47 research outputs found

    Ice Storm Experiences of Persons with Disabilities: Knowledge is Safety

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    Questionnaire responses of ice storm victims with and without disabilities were compared and 15 women with disabilities were interviewed about their experiences. Results are examined from the Social Model of Disability perspective in terms of dealing with unexpected environmental barriers to inclusion

    Computer use by students with disabilities perceived advantages, problems and solutions

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    Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 4 oct. 2013)Bibliogr

    Is mass loss along the red giant branch of globular clusters sharply peaked? The case of M3

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    There is a growing evidence that several globular clusters must contain multiple stellar generations, differing in helium content. This hypothesis has helped to interpret peculiar unexplained features in their horizontal branches. In this framework we model the peaked distribution of the RR Lyr periods in M3, that has defied explanation until now. At the same time, we try to reproduce the colour distribution of M3 horizontal branch stars. We find that only a very small dispersion in mass loss along the red giant branch reproduces with good accuracy the observational data. The enhanced and variable helium content among cluster stars is at the origin of the extension in colour of the horizontal branch, while the sharply peaked mass loss is necessary to reproduce the sharply peaked period distribution of RR Lyr variables. The dispersion in mass loss has to be <~ 0.003 Msun, to be compared with the usually assumed values of ~0.02 Msun. This requirement represents a substantial change in the interpretation of the physical mechanisms regulating the evolution of globular cluster stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    The role of crowd support on home advantage during COVID-19 restrictions on Italian football competitions. Comparison between 2018-19 and 2020-21 seasons of the Italian Serie A and Serie B championships

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    The home advantage (HA) affects football competitions, especially due to the presence of crowd support. Even though several studies demonstrated that HA (which is influenced by the crowd) decreased in recent years, the empty stadia caused by COVID-19 restrictions offered unique situations to explore and quantify HA. For this reason, we aimed to assess HA in two seasons of the major Italian Championships. We conducted an observational study with the data from the last three seasons of the Italian football championship A-B series, analyzing a total of 2.964 individual game scores. To quantify the HA, the number of points won at home was calculated as a percentage of the total number of points won, home and away. In every season and for every team classification, HA was found (scored points &gt; 50% in home matches). We reported a difference in HA median score for Serie B. Additionally, a difference was found in Serie A for middle-ranking HA median scores in the two seasons compared (p-value = 0.017), which was similarly found in Serie B (p-value = 0.009). The number of penalties was lower in the season with a crowd compared to one without a crowd (p = 0.001). The HA did not disappear in empty stadiums, so there must be other contributing factors. Additionally, we found that the referees were biased by the presence of the crowd in favor of the home teams, and this result could be considered by the football association during referees' training and formation

    Development and validation of the POSITIVES scale (postsecondary information technology scale)

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    "Final report presented to the Canadian Council on Learning"Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 6 août 2009).Également disponible en format papier.Comprend des références bibliographiques

    Il ruolo della Corte di giustizia nella definizione della politica economica e monetaria europea

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    Il ruolo giocato dalla Corte di giustizia nel campo della politica economica e della politica monetaria è stato importante quanto sottostimato. Le due competenze dell’Unione sono profondamente differenti - ciascuna dotata di significative peculiarità - e tuttavia strettamente interconnesse. Definire i confini incerti tra politica economica e politica monetaria è stato il ruolo più importante svolto dalla Corte in questo campo. Questo ha comportato una precisazione dei ruoli delle istituzioni chiamate ad agire - Commissione, Consiglio, Banca centrale - così come dei limiti all’indipendenza dell’istituto di emissione, ma anche della ripartizione di competenze tra Stati e Unione. Dal 2012, un’ulteriore funzione è stata esercitata dalla Corte: la verifica della legittimità dell’intervento straordinario della BCE nell’economia per gestire le crisi. L’assenza nei trattati europei di disposizioni specifiche che contemplassero un ruolo della Banca come prestatore di ultima istanza o nella gestione delle crisi economiche e finanziarie spiega bene le contestazioni dell’ultimo decennio, così come la necessità di pronunce autorevoli da parte della Suprema Corte europea. Queste si collocano a buon diritto nel solco della giurisprudenza in tema di rule of law e di garanzia del rispetto dei principi generali nell’ordinamento europeo

    Acute Delta Hepatitis in Italy spanning three decades (1991–2019): Evidence for the effectiveness of the hepatitis B vaccination campaign

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    Updated incidence data of acute Delta virus hepatitis (HDV) are lacking worldwide. Our aim was to evaluate incidence of and risk factors for acute HDV in Italy after the introduction of the compulsory vaccination against hepatitis B virus (HBV) in 1991. Data were obtained from the National Surveillance System of acute viral hepatitis (SEIEVA). Independent predictors of HDV were assessed by logistic-regression analysis. The incidence of acute HDV per 1-million population declined from 3.2 cases in 1987 to 0.04 in 2019, parallel to that of acute HBV per 100,000 from 10.0 to 0.39 cases during the same period. The median age of cases increased from 27 years in the decade 1991-1999 to 44 years in the decade 2010-2019 (p &lt; .001). Over the same period, the male/female ratio decreased from 3.8 to 2.1, the proportion of coinfections increased from 55% to 75% (p = .003) and that of HBsAg positive acute hepatitis tested for by IgM anti-HDV linearly decreased from 50.1% to 34.1% (p &lt; .001). People born abroad accounted for 24.6% of cases in 2004-2010 and 32.1% in 2011-2019. In the period 2010-2019, risky sexual behaviour (O.R. 4.2; 95%CI: 1.4-12.8) was the sole independent predictor of acute HDV; conversely intravenous drug use was no longer associated (O.R. 1.25; 95%CI: 0.15-10.22) with this. In conclusion, HBV vaccination was an effective measure to control acute HDV. Intravenous drug use is no longer an efficient mode of HDV spread. Testing for IgM-anti HDV is a grey area requiring alert. Acute HDV in foreigners should be monitored in the years to come


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    Assalito dalla felicità corsi al mare, guardai l’acqua e fui preso da una forza, non mia, non umana che mi trascinò in acqua. Lì venni rapito da fantastiche sensazioni, l’adrenalina salì a mille, vidi un enorme creatura che suscitò in me delle emozioni mai provate prima, si era avvicinata talmente tanto che stava per toccarmi e, appena lo fece, il mio corpo si illuminò magicamente, le mie mani iniziarono pian piano ad assottigliarsi, il mio petto diventava sempre più piccolo e tondo e da lì a poco, ero diventato un polpo