109 research outputs found

    Assessment of seasonal and annual rainfall trend in Calabria (southern Italy) with the ITA method

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    Abstract In this paper, an investigation on the temporal variability of seasonal and annual rainfall in the Calabria region (southern Italy) was carried out using a homogeneous and gap-filled monthly rainfall dataset of 129 rain gauges in the period 1951–2006. In particular, possible trends have been assessed by means of the Innovative Trend Analysis (ITA) technique, which allows the identification of a trend in the low, medium and high values of a series. Moreover, the results obtained with the ITA have been compared with the ones obtained with the Mann–Kendall test. These analyses have been performed in five rainfall zones (RZs) of the study area, characterized by different climatic conditions. As a result, both the methods evidenced a negative trend of the annual rainfall in the entire study area. On a seasonal scale, this negative tendency has been confirmed in autumn and winter although with some differences among the several RZs

    Multistage Delivery of Active Agents

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    Multistage delivery vehicles are disclosed which include a first stage particle and a second stage particle. The first stage particle is a micro or nanoparticle that contains the second stage particle. The second stage particle includes an active agent, such as a therapeutic agent or an imaging agent. The multistage delivery vehicle allows sequential overcoming or bypassing of biological barriers. The multistage delivery vehicle is administered as a part of a composition that includes a plurality of the vehicles. Methods of making the multistage delivery vehicles are also provided

    Investigation on the feasibility of integration of high temperature solar energy in a textile factory

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    Thermal energy production from fossil fuels is very common in many applications, especially in industrial processes. In a global context where great attention is being focused on reducing pollution and greenhouse gas production, the integration of renewable energy in industrial applications is very interesting. This is even more important considering that greenhouse gas emission for industrial processes is a great portion of their total emission. Considering the above, it appears that the integration of high temperature solar panels in industrial processes is quite an attractive prospect. The working temperatures of parabolic solar collectors are, for example, generally close to those of the thermal fluids used in many industrial processes, and parabolic solar collectors are a well known technology with several applications primarily used in electric production systems. Nonetheless, only a few examples of industrial integration have been studied or built. In this study, the integration of a concentrating solar thermal plant in a textile factory has been examined both from the thermodynamic and economic point of view. An existing textile factory was chosen as a case study and its annual consumption of thermal energy characterized. A model of the plant with solar energy integration was developed and simulated with TRNSYS over a one year time period. The plant was simulated considering the panel characteristics provided by the manufacturer and the local irradiation data. The influence of several plant parameters has been investigated in order to estimate their importance on performance and plant suitability

    Trends in the Daily Precipitation Categories of Calabria (Southern Italy)

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    Abstract This study presents an analysis of daily rainfall categories over a region of southern Italy using a set of daily homogenous precipitation series for the period 1916–2006. Six daily rainfall categories have been considered: Light, 0–4 mm/day; Light-Moderate, 4–16 mm/day; Moderate-Heavy, 16–32 mm/day; Heavy, 32–64 mm/day; Heavy-Torrential, 64–128 mm/day; Torrential, 128-up mm/day. Results showed that Light-Moderate, Moderate-Heavy and Heavy rainfall are the main contributors to the total annual rainfall. Moreover, a trend analysis through the Mann-Kendall test showed a decreasing trend of the higher categories and an increasing trend of the weaker categories

    Experimental investigation on industrial drying process of cotton yarn bobbins: energy consumption and drying time

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    Abstract In the textile industry, the drying process is a time consuming and energy expensive operation that influences strongly the cost of the textile finishing operations. For this reason, the study of innovative techniques plays a key role to decrease the energy consumption, the costs and the environmental impact. After a first mechanical process, the moisture is removed from yarn fibers by a thermal convection dryer that delivers hot air through the material. In this study, the drying process of cotton yarn bobbins is experimentally analyzed. With this aim, an experimental test rig was developed based on the geometry of industrial dryers. The influence of the drying air path and the air working conditions was assessed by performing tests with different configurations, temperatures and pressures. The results were analyzed in terms of drying time and energy consumption as the optimum drying condition is a trade-off between these parameters

    Combinatorial Multidomain Mesoporous Chips and a Method for Fractionation, Stabilization, and Storage of Biomolecules

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    A new fractionation device shows desirable features for exploratory screening and biomarker discovery. The constituent MSCs may be tailored for desired pore sizes and surface properties and for the sequestration and enrichment of extremely low abundant protein and peptides in desired ranges of the mass/charge spectrum. The MSCs are effective in yielding reproducible extracts from complex biological samples as small as 10 microliter in a time as short as 30 minutes. They are inexpensive to manufacture, and allow for scaled up production to attain the simultaneous processing of a large number of samples. The MSCs are multiplexed, label-free diagnostic tools with the potential of biological recognition moiety modification for enhanced specificity. The MSCs may store, protect and stabilize biological fluids, enabling the simplified and cost-effective collection and transportation of clinical samples. The MSC-based device may serve as a diagnostic tool to complement histopathology, imaging, and other conventional clinical techniques. The MSCs mediated identification of disease-specific protein signatures may help in the selection of personalized therapeutic combinations, in the real-time assessment of therapeutic efficacy and toxicity, and in the rational modulation of therapy based on the changes in the protein networks associated with the prognosis and the drug resistance of the disease

