320 research outputs found

    Human-robot coexistence and interaction in open industrial cells

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    Recent research results on human\u2013robot interaction and collaborative robotics are leaving behind the traditional paradigm of robots living in a separated space inside safety cages, allowing humans and robot to work together for completing an increasing number of complex industrial tasks. In this context, safety of the human operator is a main concern. In this paper, we present a framework for ensuring human safety in a robotic cell that allows human\u2013robot coexistence and dependable interaction. The framework is based on a layered control architecture that exploits an effective algorithm for online monitoring of relative human\u2013robot distance using depth sensors. This method allows to modify in real time the robot behavior depending on the user position, without limiting the operative robot workspace in a too conservative way. In order to guarantee redundancy and diversity at the safety level, additional certified laser scanners monitor human\u2013robot proximity in the cell and safe communication protocols and logical units are used for the smooth integration with an industrial software for safe low-level robot control. The implemented concept includes a smart human-machine interface to support in-process collaborative activities and for a contactless interaction with gesture recognition of operator commands. Coexistence and interaction are illustrated and tested in an industrial cell, in which a robot moves a tool that measures the quality of a polished metallic part while the operator performs a close evaluation of the same workpiece

    Fatal hyalohyphomycosis with cutaneous involvement caused by purpureocillium lilacinum in an immunocompromised patient with bullous pemphigoid

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    Emergent pathogen as Purpureocillium lilacinum are becoming cause of morbidity and mortality in our population, especially in immunocompromised patients. We describe a case of hyalohyphomycosis in a diabetic man under systemic steroid treatment for a bullous pemphigoid. Treatment with different antimycotic drugs were ineffective and infection spread diffusely, leading to deterioration of general conditions and ultimately death. The aim of this article is to increase awareness of clinicians about this uncommon, but frequently fatal refractory mycotic infection

    Autoimmune polyendocrine syndromes in the pediatric age

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    Autoimmune polyendocrine syndromes (APSs) encompass a heterogeneous group of rare diseases characterized by autoimmune activity against two or more endocrine or non-endocrine organs. Three types of APSs are reported, including both monogenic and multifactorial, heterogeneous disorders. The aim of this manuscript is to present the main clinical and epidemiological characteristics of APS-1, APS-2, and IPEX syndrome in the pediatric age, describing the mechanisms of autoimmunity and the currently available treatments for these rare conditions

    Sexual developmental disorders in pediatrics

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    Disorders of sex development (DSD) are a heterogeneous group of pathologies that result in an alteration in sex determination or differentiation. DSD are estimated to affect 1: 4,500 newborns and according to the 2006 Chicago Consensus classification, DSD can be divided into three categories: those with a 46 XX karyotype, those with a 46 XY karyotype and those relating to sex chromosomes. It is crucial to correctly identify the pathology already in the first days of life to direct the patient and his family to the best path of care. For this reason, the role of the pediatrician is fundamental in the correct identification of the clinical picture and in supporting the family during the long process that involves the management of these patients. To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to follow a path led by a multidisciplinary team that includes several steps such as the execution of the genetic analysis, the evaluation with diagnostic imaging methods and laboratory evaluations. The therapeutic management, on the other hand, is still very complex even if in recent years we have moved from an attitude of early gender reassignment to an approach of watchful waiting to let the patient choose when she/he is mature enough to do so, which gender she/he feels to belong. It should not be forgotten that throughout this process the pediatrician must be both supportive and clinically active in the management of the child and his family


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    Introduction: Usutu virus belongs to the Japanese encephalitis virus group (the isolates exhibited 97% identity) within the family Flaviviridae closely related to West Nile virus (WNV). Both share in nature an enzootic infectious cycle between avian hosts and mosquito vectors (i.e. Culex spp.). The distribution areal is expanding in several European countries, including Italy; the simultaneous spatial and temporal co-circulation of new flaviviruses require a new approaches in the laboratory diagnosis for Flaviviridae infection in humans


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    Introduction: Breathomics (Breath-based metabolomics) is a new biotechnology approach that allow us to diagnose some human diseases by the oral breath analysis.The method is based on the identi#cation and quanti#cation of volatile organic compound (VOC) in breath, by a new portable gas chromatography’s tools such as Oral Chroma®. This instrument is able to detect and quantify three different volatile sulfur compounds, VSC ( H2S, CH3S ,(CH3)2S) in 5 ml of oral breath, in fast time and with good analytical accuracy. In addition, different authors recently have been described as a comparative analysis of VSC could be useful in the diagnosis of different oral or systemic diseases such as: (i) oral tongue halitosis or/and gastric affection such as Helicobacter pylori infectio
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