6 research outputs found

    A conversation with Toni Cumella

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    This conversation with Toni Cumella takes place with regardto the recent exhibition entitled Cerámica Cumella:Shaping Ideas at the Architectural Association in London.Cerámica Cumella, a family business started by his grandfather,is dedicated to the manufacture of ceramic productssince 1880. Cumella reveals the origins of his profession bytaking us along a path between tradition and innovation inthe ceramic industry. He tells us about some of the projectsin which he is currently involved in collaboration with someof the most internationally recognized architects worldwide.Merging technology and fine arts, Cumella defineshis profession as a combination of the work of an artist, acraftsman and a technician. At every project, the collaborationprocess with the architect starts at the very earlieststage of design. Without pre-established limits, Toni Cumellaenjoys the challenge of every new single assignment,continuously testing himself at any of them.Peer Reviewe

    A conversation with Toni Cumella

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    This conversation with Toni Cumella takes place with regardto the recent exhibition entitled Cerámica Cumella:Shaping Ideas at the Architectural Association in London.Cerámica Cumella, a family business started by his grandfather,is dedicated to the manufacture of ceramic productssince 1880. Cumella reveals the origins of his profession bytaking us along a path between tradition and innovation inthe ceramic industry. He tells us about some of the projectsin which he is currently involved in collaboration with someof the most internationally recognized architects worldwide.Merging technology and fine arts, Cumella defineshis profession as a combination of the work of an artist, acraftsman and a technician. At every project, the collaborationprocess with the architect starts at the very earlieststage of design. Without pre-established limits, Toni Cumellaenjoys the challenge of every new single assignment,continuously testing himself at any of them.Peer Reviewe

    Dibujos y apuntes /

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    A portada: Regalos de la VanguardiaForma part del projecte: Biblioteca Digital d'Història de l'Art Hispànic (UAB)Àlbum de la col·lecció 'Regalos de La Vanguardia' als subscriptors que oferia la possibilitat de conservar els dibuixos i escrits de mèrit literari i artístic que el format diari no permetia perdurarÁlbum de la colección 'Regalos de La Vanguardia' a los suscriptores que ofrecía la posibilidad de conservar los dibujos y escritos de mérito literario y artístico que el formato de periódico no permitia perdurarAlbum entitled 'Drawings and notes' offered in the collection 'Regalos de La Vanguardia' to the subscribers of the journal giving the possibility to keep the drawings and writings of literary and artistic value that could not last in the diary forma