    A new head-mounted display-based augmented reality system in neurosurgical oncology: a study on phantom

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    Purpose: Benefits of minimally invasive neurosurgery mandate the development of ergonomic paradigms for neuronavigation. Augmented Reality (AR) systems can overcome the shortcomings of commercial neuronavigators. The aim of this work is to apply a novel AR system, based on a head-mounted stereoscopic video see-through display, as an aid in complex neurological lesion targeting. Effectiveness was investigated on a newly designed patient-specific head mannequin featuring an anatomically realistic brain phantom with embedded synthetically created tumors and eloquent areas. Materials and methods: A two-phase evaluation process was adopted in a simulated small tumor resection adjacent to Brocaâ\u80\u99s area. Phase I involved nine subjects without neurosurgical training in performing spatial judgment tasks. In Phase II, three surgeons were involved in assessing the effectiveness of the AR-neuronavigator in performing brain tumor targeting on a patient-specific head phantom. Results: Phase I revealed the ability of the AR scene to evoke depth perception under different visualization modalities. Phase II confirmed the potentialities of the AR-neuronavigator in aiding the determination of the optimal surgical access to the surgical target. Conclusions: The AR-neuronavigator is intuitive, easy-to-use, and provides three-dimensional augmented information in a perceptually-correct way. The system proved to be effective in guiding skin incision, craniotomy, and lesion targeting. The preliminary results encourage a structured study to prove clinical effectiveness. Moreover, our testing platform might be used to facilitate training in brain tumour resection procedures

    Scaling behaviour of braided active channels: a Taylor’s power law approach

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    none9At a channel (reach) scale, braided channels are fluvial, geomorphological, complex systems that are characterized by a shift of bars during flood events. In such events water flows are channeled in multiple and mobile channels across a gravel floodplain that remain in unmodified conditions. From a geometrical point of view, braided patterns of the active hydraulic channels are characterized by multicursal nature with structures that are spatially developed by either simple- and multi-scaling behavior. Since current studies do not take into account a general procedure concerning scale measurements, the latter behavior is still not well understood. The aim of our investigation is to analyze directly, through a general procedure, the scaling behavior of hydraulically active channels per transect and per reach analyzed. Our generalized stochastic approach is based on Taylor’s law, and the theory of exponential dispersion distributions. In particular, we make use of a power law, based on the variance and mean of the active channel fluctuations. In this way we demonstrate that the number of such fluctuations with respect to the unicursal behavior of the braided rivers, follows a jump-process of Poisson and compound Poisson–Gamma distributions. Furthermore, a correlation is also provided between the scaling fractal exponents obtained by Taylor’s law and the Hurst exponents.Samuele De Bartolo, Stefano Rizzello, Ennio Ferrari, Ferdinando Frega, Gaetano Napoli, Raffaele Vitolo, Michele Scaraggi, Carmine Fallico, Gerardo SeverinoDE BARTOLO, Samuele; Rizzello, Stefano; Ferrari, Ennio; Frega, Ferdinando; Napoli, Gaetano; Vitolo, Raffaele; Scaraggi, Michele; Fallico, Carmine; Severino, Gerard

    Tailoring the degradation kinetics of mesoporous silicon structures through PEGylation

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    Injectable and implantable porosified silicon (pSi) carriers and devices for prolonged and controlled delivery of biotherapeutics offer great promise for treatment of various chronic ailments and acute conditions. Polyethylene glycols (PEGs) are important surface modifiers currently used in clinic mostly to avoid uptake of particlulates by reticulo-endothelial system (RES). In this work we show for the first time that covalent attachment of PEGs to the pSi surface can be used as a means to finely tune degradation kinetics of silicon structures. Seven PEGs with varying molecular weights (245, 333, 509, 686, 1214, 3400 and 5000Da) were employed and the degradation of PEGylated pSi hemispherical microparticles in simulated physiological conditions was monitored by means of ICP-AES, SEM and fluorimetry. Biocompatibility of the systems with human macrophages in vitro was also evaluated. The results clearly indicate that controlled PEGylation of silicon microparticles can offer a sensitive tool to finely tune their degradation kinetics and that the systems do not induce release of proinflammatory cytokines IL-6 and IL-8 in THP1 human macrophages
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