296 research outputs found

    La maladie d'Alzheimer et les symptômes comportementaux de la démence: alternatives à l'atteinte de liberté de mouvement : revue de la littérature

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    Contexte : la contention chez les résidents des établissements médico-sociaux vivant avec la maladie d’Alzheimer. Objectif de la revue de la littérature : elle a pour but de déceler des ébauches de solution afin de trouver des alternatives à la contention au sein de la population cible à travers les études répertoriées. Critères d’inclusion et d’exclusion : pour que les études puissent être sélectionnées, elles devaient traiter de la thématique choisie, dater de moins de cinq ans et représenter des essais cliniques aléatoires. Stratégie de recherche des articles : afin de demeurer dans le domaine des sciences infirmières, la base de données CINHAL a été consultée

    Transitions thématiques : Annotation d'un corpus journalistique et premières analyses

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    National audienceLe travail présenté dans cet article est centré sur la constitution d'un corpus de textes journalistiques annotés au niveau discursif d'un point de vue thématique. Le modèle d'annotation est une segmentation classique, à laquelle nous ajoutons un repérage de zones de transition entre unités thématiques. Nous faisons l'hypothèse que dans un texte bien construit, le scripteur fournit des indications aidant le lecteur à passer d'un sujet à un autre, l'identification de ces indices étant susceptible d'améliorer les procédures de segmentation automatique. Les annotations produites ont fait l'objet d'analyses quantitatives mettant en évidence un ensemble de propriétés des transitions entre thèmes. ------------------ The work presented in this paper focuses on the creation of a corpus of journalistic texts annotated at dicourse level, more precisely on a topic level. The annotation model is a classic segmentation one, to which we add transition zones between topical units. We assume that in a well-structured text, the author provides information helping the reader to move from one topic to another, where an identification of these clues is likely to improve automatic segmentation. The produced annotations have been subject of several quantitative analyses showing a set of linguistic properties of topical transitions

    Web Page Segmentation for Non Visual Skimming

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    International audienceWeb page segmentation aims to break a page into smaller blocks, in which contents with coherent semantics are kept together. Examples of tasks targeted by such a technique are advertisement detection or main content extraction. In this paper, we study different seg-mentation strategies for the task of non visual skimming. For that purpose, we consider web page segmentation as a clustering problem of visual elements, where (1) all visual elements must be clustered, (2) a fixed number of clusters must be discovered, and (3) the elements of a cluster should be visually connected. Therefore, we study three different algorithms that comply to these constraints: K-means, F-K-means, and Guided Expansion. Evaluation shows that Guided Expansion evidences statistically-relevant results in terms of compactness and separateness, and satisfies more logical constraints when compared to the other strategies

    Concurrent Speech Synthesis to Improve Document First Glance for the Blind

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    International audienceSkimming and scanning are two well-known reading processes, which are combined to access the document content as quickly and efficiently as possible. While both are available in visual reading mode, it is rather difficult to use them in non visual environments because they mainly rely on typographical and layout properties. In this article, we introduce the concept of tag thunder as a way (1) to achieve the oral transposition of the web 2.0 concept of tag cloud and (2) to produce an innovative interactive stimulus to observe the emergence of self-adapted strategies for non-visual skimming of written texts. We first present our general and theoretical approach to the problem of both fast, global and non-visual access to web browsing; then we detail the progress of development and evaluation of the various components that make up our software architecture. We start from the hypothesis that the semantics of the visual architecture of web pages can be transposed into new sensory modalities thanks to three main steps (web page segmentation, keywords extraction and sound spatialization). We note the difficulty of simultaneously (1) evaluating a modular system as a whole at the end of the processing chain and (2) identifying at the level of each software brick the exact origin of its limits; despite this issue, the results of the first evaluation campaign seem promising

    Curved CMOS sensor: characterization of the first fully functional prototype

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    Many are the optical designs that generate curved focal planes for which field flattener must be implemented. This generally implies the use of more optical elements and a consequent loss of throughput and performances. With the recent development of curved sensor this can be avoided. This new technology has been gathering more and more attention from a very broad community, as the potential applications are multiple: from low-cost commercial to high impact scientific systems, to mass-market and on board cameras, defense and security, and astronomical community. We describe here the first concave curved CMOS detector developed within a collaboration between CNRS-LAM and CEA-LETI. This fully-functional detector 20Mpix (CMOSIS CMV20000) has been curved down to a radius of R_c =150mm over a size of 24x32mm^2. We present here the methodology adopted for its characterization and describe in detail all the results obtained. We also discuss the main components of noise, such as the readout noise, the fixed pattern noise and the dark current. Finally we provide a comparison with the at version of the same sensor in order to establish the impact of the curving process on the main characteristics of the sensor

    Methodology for cost-effective energy and carbon emissions optimization in building renovation (Annex 56)

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    "Energy in Buildings and Communities Programme, March 2017"Buildings are responsible for a major share of energy use and have been a special target in the global actions for climate change mitigation, with measures that aim at improving their energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and increase renewable energy use. The IEA-EBC Annex 56 project «Cost-Effective Energy and Carbon Emissions Optimization in Building Renovation» intends to develop the basics for future standards, which aim at maximizing effects on reducing carbon emissions and primary energy use while taking into account the cost-effectiveness of related measures. The IEA EBC Annex 56 project pays special attention to cost effective energy related renovation of existing residential buildings and low-tech office buildings (without air conditioning systems).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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