542 research outputs found

    Neurocognitive and neurophysiological endophenotypes in Schizophrenia: an overview

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    Schizophrenia (SCZ) is a severe psychotic disorder that affects up to 1% of the US population and it is associated with progressive impairment in social functioning and cognition. Nonetheless, despite its high burden, the pathophysiology of SCZ, including the genetic and biological mechanisms underlying the development and manifestation of the disorder, remains largely elusive. Endophenotypes are subtypes of biological markers that are more closely related to the genetic vulnerability for a disorder (e.g., SCZ). Recently, research on endophenotypes has identified several parameters that may prove useful in shedding light over the underlying neurobiology of SCZ. In this article, we provide an overview of the most established SCZ endophenotypes in the domains of neurocognition (attention deficits, working and verbal declarative memory dysfunctions) and neurophysiology (pre-pulse inhibition, anti-saccade impairment, event-related potential deficits) along with some novel, sleep-based measures (reduced sleep spindles and sleep slow waves). We also discuss recent conceptual advances in the field that may lead to novel, personalized treatment interventions for patients affected by this devastating mental illness

    Modos descentrados de autoría en la era de la web participativa y social: el impacto de los nuevos medios en la producción y circulación de conocimiento académico

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    La forma de producir conocimiento desde la universidad es uno de los temas que ha ocupado la agenda de especialistas en diversos campos de investigación en los últimos años. En el ámbito de las ciencias sociales y de la comunicación, los estudios abordan cuestiones relacionadas con la evolución del ecosistema mediático y el impacto de lo digital sobre un diverso arco de prácticas sociales tales como la producción y gestión nosólo del saber científico, sino también de la información cotidiana que circula entre los actores sociales, la educación, la lectura de libros y otros medios impresos, etc. (Piscitelli, 2011 y 2010; Carlón, 2016; Leal Fonseca, 2010; Reig Hernández, 2010).El objetivo de la presente propuesta consiste en identificar, sistematizar, analizar y formular categorías teóricas que permitan hacer inteligibles algunos procesos de naturaleza social, tecnológica y comunicacional que afectan el concepto de “autoría académica” tal como lo conocemos hasta ahora, especialmente asociado a la cultura letrada, esto es, la cultura centrada en la autoridad del libro impreso y el modelo industrial tanto en educación como en el ámbito político-económico. Para ello comenzaremos el recorrido teórico estudiando el valor analítico de la teoría sobre “El paréntesis de Gutenberg” (Sauerberg, 2009) y la convergencia digital. A continuación indicaremos los atributos de la cultura digital que señalan un alejamiento de los modos establecidos de autoría y creación y distribución de conocimiento para analizar finalmente tres casos de producción de saber que tienden a alejarse del paradigma tradicional. El objetivo reside en identificar contrastes,distancias y continuidades entre lo que denominamos los modos tradicionales y contemporáneos de producción y distribución de saber, analizando luego tres casos que ilustren una posible tipología sobre cómo se produce y gestiona el conocimiento académico en tiempos de convergencia digital y web participativa

    Engineering geological mapping of near-surface rock mass quality of folded and thrusted arenaceous flysch units in the Northern Apennines (Italy)

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    The regionalized knowledge of the quality of near-surface rock masses is an important tool for land management/planning, as well as for guiding further in-depth studies aimed at landslide and earthquake risk assessment and civil engineering planning. The characterization of heterogeneous rock masses like flysch units represents a relevant challenge to engineering geologists due to the complex structure of these materials, which results from both their depositional context and tectonic history. Flysches are widespread all over the Apennines chain and their mechanical characterization is a difficult task given the occurrence of intercalation of layers with different lithology and strength. Moreover, the complexity of the thrust and fold tectonic framework makes the regional distribution of these characters difficult to predict. The aim of this work is to provide a method to map the near-surface rock masses quality for an arenaceous flysch widely cropping out in the outer Northern Apennines (Torrente Carigiola Formation, Aquitanian; Bettelli et al., 2002). This formation is mapped in both the geological map of the Regione Toscana (Italy) at the scale of 1:10,000 and the geological sheet “252 – Barberino di Mugello” (Bettelli et al., 2002) of the Italian Geological Map at the scale of 1:50,000 (CARG). It is made up by intercalated arenaceous (A) and pelitic (P) layers characterized by variable A/P ratio. The rock mass quality is evaluated by estimating, for a set of representative rock outcrops, the Rock Mass Quality Index (RQI; Disperati et al. 2016; Mammoliti et al. 2018). This index results from the analysis of both systematic Schmidt hammer rebound measurements (R) acquired at the nodes of a regular grid (ca. 20 R measurements for ca. 15-25 nodes) and the determination of the unit weight for representative outcrop rock samples. For the same outcrops, also the A/P ratio and bedding attitude are determined. The results show a positive linear correlation between RQI and the A/P ratio, confirming that the latter parameter is an important feature controlling the rock mass strength. This correlation is used to assess the distribution of both parameters within a set of geological cross sections traced normal to the regional structures trend (main thrusts and km-scale folds). Then, the structural features available from the literature geological maps allow us to extrapolate both the RQI and A/P ratio from the profiles to the map scale. Finally, a further set of the same rock outcrop data acquired after the above-described modelling procedure is used to check the accuracy of the method

