5,046 research outputs found

    g = 2 as a Gauge Condition

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    Charged matter spin-1 fields enjoy a nonelectromagnetic gauge symmetry when interacting with vacuum electromagnetism, provided their gyromagnetic ratio is 2.Comment: 5 pages, REVTeX, submitted to Phys Rev D Brief Report

    Supersymmetric Sum Rules for Electromagnetic Multipoles

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    We derive model independent, non-perturbative supersymmetric sum rules for the magnetic and electric multipole moments of any theory with N=1 supersymmetry. We find that in any irreducible N=1 supermultiplet the diagonal matrix elements of the l-multipole moments are completely fixed in terms of their off-diagonal matrix elements and the diagonal (l-1)-multipole moments.Comment: 10 pages, plain Te

    Focusing and imaging with increased numerical apertures through multimode fibers with micro-fabricated optics

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    The use of individual multimode optical fibers in endoscopy applications has the potential to provide highly miniaturized and noninvasive probes for microscopy and optical micromanipulation. A few different strategies have been proposed recently, but they all suffer from intrinsically low resolution related to the low numerical aperture of multimode fibers. Here, we show that two-photon polymerization allows for direct fabrication of micro-optics components on the fiber end, resulting in an increase of the numerical aperture to a value that is close to 1. Coupling light into the fiber through a spatial light modulator, we were able to optically scan a submicrometer spot (300 nm FWHM) over an extended region, facing the opposite fiber end. Fluorescence imaging with improved resolution is also demonstrated.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Invariant Differential Operators and Characters of the AdS_4 Algebra

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    The aim of this paper is to apply systematically to AdS_4 some modern tools in the representation theory of Lie algebras which are easily generalised to the supersymmetric and quantum group settings and necessary for applications to string theory and integrable models. Here we introduce the necessary representations of the AdS_4 algebra and group. We give explicitly all singular (null) vectors of the reducible AdS_4 Verma modules. These are used to obtain the AdS_4 invariant differential operators. Using this we display a new structure - a diagram involving four partially equivalent reducible representations one of which contains all finite-dimensional irreps of the AdS_4 algebra. We study in more detail the cases involving UIRs, in particular, the Di and the Rac singletons, and the massless UIRs. In the massless case we discover the structure of sets of 2s_0-1 conserved currents for each spin s_0 UIR, s_0=1,3/2,... All massless cases are contained in a one-parameter subfamily of the quartet diagrams mentioned above, the parameter being the spin s_0. Further we give the classification of the so(5,C) irreps presented in a diagramatic way which makes easy the derivation of all character formulae. The paper concludes with a speculation on the possible applications of the character formulae to integrable models.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures, TEX-harvmac with input files: amssym.def, amssym.tex, epsf.tex; version 2 1 reference added; v3: minor corrections; v.4: minor corrections, v.5: minor corrections to conform with version in J. Phys. A: Math. Gen; v.6.: small correction and addition in subsections 4.1 & 4.

    Thermal and Fragmentation Properties of Star-forming Clouds in Low-metallicity Environments

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    The thermal and chemical evolution of star-forming clouds is studied for different gas metallicities, Z, using the model of Omukai (2000), updated to include deuterium chemistry and the effects of cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation. HD-line cooling dominates the thermal balance of clouds when Z \~ 10^{-5}-10^{-3} Z_sun and density ~10^{5} cm^{-3}. Early on, CMB radiation prevents the gas temperature to fall below T_CMB, although this hardly alters the cloud thermal evolution in low-metallicity gas. From the derived temperature evolution, we assess cloud/core fragmentation as a function of metallicity from linear perturbation theory, which requires that the core elongation E := (b-a)/a > E_NL ~ 1, where a (b) is the short (long) core axis length. The fragment mass is given by the thermal Jeans mass at E = E_NL. Given these assumptions and the initial (gaussian) distribution of E we compute the fragment mass distribution as a function of metallicity. We find that: (i) For Z=0, all fragments are very massive, > 10^{3}M_sun, consistently with previous studies; (ii) for Z>10^{-6} Z_sun a few clumps go through an additional high density (> 10^{10} cm^{-3}) fragmentation phase driven by dust-cooling, leading to low-mass fragments; (iii) The mass fraction in low-mass fragments is initially very small, but at Z ~ 10^{-5}Z_sun it becomes dominant and continues to grow as Z is increased; (iv) as a result of the two fragmentation modes, a bimodal mass distribution emerges in 0.01 0.1Z_sun, the two peaks merge into a singly-peaked mass function which might be regarded as the precursor of the ordinary Salpeter-like IMF.Comment: 38 pages, 16 figures, ApJ in pres

