76 research outputs found

    Method to evaluate the efficiency of manual overhead irrigation in citrus rootstock liner production

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    Brazil produces grafted citrus seedlings in closed screen houses to reduce pest and disease incidence. Irrigation is usually performed by hand using either breaker nozzles or drilled polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe wands on garden hoses. Rootstocks are produced in cone-shaped containers filled with soilless potting mix. Since the containers have a small upper diameter, nutrient solution capture is reduced with the potential to cause environmental contamination from inefficient fertigation. This study provides a method to assess the efficiency of manual overhead irrigation systems used in liner production. The method consists of determining both the volume of water applied and volume lost (i.e., directly and by percolation) in order to obtain an estimate of the percentage of water loss, irrigation efficiency, and the drainage fraction. The method was tested in a commercial facility under standard production practices. The method's attributes included simplicity, quick sampling and data collection, and accuracy. The evaluated nursery was found to have low irrigation efficiency (27.14%) and excessive nutrient solution losses (72.86%). Considering an average production of 300,000 liners per year on 20,000 m(2), we determined an annual solution loss of 221.8 m(3) with an average environmental release of 158.9 kg of fertilizer. Therefore, more efficient irrigation systems are necessary for sustainable citrus rootstock liners production.364724735CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPES479,394/2006-7; 479,665/2009-5Sem informaçã

    Avaliação crítica da legislação brasileira de sucos de fruta, com ênfase no suco de fruta pronto para beber.

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    Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar a avaliação crítica da legislação brasileira de sucos de fruta, com ênfase no suco de fruta pronto para beber. De acordo com a legislação brasileira, os sucos industrializados devem atender à legislação específica, estando de acordo com a definição e a designação que os identificam e com os parâmetros de qualidade estabelecidos, devendo também atender à legislação sobre rotulagem de alimentos embalados. Foi observado que existem lacunas na legislação brasileira de sucos que favorecem sua interpretação equivocada, além da inclusão de sucos não regulamentados no mercado. Mudanças freqüentes, e diferentes informações, nas legislações de rotulagem concomitantemente vigentes, além do uso indevido de expressões no rótulo, também podem levar à interpretação equivocada. Para que se possa conhecer e usar adequadamente a legislação é necessário torná-la clara e mantê-la constantemente atualizada. Adicionalmente, sua ampla divulgação também deverá contribuir para uma escolha consciente na hora da compra.(AU) Critical assessment of the Brazilian regulations on fruit juices, with emphasis on ready-to-drink fruit juice. Abstract: The aim of this work was to critically assess the Brazilian regulations on fruit juices, with emphasis on ready-to-drink fruit juice. According to the Brazilian regulations, bottled fruit juices must follow specific regulations. They should be in accordance with the definition and designation that identify them, with the quality parameters established, and especially, follow the Brazilian food labeling regulations. The Brazilian regulations on bottled fruit juices have some gaps that promote their misunderstanding and marketing of substandard juices. Frequent changes, divergent labeling regulations and inappropriate use of expressions on the label can also lead to misinterpretation. Food regulations need to be clear and updated frequently if they are to be known and followed. Additionally, their wide dissemination should contribute to informed choices when buying. Accession Number: WOS:00028551270001

    The common-866G > A variant in the promoter of UCP2 is associated with decreased risk of coronary artery disease in type 2 diabetic men

