520 research outputs found

    Proceedings of Mathsport international 2017 conference

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    Proceedings of MathSport International 2017 Conference, held in the Botanical Garden of the University of Padua, June 26-28, 2017. MathSport International organizes biennial conferences dedicated to all topics where mathematics and sport meet. Topics include: performance measures, optimization of sports performance, statistics and probability models, mathematical and physical models in sports, competitive strategies, statistics and probability match outcome models, optimal tournament design and scheduling, decision support systems, analysis of rules and adjudication, econometrics in sport, analysis of sporting technologies, financial valuation in sport, e-sports (gaming), betting and sports

    Valutazione dell’accessibilità con software open source

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    L'accessibilità ha da sempre ricoperto un ruolo fondamentale per lo sviluppo delle società e per rendere sempre più agevoli gli spostamenti, a prescindere dalle cause che li originano. In questo articolo si vuole focalizzare l’attenzione sull’accessibilità ai terminal aeroportuali, in quanto la velocità e la facilità di accesso sono aspetti strategici per il trasporto aereo. Se il tempo di accesso ai terminal non fosse sufficientemente rapido, negli spostamenti a breve distanza, l’aereo perderebbe il vantaggio che ha sulle altre scelte modali. Lo scopo che ci si è posti nella ricerca è di valutare l’accessibilità territoriale attraverso l’uso di software GIS (Geographic Information System) open source. Per validare il metodo si è condotta un’applicazione sulle infrastrutture aeroportuali siciliane. A tal fine è stato preliminarmente necessario analizzare la rete stradale siciliana, per creare un quadro generale che ha permesso di mettere in evidenza il grado di accessibilità che caratterizza i tre principali aeroporti dell’isola: · Falcone Borsellino di Palermo-Punta Raisi, · Vincenzo Bellini di Catania-Fontanarossa, · Vincenzo Florio di Trapani-Birgi. Lo studio si è concentrato sulle misure topologiche dell’accessibilità, che esprimono la raggiungibilità di un sito in funzione delle connessioni offerte dal sistema di trasporti. È stata, quindi, considerata l’accessibilità passiva a partire da tutti i comuni siciliani verso i terminal aeroportuali in termini di tempo. Tale misura può essere rappresentata da curve isocrone, che permettono di determinare il numero di destinazioni potenziali che possono essere raggiunte in un prefissato intervallo di tempo di viaggio. Questa misura non tiene conto della percezione degli individui e delle loro preferenze; ciò implica che tutte le opportunità sono egualmente desiderabili con riferimento al tempo di viaggio o al tipo di opportunità. Le isocrone sono state tracciate per testare il potenziale della rete stradale a vuoto e sotto l’ipotesi semplificativa che l’offerta dei tre aeroporti, in termini di voli disponibili, sia uguale

    a new payment by results method for determining the fair price of new oncological drugs

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    The high prices of new cancer drugs are likely to undermine national health services sustainability. As a solu tion to this problem, the "payment-by-results" method was proposed and nowadays this approach is commonly implemented by national drug agencies: the drug manufacturer is set to refund to the National Health Service the price of the drug if the benefits expected for the patient are not achieved. Based on the payment-by-results approach, we developed a new and easy to implement model, that can set a fair price, so that neither industry, nor National Health Service can obtain an undue gain. Obviously, this price can be modified by adjusting refund amounts to new healthcare and market conditions

    Graminex pollen: phenolic pattern, colorimetric analysis and protective effects in immortalized prostate cells (PC3) and rat prostate challenged with LPS

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    Prostatitis, a general term describing prostate inflammation, is a common disease that could be sustained by bacterial or non-bacterial infectious agents. The efficacy of herbal extracts with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects for blunting the burden of inflammation and oxidative stress, with possible improvements in clinical symptoms, is under investigation. Pollen extracts have been previously reported as promising agents in managing clinical symptoms related to prostatitis. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the protective effects of Graminex pollen (GraminexTM, Deshler, OH, USA), a commercially available product based on standardized pollen extracts, in rat prostate specimens, ex vivo. In this context, we studied the putative mechanism of action of pollen on multiple inflammatory pathways, including the reduction of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NFB), and malondialdehyde (MDA), whose activities were significantly increased by inflammatory stimuli. We characterized by means of chromatographic and colorimetric studies the composition of Graminex pollen to better correlate the activity of pollen on immortalized prostate cells (PC3), and in rat prostate specimens challenged with Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS). We found that Graminex pollen was able to reduce radical oxygen species (ROS) production by PC3 cells and MDA, NFB mRNA, and PGE2 levels, in rat prostate specimens. According to our experimental evidence, Graminex pollen appears to be a promising natural product for the management of the inflammatory components in the prostate

    Effects of two different rearing systems (organic and barn) on production performance, animal welfare traits and egg quality characteristics in laying hens

