657 research outputs found

    Experimental model to study intervertebral disc herniation

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    OBJETIVO: Apresentar um modelo experimental de hérnia de disco e sua validação para estudo da hiperalgesia mecânica e térmica produzidas pelo contato do núcleo pulposo (NP) com as estruturas nervosas envolvidas nessa afecção. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados ratos Wistar, sendo o NP autólogo retirado da região sacrococcígea e depositado sobre a dura-máter, raiz nervosa ou gânglios das raízes dorsais L4, L5 ou L6. Os experimentos foram divididos em quatro etapas: 1ª) determinação da estrutura nervosa mais sensível ao contato com o NP; 2ª) identificação do melhor nível lombar para a indução da hiperalgesia; 3ª) determinação da ausência de lesão motora; e 4ª) determinação da influência do procedimento cirúrgico no desenvolvimento do processo inflamatório. A hiperalgesia foi avaliada nos testes de von Frey eletrônico e de Hargreaves e a função motora, pelo teste de rota-rod. RESULTADOS: O NP induziu hiperalgesia de maior intensidade na pata quando em contato com o gânglio da raiz dorsal (GRD) do que em contato com a dura-máter ou a raiz nervosa. Quando em contato com o GRD-L5, o NP induziu hiperalgesia ainda maior que a induzida pelo contato com os GRDs L4 e L6. Não foram observadas lesão motora e influência do processo inflamatório cirúrgico sobre a hiperalgesia. CONCLUSÃO: O GRD é a estrutura mais sensível aos componentes do NP para a produção da hiperalgesia, sendo o quinto nível lombar o que apresentou maior alteração nas sensibilidades mecânica e térmica avaliadas na pata dos animais, de acordo com os métodos utilizados.OBJECTIVE:The purpose of this study is to present an experimental model of disc herniation and to validate such model to study mechanic and thermal hyperalgesia produced by the contact of the nucleus pulposus (NP) with nerve structures involved in this condition. METHODS: The authors used Wistar rats, the autologous NP being removed from the sacrococcygeal region and deposited on the dura mater, nerve root, or L4, L5, or L6 dorsal root ganglia. The experiments were divided into four steps: 1) determining the nerve structure that is the most sensitive to the contact with NP; 2) identifying the best lumbar level to induce hyperalgesia; 3) determining absence of a motor lesion; and 4) determining the impact of the surgical procedure upon the inflammatory process. Hyperalgesia was evaluated by the von Frey electronic test and the Hargreaves test, and the motor function was evaluated by the rota-rod test. RESULTS: NP induced higher intensity hyperalgesia in the paw when it was in contact with the dorsal root ganglion (GRD) than when it was in contact with the dura mater or the nerve root. Contact with GRD-L5, led NP to induce even higher hyperalgesia than that induced in the contact with L4 and L6 GRDs. No motor lesion and impact of the surgical inflammatory process on hyperalgesia were observed. CONCLUSION: GRD is the structure that is most sensitive to NP components to produce hyperalgesia, the fifth lumbar level being that showed the greatest change in the mechanic and thermal sensitivities evaluated in the paws of the animals, under the methods used

    Disease, invasions and conservation : no evidence of squirrelpox virus in grey squirrels introduced to Italy

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    Native red squirrels Sciurus vulgaris in Great Britain and Ireland are threatened by alien grey squirrels S. carolinensis through exploitation competition and spillover of squirrelpox virus (SQPV). By accelerating the replacement of red squirrels by the invader, SQPV represents a fundamental factor to consider when planning management and conservation strategies. In mainland Europe, grey squirrels introduced to Italy threaten the survival of the whole continental red squirrel population, but no extensive surveys for SQPV presence have been carried out in the region. We therefore investigated SQPV infection in north Italian grey squirrel populations through a combination of serological and molecular methods. Firstly, we analysed sera from 285 individuals through an enzyme\u2010linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect antibodies against SQPV. Secondly, a PCR designed to amplify a segment of the G8R SQPV gene was carried out on DNA extracted from swabs and skin tissue samples from a second set of 66 grey squirrels. ELISA tests identified four reactors (1.4%), but the subsequent PCR survey did not detect any SQPV DNA. Based on the low prevalence observed and on PCR results, we believe that the four suspected positives were the result of an ELISA cross\u2010reaction following exposure to another pox virus. Considering sample size and performances of the two methods, confidence of freedom from SQPV resulted above 99.9%. However, because of the severe impact of SQPV on red squirrels, we recommend the implementation of a passive surveillance plan for the early detection of an SQPV emergence in continental Europe

    Parasites and biological invasions : do helminths play a role in facilitating grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) settlement and in its competition with native red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)?