    Preparation, characterization and in vitro activities evaluation of solid lipid nanoparticles based on PEG-40 stearate for antifungal drugs vaginal delivery

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    The present article reports the preparation, characterization and performance evaluation of solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) based on polyoxyethylene-40 stearate (PEG-40 stearate) for the administration of antifungal agents such as ketoconazole and clotrimazole. These nanoparticles could be useful in the treatment of vaginal infections sustained by Candida albicans. In particular, PEG-40 stearate was made to react with acryloyl chloride in order to introduce an easily polymerizable moiety for the creation of a second shell and to ensure a slow drug release. In addition, the differences on the release profiles between PEG-40 stearate-based nanoparticles, PEG-40 stearate acrylate based and polymerized ones, were analyzed under conditions, simulating the typical environment of Candida albicans infection. Then, the antifungal activity of nanoparticles was also evaluated in terms of minimal inhibitory concentration. Moreover, the nanoparticles were submitted to in vitro studies for evaluating the drug permeability at the site of action. Results indicated that the obtained particles are potentially useful for the treatment of vaginal infections sustained by Candida albicans

    Online scaffolding in a fully online educational leadership course

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    Online scaffolding encompasses a range of effective teaching strategies that help students to achieve their learning goals while at the same time exercising their autonomy. Although online scaffolding is crucial for student learning, not much is known about scaffolding in an online post-graduate course. In order to address this research gap, this study explored the intricacies of online scaffolding in a fully online educational leadership course. Through a mixed-method research design, a case study was developed weaving the perspectives and actions of lecturers and students in a fully online post-graduate educational leadership course. Two interviews with lecturers, two student online surveys and two online forum discussion logs, each one from the start and the end of the course, were analysed using content and statistical analyses. The theory of transactional distance provided a theoretical framework and the literature on scaffolding in distance education guided the analysis process. A third online space, the Question & Answer section, was archived and analysed in order to enrich insights that were emerging from the other data sources. Research outcomes revealed that lecturers’ understanding of online scaffolding focused on the design and use of resources, modelling, and the use of questioning in forum discussions in order to facilitate learner engagement with content. At the beginning of the course, lecturers provided a high level of procedural and social scaffolding followed by an on-going learner support (strategic scaffolding), which peaked before assignment deadlines. Students thought of online scaffolding as a coaching process in which lecturers monitor learners’ online engagement to provide encouragement, identify misconceptions, and provide direction and feedback when necessary. Furthermore, procedural and strategic scaffolding were reported by students as essential forms of learner support. In particular, students felt that formative and timely feedback was paramount to their online scaffolding and expected lecturers to offer procedural, social, and strategic scaffolding. Sharing of professional experiences and visual resources, a more informal tone of communication, and the use of students’ and lecturers’ names in online postings were evident throughout the course. In addition, peer scaffolding in online discussions was encouraged by the lecturer and practised by students through a range of strategies, including agreement with others’ ideas, acknowledgment of peers’ postings, and answering questions raised by peers. Some suggestions for enhancing online scaffolding in this course, and online teaching in general, include creating a course road map, describing the pace of the course, creating online participation and peer facilitation guidelines, and others

    QoS-aware offloading policies for serverless functions in the Cloud-to-Edge continuum

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    Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) paradigm is increasingly attractive to bring the benefits of serverless computing to the edge of the network, besides traditional Cloud data centers. However, FaaS adoption in the emerging Cloud-to-Edge Continuum is challenging, mostly due to geographical distribution and heterogeneous resource availability. This emerging landscape calls for effective strategies to trade off low latency at the edge of the network with Cloud resource richness, taking into account the needs of different functions and users. In this paper, we present QoS-aware offloading policies for serverless functions running in the Cloud-to-Edge continuum. We consider heterogeneous functions and service classes, and aim to maximize utility given a monetary budget for resource usage. Specifically, we introduce a two-level approach, where (i) FaaS nodes rely on a randomized policy to schedule every incoming request according to a set of probability values, and (ii) periodically, a linear programming model is solved to determine the probabilities to use for scheduling. We show by extensive simulation that our approach outperforms alternative approaches in terms of generated utility across multiple scenarios. Moreover, we demonstrate that our solution is computationally efficient and can be adopted in large-scale systems. We also demonstrate the functionality of our approach through a proof-of-concept experiment on an open-source FaaS framework