136 research outputs found

    The XMM-Newton view of GRS1915+105 during a "plateau"

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    Two XMM-Newton observations of the black-hole binary GRS1915+105 were triggered in 2004 (April 17 and 21), during a long "plateau" state of the source. We analyzed the data collected with EPIC-pn in Timing and Burst modes, respectively. No thermal disc emission is required by the data; the spectrum is well fitted by four components: a primary component (either a simple power law or thermal Comptonization) absorbed by cold matter with abundances different than those of standard ISM; reprocessing from an ionized disc; emission and absorption lines; and a soft X-ray excess around 1 keV. The latter is not confirmed by RGS (which were used in the second observation only); if real, the excess could be due to reflection from the optically thin, photoionized plasma of a disc wind, in which case it may provide a way to disentangle intrinsic from interstellar absorption. Indeed, the former is best traced by the higher abundances of heavier elements, while an independent estimate of the latter may be given by the value we get for the disc wind component only, which roughly coincides with what is found for lower-Z species.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Submitte

    The XMM-Newton View of GRS1915+105

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    (abridged) Two XMM-Newton observations of the black-hole binary GRS1915+105 were triggered in 2004, during a long "plateau" state of the source. (...) While the light curves show just small amplitude variations (a few percent) at timescales longer than a few seconds, a QPO is seen at about 0.6 Hz (...). The pn spectrum is well fitted without invoking thermal disk emission, on the base of four main components: a primary one (...), absorbed by cold matter with abundances different than those of standard ISM; reprocessing from an ionized disk; emission and absorption lines; and a soft X-ray excess around 1 keV. However, the latter is not confirmed by the RGS spectra, whose difference from the EPIC-pn ones actually lacks of a fully satisfactory explanation. If real, the soft X-ray excess may be due to reflection from an optically thin, photoionized disk wind; in this case it may yield a way to disentangle intrinsic from interstellar absorption.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication on Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A setup for soft proton irradiation of X-ray detectors for future astronomical space missions

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    Protons that are trapped in the Earth's magnetic field are one of the main threats to astronomical X-ray observatories. Soft protons, in the range from tens of keV up to a few MeV, impinging on silicon X-ray detectors can lead to a significant degradation of the detector performance. Especially in low earth orbits an enhancement of the soft proton flux has been found. A setup to irradiate detectors with soft protons has been constructed at the Van-de-Graaff accelerator of the Physikalisches Institut of the University of T\"ubingen. Key advantages are a high flux uniformity over a large area, to enable irradiations of large detectors, and a monitoring system for the applied fluence, the beam uniformity, and the spectrum, that allows testing of detector prototypes in early development phases, when readout electronics are not yet available. Two irradiation campaigns have been performed so far with this setup. The irradiated detectors are silicon drift detectors, designated for the use on-board the LOFT space mission. This paper gives a description of the experimental setup and the associated monitoring system.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, 4 table

    Measuring the neutron star equation of state using X-ray timing

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    One of the primary science goals of the next generation of hard X-ray timing instruments is to determine the equation of state of the matter at supranuclear densities inside neutron stars, by measuring the radius of neutron stars with different masses to accuracies of a few percent. Three main techniques can be used to achieve this goal. The first involves waveform modelling. The flux we observe from a hotspot on the neutron star surface offset from the rotational pole will be modulated by the star's rotation, giving rise to a pulsation. Information about mass and radius is encoded into the pulse profile via relativistic effects, and tight constraints on mass and radius can be obtained. The second technique involves characterising the spin distribution of accreting neutron stars. The most rapidly rotating stars provide a very clean constraint, since the mass-shedding limit is a function of mass and radius. However the overall spin distribution also provides a guide to the torque mechanisms in operation and the moment of inertia, both of which can depend sensitively on dense matter physics. The third technique is to search for quasi-periodic oscillations in X-ray flux associated with global seismic vibrations of magnetars (the most highly magnetized neutron stars), triggered by magnetic explosions. The vibrational frequencies depend on stellar parameters including the dense matter equation of state. We illustrate how these complementary X-ray timing techniques can be used to constrain the dense matter equation of state, and discuss the results that might be expected from a 10m2^2 instrument. We also discuss how the results from such a facility would compare to other astronomical investigations of neutron star properties. [Modified for arXiv]Comment: To appear in Reviews of Modern Physics as a Colloquium, 23 pages, 9 figure

    An X-ray polarimeter for hard X-ray optics

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    Development of multi-layer optics makes feasible the use of X-ray telescope at energy up to 60-80 keV: in this paper we discuss the extension of photoelectric polarimeter based on Micro Pattern Gas Chamber to high energy X-rays. We calculated the sensitivity with Neon and Argon based mixtures at high pressure with thick absorption gap: placing the MPGC at focus of a next generation multi-layer optics, galatic and extragalactic X-ray polarimetry can be done up till 30 keV.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Energy scaling of the "heartbeat" pulse width of GRS 1915+105, IGR J17091-3624, and MXB 1730-335 from Rossi-XTE observations

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    We investigate some key aspects of the "heartbeat" variability consisting of series of bursts with a slow rise and a fast decay, thus far detected only in GRS 1915+105, IGR J17091-3624, and MXB 1730-335. A previous analysis based on BeppoSAX data of GRS 1915+105 revealed a hard-X delay (HXD), that is a lag of the burst rise at higher energies with respect to lower ones; this leads to narrower pulse widths, w, at higher energies. We here use some light curves of Rossi-XTE observations of GRS 1915+105 for a deeper analysis of this effect and search for its presence in those extracted from some IGR J17091-3624 and MXB 1730-335 observations performed with the same satellite. Our results show that, at variance with GRS 1915+105, no HXD is evident in the light curves of MXB 1730-335 and only a marginal HXD may be argued for IGR J17091-3624. For GRS 1915+105 we find a decreasing trend of the pulse width with energy following a power law w = A ⋅ E ˆ (-s) with an index s ≈ 0.8. Furthermore, we confirm the increase of the HXD with the recurrence time T_rec of the bursts in each series that was already found in previous works using BeppoSAX data. Based on a spectral analysis of these three sources we conclude that the differences highlighted in the properties of the "heartbeat" variability are probably related to the different accreting compact object and the eventual presence of a corona in these binary interacting systems

    Testing general relativity with accretion onto compact objects

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    The X-ray emission of neutron stars and black holes presents a rich phenomenology that can lead us to a better understanding of their nature and to address more general physics questions: Does general relativity apply in the strong gravity regime? Is spacetime around black holes described by the Kerr metric? This white paper considers how we can investigate these questions by studying reverberation mapping and quasi-periodic oscillations in accreting systems with a combination of high-spectral and high-timing resolution. In the near future, we will be able to study compact objects in the X-rays in a new way: advancements in transition-edge sensors (TES) technology will allow for electron-volt-resolution spectroscopy combined with nanoseconds-precision timing.Comment: White paper submitted for Astro2020 Decadal Survey. 8 pages, 2 figure