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    Alternative housing systems for hen eggs production represents clear evidence of the trend in animal housing and husbandry towards extensive rearing methods. Consumer demand is oriented towards healthy foods controlled not only under a safety point of view, but also under a welfare assessment of the animals' living conditions. Among the different alternative systems deep litter and organic production in recent years have been improved in Italy. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether different housing systems (barn B and organic O) for laying hens may influence productive performance, fear responses and egg quality characteristics. A total of 4,745 birds were housed in the B system and 2,016 in the O system, both of which were commercial facilities. In each system the same strain (Hy-Line Brown) was housed and layer performance, external and internal egg characteristics, mortality and feed consumption were recorded weekly. Animal reactivity was recorded monthly with the approaching test. Moreover, the Tonic Immobility test was conducted at 70 weeks of age; feather and foot pad conditions were also investigated at the same time. The peak of laying was reached in both housing systems at 25 weeks of age and was higher in organic hens (94.5%) than in barn hens (93.0%). Feed conversion rate during the overall laying period was 2.36 vs 2.20, respectively, in O and B housing systems. There was a significant difference concerning the eggs classified as very dirty, dirty and cracked between the two systems. The dirty eggs were higher in O system probably due to laying eggs in a free range area, while the higher number of cracked eggs in B system may be due to a significantly less shell thickness in this system. Egg weight increased with layer age in both housing systems. Animals reared in O system showed less fearfulness than in B emphasised by the approaching and Tonic Immobility test results. Feather scoring did not evidence any severe plumage damage; statistical analysis showed some significant differences in comb and back areas between O and B systems. The hens reared on litter showed more aggressive pecking than the organic hens probably due to difference both in light intensity and in density

    A non‐crimp fabric mechanical characterization for the production of aerospace components

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    This work shows a procedure for the mechanical characterization of a new composite for aerospace. Initially, a preliminary test campaign has been carried out to identify the most suitable fabric and resin for the production of the new composite. Subsequently, the production of the composite plaques has been planned. Then, plaques with different orientation of the layers and thicknesses have been obtained. From each of these plaques' coupons for the experimental tests, needed to the mechanical characterization of the composite, have been obtained. The experimental tests have been carried out in a certified laboratory with electromechanical machines and according to ASTM standards. For each experimental test, the trend of the stress–strain curves has shown a typical behavior up to failure. An analysis of the coefficient of variation, based on the statistical mean of parameters calculated with the experimental tests, has been carried out to evaluate the reproducibility of the tests in different laboratories

    Slaughtering traits and meat quality of Cinisara cattle native Italian breed

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    The aim of our study was to make an initial contribution to carcass traits and meat quality for typing and product certification, using sixteen male (M) and twelve female (F) Cinisara cattle, a native Italian breed. The animals were sampled in the most representative farms of the Consortium of Cinisara breed. Carcass traits of the Cinisara males showed significantly higher carcass weight and SEUROP scores in comparison to the females, while similar values were observed for fatness scores. As regards meat quality, lightness (M 44.90 vs F 43.25), redness index (M 18.03 vs F 17.86), hue angle (M 21.71 vs F 23.76), cooking losses (M 24.44% vs F 24.98%), tenderness (M 3.36 kg/cm2 vs F 3.41 kgf/cm2), protein (M 22.58% vs F 21.84%) and fat (M 1.88% vs F 2.63%) showed no significant differences between males and females. No data are available in the literature for Cinisara cattle; therefore, our results may be considered as an original set of knowledge useful for the salvage of this endangered, local, native breed

    Child brides: the age estimation problem in young girls

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    The aim of this work is to study a sample of girls from 15 different countries using Third Molar Maturity Index (I3M ), to assess the probability that a girl has reached the legal age of 18 years. The studied sample consisted of 3228 Orthopantomograms of healthy female subjects from 15 different countries. The cut- off value of I3M = 0.08 was tested to discriminate adults (≥18 years) and minors (<18 years). X-ray images were processed by computer-aided drafting program ImageJ. The information on sensitivity and specificity of I3M coming from the 15 countries was pooled together using a bivariate Bayesian modeling approach. Specificity of the I3M test did not change when the country was considered, and its value remains greater than 85% for each studied country. This method is useful to estimate the age of the girls involved in suspected early marriage because of the high probability of correctly identifying a minor with similar results observed among tested populations

    Dental age estimation in children affected by juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

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    Dental root calcification has proven to be a reliable biological evidence to estimate chronological age of children. The development of structures usually examined in the age estimation forensic practice (e.g. skeleton, teeth) is supposed to be influenced by diseases and nutritional, environmental, ethnic, and ultimately even socioeconomic factors. This research aims to study the age estimation in children affected by juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) with and without steroids treatment and compared with healthy subjects. Material and methods Dental age estimations based on 752 OPGs, 420 girls and 332 boys, aged from 3.3 to 15.99 years, were provided by applying Demirjian and Willems' original methods. Of the whole sample, 103 individuals were affected by JRA and 40 received a continuous corticosteroid therapy, over 1 year long. Conclusions Willems' and Demirjian's original methods, as methods commonly applied to estimate age for sub-adults with unremarkable medical history, can be used for medico-legal purposes to children affected by JRA. Willems' method tended to underestimate age while Demirjian's method resulted to be prone to overestimation for both healthy and JRA-affected children. JRA showed to have no influence on root calcification process even in children that received steroid treatment for 1 year or longer