    Supersymmetry Enhancement of D-p-branes and M-branes

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    We examine the supersymmetry of classical D-brane and M-brane configurations and explain the dependence of Killing spinors on coordinates. We find that one half supersymmetry is broken in the bulk and that supersymmetry near the D-brane horizon is restored for p≤3p\leq 3, for solutions in the stringy frame, but only for p=3p=3 in the10d canonical frame. We study the enhancement for the case of four intersecting D-3-branes in 10 dimensions and the implication of this for the size of the infinite throat of the near horizon geometry in non-compactified theory. We found some indications of universality of near horizon geometries of various intersecting brane configurations.Comment: 18 pages, late

    Positive energy unitary irreducible representations of D=6 conformal supersymmetry

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    We give a constructive classification of the positive energy (lowest weight) unitary irreducible representations of the D=6 superconformal algebras osp(8*/2N). Our results confirm all but one of the conjectures of Minwalla (for N=1,2) on this classification. Our main tool is the explicit construction of the norms of the states that has to be checked for positivity. We give also the reduction of the exceptional UIRs.Comment: 27 pages, TeX with harvmac, amssym.def, amssym.tex; v.2: minor corrections and references added; v.3: minor corrections; v.4: to appear in J. Phys.

    Lorentz invariant and supersymmetric interpretation of noncommutative quantum field theory

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    In this paper, using a Hopf-algebraic method, we construct deformed Poincar\'e SUSY algebra in terms of twisted (Hopf) algebra. By adapting this twist deformed super-Poincar\'e algrebra as our fundamental symmetry, we can see the consistency between the algebra and non(anti)commutative relation among (super)coordinates and interpret that symmetry of non(anti)commutative QFT is in fact twisted one. The key point is validity of our new twist element that guarantees non(anti)commutativity of space. It is checked in this paper for N=1 case. We also comment on the possibility of noncommutative central charge coordinate. Finally, because our twist operation does not break the original algebra, we can claim that (twisted) SUSY is not broken in contrast to the string inspired N=1/2\mathcal{N}=1/2 SUSY in N=1 non(anti)commutative superspace.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX. v3:One section added, typos corrected, to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Low-Mass Relics of Early Star Formation

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    The earliest stars to form in the Universe were the first sources of light, heat and metals after the Big Bang. The products of their evolution will have had a profound impact on subsequent generations of stars. Recent studies of primordial star formation have shown that, in the absence of metals (elements heavier than helium), the formation of stars with masses 100 times that of the Sun would have been strongly favoured, and that low-mass stars could not have formed before a minimum level of metal enrichment had been reached. The value of this minimum level is very uncertain, but is likely to be between 10^{-6} and 10^{-4} that of the Sun. Here we show that the recent discovery of the most iron-poor star known indicates the presence of dust in extremely low-metallicity gas, and that this dust is crucial for the formation of lower-mass second-generation stars that could survive until today. The dust provides a pathway for cooling the gas that leads to fragmentation of the precursor molecular cloud into smaller clumps, which become the lower-mass stars.Comment: Offprint of Nature 422 (2003), 869-871 (issue 24 April 2003

    Gravitational Waves Signals from the Collapse of the First Stars

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    We study the gravitational wave emission from the first stars which are assumed to be Very Massive Objects (VMOs). We take into account various feedback (both radiative and stellar) effects regulating the collapse of objects in the early universe and thus derive the VMO initial mass function and formation rate. If the final fate of VMOs is to collapse, leaving very massive black hole remnants, then the gravitational waves emitted during each collapse would be seen as a stochastic background. The predicted spectral strain amplitude in a critical density Cold Dark Matter universe peaks in the frequency range \approx 5 \times 10^{-4}-5 \times 10^{-3} Hz where it has a value in the range \approx 10^{-20}-10^{-19} Hz^{-1/2}, and might be detected by LISA. The expected emission rate is roughly 4000 events/yr, resulting in a stationary, discrete sequence of bursts, i.e. a shot--noise signal
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