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    AIM: Several studies have shown that parasites can play an important role in biological invasions (Dunn AM, 2009, Adv Parasitol, 68: 161-184), mainly via two different processes. First, during the invasion process, alien species often lose part of their parasite community with a positive impact on their population growth and consequently on their settlement and spread (\u201cparasite release hypothesis", Torchin ME et al 2003, Nature, 421: 628-630). Second, parasites may mediate the impact of invasive species on native taxa ("parasite-mediated competition", Hudson P and Greenman J, 1998, Trends Ecol Evol, 13:387-390), introducing in the environment novel parasites to which native species are more susceptible or increasing the abundances of local parasite acting as additional reservoir (Tompkins DM, 2001 Parasitology, 1999: 187-193). Since 1948, the Eastern grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), a North-American alien species, has been repeatedly introduced in Italy, causing local extinction of the native Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris), mainly through exploitation competition for food (Martinoli A et al, 2010, Hystrix It J Mamm, 21: 127-136). Our purpose is to explore gastro-intestinal helminth communities of grey and red squirrels in Italy in order to investigate the role of parasites in the settlement of the alien species and in its interaction with native one. In particular, we want to test two independent hypothesis: the parasite release and the parasite-mediated competition MATERIAL AND METHODS: We have sampled 8 populations (4 grey-only, 3 red-only and 1 red-grey area) in Piedmont and Lombardy by capturing both species with standard live-trapping techniques. Grey squirrels were euthanized immediately after capture, while red squirrels were marked and released after samples collection. Grey squirrels were then dissected and their intestinal content examined using standard parasitological techniques. For red squirrels, we performed coprological analysis and tape tests to obtain indirect information on their gastro-intestinal parasites. To provide a check-list of red squirrel parasites, we also dissected several roadkills collected from different sites in Northern Italy. RESULTS: We dissected 142 grey squirrels in which we identified four different species of gastro-intestinal nematodes: Strongyloides robustus, Trichostrongylus calcaratus, Trichuris muris and Aonchotheca annulosa (prevalence: 74%, 13%, 6% and 2%, respectively). The species richness we observed is lower compared to what is reported for grey squirrel in their native range (Raush R and Tiner JD, 1948, Am Midl Nat, 39: 728-747). S. robustus is a parasite common and abundant in North-American squirrels (Bartlett CM, 1995, Folia Parasit, 42:102-114), but never recorded in Europe until now, thus likely brought here by grey squirrels during the invasion process. On the contrary, T. calcaratus, T. muris and A. annulosa should be considered as non-specific or accidental species, the latter two acquired by the grey squirrel here in Europe. As regards red squirrels, coprological analysis, tape tests and 26 roadkills collected in red-only areas have shown the presence of only one nematode, Rodentoxyuris sciuri (prevalence: 96%), typical of this species and already recorded in red squirrels in Europe (Hugot JP et al, 1996, Int J Parasitol, 26: 147-149). On the other hand, in red-grey areas, coprological analysis and roadkills examination have shown the presence of S. robustus in red squirrels, suggesting parasite transmission from the grey squirrel to the native species. CONCLUSION: Our results lend support to the parasite release hypothesis, as grey squirrels in Italy are missing several helminths species usually present in North-America. Moreover, the lack of species-specific parasites is suggested by the presence of some accidental species, probably exploiting vacant niches. Concerning parasite-mediated competition, we found that S. robustus can be transmitted to the red squirrel, but so far we haven't found any evidence of helminths spillover from red to grey squirrel. To confirm that S. robustus actually plays a role in grey squirrel impact on the native species, further investigation on the pathogenic effect of this nematode on red squirrels is needed

    Anomalous Diffusion in Infinite Horizon Billiards

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    We consider the long time dependence for the moments of displacement < |r|^q > of infinite horizon billiards, given a bounded initial distribution of particles. For a variety of billiard models we find ~ t^g(q) (up to factors of log t). The time exponent, g(q), is piecewise linear and equal to q/2 for q2. We discuss the lack of dependence of this result on the initial distribution of particles and resolve apparent discrepancies between this time dependence and a prior result. The lack of dependence on initial distribution follows from a remarkable scaling result that we obtain for the time evolution of the distribution function of the angle of a particle's velocity vector.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures Submitted to Physical Review

    Confronting models on cosmic ray interactions with particle physics at LHC energies

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    Inelastic pp collisions are dominated by soft (low momentum transfer) physics where perturbative QCD cannot be fully applied. A deep understanding of both soft and semi-hard processes is crucial for predictions of minimum bias and underlying events of the now coming on line pp Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Moreover, the interaction of cosmic ray particles entering in the atmosphere is extremely sensitive to these soft processes and consequently cannot be formulated from first principles. Because of this, air shower analyses strongly rely on hadronic interaction models, which extrapolate collider data several orders of magnitude. A comparative study of Monte Carlo simulations of pp collisions (at the LHC center-of-mass energy ~ 14 TeV) using the most popular hadronic interaction models for ultrahigh energy cosmic ray (SIBYLL and QGSJET) and for collider physics (the PYTHIA multiparton model) is presented. The most relevant distributions are studied including those observables from diffractive events with the aim of discriminating between the different models.Comment: 8 pages revtex, 8 figures, added reference

    The arctic curve of the domain-wall six-vertex model

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    The problem of the form of the `arctic' curve of the six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions in its disordered regime is addressed. It is well-known that in the scaling limit the model exhibits phase-separation, with regions of order and disorder sharply separated by a smooth curve, called the arctic curve. To find this curve, we study a multiple integral representation for the emptiness formation probability, a correlation function devised to detect spatial transition from order to disorder. We conjecture that the arctic curve, for arbitrary choice of the vertex weights, can be characterized by the condition of condensation of almost all roots of the corresponding saddle-point equations at the same, known, value. In explicit calculations we restrict to the disordered regime for which we have been able to compute the scaling limit of certain generating function entering the saddle-point equations. The arctic curve is obtained in parametric form and appears to be a non-algebraic curve in general; it turns into an algebraic one in the so-called root-of-unity cases. The arctic curve is also discussed in application to the limit shape of qq-enumerated (with 0<q40<q\leq 4) large alternating sign matrices. In particular, as q0q\to 0 the limit shape tends to a nontrivial limiting curve, given by a relatively simple equation.Comment: 39 pages, 2 figures; minor correction

    Healthy invaders do it better: loss of parasites in mammals introduced to Italy

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    With Lusophone African studies gaining significant prominence in academe, this volume is a welcome addition to the field. It contributes a debate on short story writing in Mozambique within the framework of the country’s internal tensions, social and political. The book is divided into three sections. Part I, “O conto: espaços e linguagens”, opens with a brief account of the emergence and evolution of the short story in Europe and South America, and then concentrates on an assessment of the p..