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    OBJECTIVE-Uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) is a physiological downregulator of reactive oxygen species generation and plays an antiatherogenic role in the vascular wall. A common variant in the UCP2 promoter (-866G>A) modulates mRNA expression, with increased expression associated with the A allele. We investigated association of this variant with coronary artery disease (CAD) in two cohorts of type 2 diabetic subjects.RESEARCH DESIGN and METHODS-We studied 3,122 subjects from the 6-year prospective Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes, Hypertension, Microalbuminuria, Cardiovascular Events, and Ramipril (DIABHYCAR) Study (14.9% of CAD incidence at follow-up). An independent, hospital-based cohort of 335 men, 52% of whom had CAD, was also studied.RESULTS-We observed an inverse association of the A allele with incident cases of CAD in a dominant model (hazard risk 0.88 [95% CI 0.80-0.96]; P = 0.006). Similar results were observed for baseline cases of CAD. Stratification by sex confirmed an allelic association with CAD in men, whereas no association was observed in women. All CAD phenotypes considered-myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), and sudden death-contributed significantly to the association. Results were replicated in a cross-sectional study of an independent cohort (odds ratio 0.47 [95% CI 0.25-0.89]; P = 0.02 for a recessive model).CONCLUSIONS-The A allele of the -866G>A variant of UCP2 was associated with reduced risk of CAD in men with type 2 diabetes in a 6-year prospective study. Decreased risk of myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, CABG, and sudden death contributed individually and significantly to the reduction of CAD risk. This association was independent of other common CAD risk factors.INSERM, Fac Med Xavier Bichat, U695, F-75018 Paris, FranceCochin Hosp, AP HP, Dept Immunol & Diabetol, Paris, FranceUniv São Paulo, Lab Cellular & Mol Endocrinol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Mol Endocrinol Lab, São Paulo, BrazilFed Fac Fdn Med Sci Porto Alegre, Post Grad Program Med Sci, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilHop La Pitie Salpetriere, Dept Cardiol, AP HP, Paris, FranceUniv Paris 07, Paris, FranceUniv Paris 05, Paris, FranceUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Mol Endocrinol Lab, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Degree of conversion of different composite resins photo-activated with light-emitting diode and argon ion laser

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    This study evaluated the degree of conversion (DC%) of one experimental and different brands of composite resins light-cured by two light sources (one LED and one argon laser). The percentage of unreacted C = C was determined from the ratio of absorbance intensities of aliphatic C = C (peak at 1637 cm−1) against internal standards before and after curing: aromatic C–C (peak at 1610 cm−1) except for P90, where %C = C bonds was given for C–O–C (883 cm−1) and C–C (1257 cm−1). ANOVA and Tukey’s test revealed no statistically significant difference among Z350 (67.17), Z250 (69.52) and experimental (66.61 ± 2.03) with LED, just among them and Evolu-X (75.51) and P90 (32.05) that showed higher and lower DC%, respectively. For the argon laser, there were no differences among Z250 (70.67), Z350 (69.60), experimental (65.66) and Evolu-X (73, 37), however a significant difference was observed for P90 (36.80), which showed lowest DC%. The light sources showed similar DC%, however the main difference was observed regarding the composite resins. The lowest DC% was observed for the argon laser. P90 showed the lowest DC% for both light-curing sources

    Effect of Huanglongbing or Greening Disease on Orange Juice Quality, a Review

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    Huanglongbing (HLB) or citrus greening is the most severe citrus disease, currently devastating the citrus industry worldwide. The presumed causal bacterial agent Candidatus Liberibacter spp. affects tree health as well as fruit development, ripening and quality of citrus fruits and juice. Fruit from infected orange trees can be either symptomatic or asymptomatic. Symptomatic oranges are small, asymmetrical and greener than healthy fruit. Furthermore, symptomatic oranges show higher titratable acidity and lower soluble solids, solids/acids ratio, total sugars, and malic acid levels. Among flavor volatiles, ethyl butanoate, valencene, decanal and other ethyl esters are lower, but many monoterpenes are higher in symptomatic fruit compared to healthy and asymptomatic fruit. The disease also causes an increase in secondary metabolites in the orange peel and pulp, including hydroxycinnamic acids, limonin, nomilin, narirutin, and hesperidin. Resulting from these chemical changes, juice made from symptomatic fruit is described as distinctly bitter, sour, salty/umami, metallic, musty, and lacking in sweetness and fruity/orange flavor. Those effects are reported in both Valencia and Hamlin oranges, two cultivars that are commercially processed for juice in Florida. The changes in the juice are reflective of a decrease in quality of the fresh fruit, although not all fresh fruit varieties have been tested. Earlier research showed that HLB-induced off-flavor was not detectable in juice made with up to 25% symptomatic fruit in healthy juice, by chemical or sensory analysis. However, a blend with a higher proportion of symptomatic juice would present a detectable and recognizable off flavor. In some production regions, such as Florida in the United States, it is increasingly difficult to find fruit not showing HLB symptoms. This review analyzes and discusses the effects of HLB on orange juice quality in order to help the citrus industry manage the quality of orange juice, and guide future research needs