40 research outputs found


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    Cabai Pelangi Bolivian Rainbow merupakan salah satu varietas cabai hias yang memiliki keunikan berupa warna buahnya yang berwarna-warni. Pertumbuhan vegetatif cabai hias ini memerlukan beberapa tambahan nutrisi dan peranan mikroorganisme untuk memperoleh pertumbuhan yang optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan optimal cabai pelangi menggunakan pemberian pupuk hayati PGPR, kombinasi dari pupuk hayati PGPR dan pupuk sintetik NPK, serta kombinasi pupuk hayati PGPR dan pupuk organik kompos. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktor tunggal dengan 4 perlakuan. Keempat perlakuan tersebut adalah tanah hitam sebagai kontrol (P0), tanah hitam ditambah pemberian PGPR(P1), tanah hitam ditambah pupuk kompos + PGPR(P2), dan tanah hitam ditambah NPK + PGPR (P3). Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan Uji BNT pada tahap uji á = 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan kombinasi PGPR dan kompos atau PGPR dan NPK memberikan pertumbuhan vegetatif optimal dibandingkan perlakuan tunggal PGPR.Bolivian Rainbow Chili is one of the ornamental chili varieties which is unique in the form of its colorful fruit color. The vegetative growth of ornamental chilies requires additional nutrients and the role of microorganisms to obtain optimal growth. This study aims to determine the optimal growth of rainbow chilies using the application of PGPR biological fertilizer, a combination of PGPR biological fertilizer and NPK synthetic fertilizer, as well as a combination of PGPR biological fertilizer and compost organic fertilizer. This research was conducted with a completely randomized design (CRD). The data obtained were then analyzed by ANOVA and continued with the LSD test and Duncan’s test at the 5% test stage. The results showed that the combination treatment of PGPR and compost or PGPR and NPK provided optimal vegetative growth compared to single PGPR treatment

    Respons Fisiologi Tanaman Cabai (Capsicum annuum) Var. Lembang 1 Terhadap Infeksi Fusarium oxysporum pada Umur Tanaman yang Berbeda

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    Cabai  merah  merupakan  komoditas hortikultura yang banyak dibudidayakan oleh  petani, namun  penyakit layu fusarium  yang disebabkan oleh infeksi fungi Fusarium oxysporum menjadi kendala utama dalam budidaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji respons fisiologi tanaman cabai  kultivar Lembang-1 pada umur tanaman yang berbeda terhadap infeksi F.oxysporum. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial 2x2. Faktor pertama adalah infeksi F.oxysporum (diinfeksi dan tidak diinfeksi) dan faktor kedua adalah umur tanaman cabai  saat infeksi  (35 dan 75 hari setelah tanam). Masing-masing perlakuan dengan 3 ulangan. Parameter yang diamati adalah panjang dan lebar porus stomata, kadar pigmen fotosintesis dan pertumbuhan relative tanaman cabai.  Data kuantitatif yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan Analysis of Variance (Anova) dilanjutkan dengan uji DMRT pada taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanaman cabai  yang diinfeksi F.oxysporum pada umur 35 SHT lebih responsif  dibanding dengan yang diinfeksi pada umur 75 SHT.  Respon fisiologinya tanaman cabai yang diinfeksi pada hari ke 35 setelah tanam adalah  penyempitan lebar porus stomata sebesar 31,2%, penurunan kadar pigmen klorofil dan karotenoid sebesar 18%, penurunan tinggi batang 10,4% dan penurunan panjang akar 15,9%.Kata Kunci: defisiensi air, infeksi fungi, stomata, xyle

    Bioprospecting of Bacillus pumilus as biocontrol against fungal plant pathogens

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    The genus Bacillusis one of the wellknown group of bacteria as Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) that can support plant growth or otherwise control the plant pathogens. In this study, three strain of B. pumilusfrom BIOTEC culture collection (BCC 7507, TBRC 2887 and TBRC 2903) were investigated for their potential to be used as fungal pathogen control.  The growth characteristics of these B. pumilusstrains were determined by making the growth curve of each strain. Further, antagonistic activity of B. pumilusagainst the anthracnose pathogens C. capsici, C. gloeosporioidesand C. acutatum, the rice dirty panicle pathogen Curvularia lunata, the leaf spot pathogen Alternaria brassicicola, and the rice blast pathogen Magnoporthe griseawere evaluated by identified the inhibition zone from their activity. Then, the secondary metabolites produced by these Bacillusstrains were also examined using anti-fungal activity assays. All B. pumilusstrains showed very low biocontrol activity against M. grisea, but not against C. acutatum, C. Capsici, C. gloeosporioides, A. brassicicolaand C. lunata. Culture extracts derived from these strains did not show any activity against M. griseain the spore germination inhibition assay.  These results showed that the three B. pumilusstrains did not exhibit strong potential for application as biocontrol agent.

