliação da disponibilidade hídrica para o desenvolvimento sustentável da atividade canavieira irrigada.

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    Para a racionalização do uso dos recursos hídricos e promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável da atividade canavieira na região Centro-Oeste torna-se importante o desenvolvimento de procedimentos metodológicos que possam fornecer subsídios técnicos para o planejamento e gestão setorial - agricultura e recursos hídricos. O presente trabalho apresenta dois indicadores concebidos para a avaliação do potencial da disponibilidade hídrica para atender a demanda projetada de água para o desenvolvimento da atividade canavieira

    Relationship between top executive compensation and corporate governance: evidence from large Italian listed companies

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    The modernization of corporate governance aims the alignment of the interests of managers with those of companies, promoting a new discipline of internal controls and risk analysis with an enforcement of shareholder rights of information. This research investigates the impact of corporate governance variables –ownership, board of directors and remuneration committee– on executive compensation. A balanced sample of 52 Italian listed companies has been adopted to test the hypotheses, covering 55.98% and 47.13% of market capitalization in 2011 and 2015 respectively and including 669 board members. Theoretical models evidence a certain stability of compensation schemes for Italian managers over time. Findings suggest that there is a statistically significant positive effect of familiar ownership on the amount of compensation. Along with nature of ownership, the number of directors in the remuneration committee appointed by minorities assume a determinant role. With statistical significance, it affects negatively the compensation level, but, contrarily to best practices, it affects negatively the adoption of forms of incentive compensation.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Sistema de indicadores para a avaliação da sustentabilidade hídrica da atividade canaviera.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um estudo de caso realizado na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Verde (BHRV) para demonstrar a aplicabilidade do Sistema de Indicadores - SISHidro-Cana - para a avaliação da sustentabilidade hídrica da cultura canavieira, proposta por Ferraz (2012), como uma metodologia para avaliar a disponibilidade de água de bacias hidrográficas para subsidiar a proposição de políticas setoriais, ordenação territorial, planejamento agrícola e gestão dos recursos hídricos

    Sistema de indicadores para avaliação da sustentabilidade hídrica da expansão canavieira: contribuição metodológica para o planejamento e gestão.

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    O objetivo precípuo do presente trabalho consistiu na proposição, desenvolvimento metodológico e elaboração de um Sistema de Indicadores orientado para a avaliação do potencial de sustentabilidade hídrica e monitoramento da atividade canavieira (SISH-Cana ) em subsídio aos processos de ordenamento territorial, planejamento agrícola e gestão dos recursos hídricos. O Sistema de Indicadores (SI) SISH-Cana foi elaborado a partir de uma proposição metodológica de integração de diferentes estruturas conceituais de referência visando à modelagem conceitual do problema de gestão ambiental suscitado pelo caso tendencial da expansão da atividade canavieira sobre áreas do Cerrado Brasileiro, que em sua maior extensão, apresenta notório déficit hídrico sazonal, permitindo apenas o cultivo da cana-de-açúcar sob o regime de irrigação suplementar. A referida metodologia foi desenvolvida, deliberadamente, para atender os objetivos desta tese. Por meio desta foi possível elaborar o SI com uma concepção funcional e estruturação organizacional em módulos que conferiu ao mesmo satisfatória flexibilidade em termos de funcionalidade e aplicabilidade. O Sistema SISH-Cana foi concebido para atender a dois níveis de gestão - Estratégico e Tático e realizar avaliações analíticas, diagnósticas e prognósticas, além de sínteses descritivas, por intermédio de indicadores diretos, relevantes, agregados na forma de índices adimensionais. Mas, com significado físico, derivados de dados públicos disponíveis ou dados extraídos de modelos espacializados simples o que constituiu uma das premissas da proposta. Para demonstrar a aplicabilidade do SISH-Cana , foram conduzidos dois Estudos de Caso. O primeiro estudo, orientado ao nível estratégica de gestão, consistiu na avaliação da favorabilidade ambiental, do potencial de sustentabilidade hídrica e no monitoramento do processo de expansão da cultura canavieira no período entre os anos-agrícolas de 2006/2007 a 2010/2011, ocorrido nas Microrregiões: Sudoeste de Goiás; Vale do Rio dos Bois; Quirinópolis e Meia Ponte - pertencentes à Mesorregião Sul Goiano, consideradas como relevantes focos (hotspots) da expansão canavieira no Estado de Goiás. O segundo estudo teve o mesmo propósito, mas, concentrou-se na avaliação da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Verde, situada na mesma mesorregião e estado federativo. Os resultados demonstram o potencial de aplicabilidade e funcionalidade do Sistema de Indicadores SISH-Cana proposto, no trato das questões ambientais explicitadas. Conclui-se que os propósitos e objetivos foram atingidos, validando-se a tese, uma vez que foi possível demonstrar o valor prático e gerencial do Sistema de Indicadores SISH-Cana . Considera-se, assim, ter contribuído com o desenvolvimento de metodologias orientadas para o planejamento setorial da agricultura e recursos hídricos.Tese (Doutorado em Meio Ambiente) - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 2012. Orientadora: Margareth Simões Penello Meirelles, CNPS. Coorientador: Vincent Jean Pierre Dubreuil

    Coffee crop coefficient prediction as a function of biophysical variables identified from RGB UAS images

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    Because of different Brazilian climatic conditions and the different plant conditions, such as the stage of development and even the variety, wide variation may exist in the crop coefficients () values, both spatially and temporally. Thus, the objective of this study was to develop a methodology to determine the short-term using biophysical parameters of coffee plants detected images obtained by an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS). The study was conducted in Travessia variety coffee plantation. A UAS equipped with a digital camera was used. The images were collected in the field and were processed in Agisoft PhotoScan software. The data extracted from the images were used to calculate the biophysical parameters: leaf area index (LAI), leaf area (LA) and . GeoDA software was used for mapping and spatial analysis. The pseudo-significance test was applied with p < 0.05 to validate the statistic. Moran's index (I) for June was 0.228 and for May was 0.286. Estimates of values in June varied between 0.963 and 1.005. In May, the values were 1.05 for 32 blocks. With this study, a methodology was developed that enables the estimation of using remotely generated biophysical crop data

    Behavioural and physiological responses of rabbits

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    ArticleThe profitability of a rabbit farming system must consider the thermal environment that the animal will be exposed during the productive period. The goal of this study was to evaluate the physiological responses and behaviours of 26 New Zealand rabbits during seven days of their lives at three times a day. The experiment was carried out in rabbit house in the Federal University of Lavras at Lavras, Brazil. To characterize the thermal environment sensors were used to measure the dry bulb temperature and relative humidity at 48 points inside the rabbit house, at 6:00 a.m., 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. In addition, the temperature and humidity index (THI) was calculated. The respiratory rate and the superficial temperature of the rabbits' ears were measured. Behaviour evaluations were monitored in punctual record, with duration of two min/cage. Later an ethogram was made with the main behaviours identified. Similar data of behaviour and data of physiological responses were identified by using Ward’s method of cluster analysis. It was observed the period of 6 a.m. showed more comfortable conditions of THI values than the others analysed. Besides, physiological responses presented better values at 6:00 a.m. in comparison to 12:00 and 6:00 p.m. Furthermore, in general, a similar behaviour was observed in the rabbits at 12:00 and 6:00 p.m., while at 6:00 a.m. was different. But rabbits demonstrated to be more comfortable at 6 a.m. maybe because at this time environment conditions were better than the rest of the day. Besides, it can be observed that rabbits were more active in sunrise and sunset than in the rest of the day
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