10 research outputs found

    Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling for Automated Database Schema Matching

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    The problem of merging databases arises in many government and commercial applications. Schema matching, a common first step, identifies equivalent fields between databases. We introduce a schema matching framework that builds nonparametric Bayesian models for each field and compares them by computing the probability that a single model could have generated both fields. Our experiments show that our method is more accurate and faster than the existing instance-based matching algorithms in part because of the use of nonparametric Bayesian models

    Network Intrusion Detection and Visualization Using Aggregations in a Cyber Security Data Warehouse

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    Zadovoljstvo poslom do sada se puno proučavalo u pokušaju razumijevanja ponašanja i stavova zaposlenika. Ova tema posebno se istraživala u prodaji jer se pokazalo kako zadovoljstvo poslom prodajnog osoblja utječe na niz ključnih stavova koji se odnose na posao i ponašanje zaposlenika. Zadovoljstvo poslom će zaposlenicima pružiti osjećaj ispunjenosti, postignuća pa će stoga i uživati na svom poslu. Takvi osjećaji mogu učiniti ljude produktivnijima, kreativnijima, a samim time i profitabilnijima za organizaciju u kojoj rade. Na taj način organizacije ostaju u koraku s konkurencijom ili čak ostvaraju konkurentnu prednost nad ostalima. Cilj ovog rada je istražiti zadovoljstvo prodajnog osoblja sustavom nagrađivanja kojeg koriste njihova poduzeća. U teorijskom dijelu prikazana je uloga prodaje u organizaciji te njezini zadaci. Naglasak je također stavljen na materijalno nagrađivanje i nematerijalno motiviranje zaposlenika kao i njihovu primjena. Objašnjeni su pojedini čimbenici zadovoljstva poslom kako oni organizacijski tako i osobni. Osmišljen je i anketni upitnik kojim se istražilo zadovoljstvo prodajnog osoblja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako postoje razlike u zadovoljstvu zaposlenih ovisno o njihovoj dobi, razini obrazovanja, položaju na radnom mjestu, godinama radnog staža te o veličini poduzeća u kojem rade. U radu se također uzima u obzir i ovisnost sustava nagrađivanja sa zadovoljstvom prodajnog osoblja, tj. prikazuje se zadovoljstvo prodavača ovisno o nagrađivanju kojega koriste njihove organizacije.Job satisfaction has been studied so far in an attempt to understand employees' behaviors and attitudes. This topic has been specifically researched in sales as it has been shown that job satisfaction of sales personnel influences a number of key attitudes related to business and employee behavior. Job satisfaction will give employees a sense of fulfillment, accomplishment and therefore enjoy their job. Such feelings can make people more productive, more creative, and therefore more profitable for the organization in which they work. In this way, organizations stay abreast of competition or even gain a competitive edge over others. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the satisfaction of sales staff with the reward system used by their employer. The theoretical part outlines the role of sales in the organization and its tasks. Emphasis is also placed on the material rewards and intangible motivation of employees as well as their application. Some factors of job satisfaction, both organizational and personal, are explained. A survey questionnaire was also designed to investigate the satisfaction of sales staff. The results of the survey show that there are differences in employee satisfaction depending on their age, level of education, position in the workplace, years of service and the size of the company in which they work. The paper also takes into account the dependence of the reward system on the satisfaction of sales staff, that is, the satisfaction of sellers is shown depending on the reward used by their organizations