    Polimorfisme Cabai Rawit dan Cabai Gendot dengan Penanda RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) Menggunakan Primer OPA-8

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    comABSTRAKJenis cabai di Indonesia sangatlah beragam, beberapa di antaranya adalah cabai gendot dan rawit merah.Keberagaman cabai yang tinggi dapat dianalisis secara molekuler melalui pemetaan genetik. Tujuan penelitianini adalah untuk mengetahui keragaman genetik dari sampel cabai gendot dan cabai rawit merah melalui analisispenanda RAPD. Metode yang dilakukan meliputi isolasi DNA dengan menggunkaan Wizard Genomic DNAPurification Kit Promega dan buffer Cetylrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), lalu sampel diamplifikasidengan primer OPA-8. Hasil pengujian dengan penanda RAPD menghasilkan 75% polimorfisme DNA di antaracabai gendot dan cabai rawit merah. Hasil analisis keragaman genetik mendapatkan nilai indeks kesamaan 0,4

    The expression of glucanase encoding gene (CaβGlu)in chili (Capsicum annuum L.) as a response to Fusarium oxysporum infection

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    Indonesia is a tropical country with highest level of biodiversity, especially in the agricultural sector. Chili (Capsicum annumm. L) is a very well-known and widely used agricultural product in the world, which makes chili becomes one of the most considerable national product. The chili production is oftentimes very susceptible to some diseases caused by virus, fungi, or bacteria. One of the most common diseases in chili cultivation is Fusarium wilt, which is caused by Fusarium oxysporum. This disease can cause a major loss and up to 50% crop failure. Many procedures have been done to find the best cultivar with a resistance trait to Fusarium oxysporum, including by observing and testing the chili’s genetic resistance. One of the resistance genes in chili is β -1, 3- glucanase-encoding gene, which produces an enzyme to hydrolize the cell wall of pathogenic fungi. This research aimed to determine the expression of the glucanase-encoding gene (CaβGlu) in chili as a response to Fusarium oxysporum infection. The methods including chili cultivation, F. oxysporum inoculation, isolation of chili leaves RNA, glucanase-encoding gene expression analysis used qRT-PCR, and data analysis. The result of CaβGlu gene expression is higher than the control in the first 6 hours after inoculation, and decreasing in the 48th and 96th hours. The conclusion was the infection of Fusarium oxysporum is activating the expression of CaβGlu gene which was expressed best in the first 6 hours after inoculation. 


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    Isolation of Yeasts from Sugarcane Stems and Their Identification Based on Internal Transcribed Spacer Sequences ABSTRACTFermentative yeasts used in food, health, and energy industries need to be explored to discover their potential. The purpose of this study was to obtain fermentative yeast isolates from sugarcane stems and subsequently to undertake morphological, biochemical, and molecular identification. The isolation of epiphytic and endophytic yeasts was carried out by spread plate method using sugarcane soak water and sugarcane juice on potato dextrose agar (PDA) and yeast-glucose-peptone (YGP) agar media. Morphological identification was based on macroscopic and microscopic observations. Biochemical identification was performed using carbohydrate fermentation and 50%-glucose media tests. Selected isolates were identified molecularly using Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS). Seven yeast isolates were obtained, of which isolate Ed 1B was selected. Isolate ED 1B was of round colonies, creamy white colour, shiny, embossed, and wavy appearance, ovoid cell shape with a cell diameter of 4.74 µm. It had budding cells, was able to ferment glucose and sucrose (but not lactose), and grew on 50 %-glucose media. Results of BLAST showed that isolates Ed 1B had 99% homology with Kodamaea ohmeri.Keywords: isolation, ITS, molecular identification, Saccharum officinarum L., yeast ABSTRAKKhamir fermentatif yang digunakan dalam industri pangan, kesehatan dan energi perlu dieksplorasi untuk mengetahui potensinya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh isolat khamir fermentatif dari batang tebu dan untuk kemudian diidentifikasi secara morfologi, biokimia dan molekuler. Isolasi khamir epifit dan endofit dilakukan dengan metode cawan sebar dari air rendaman tebu dan jus tebu pada media potato dextrose agar (PDA) dan yeast-glucose-peptone (YGP). Identifikasi morfologi berdasarkan pengamatan makroskopis dan mikroskopis. Identifikasi biokimia menggunakan uji fermentasi karbohidrat dan uji media glukosa 50%. Isolat terpilih diidentifikasi molekuler menggunakan Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS). Hasil isolasi memperoleh 7 isolat khamir. Satu isolat terpilih (Ed 1B) didapatkan dan memiliki ciri-ciri koloni bulat, putih krem, mengkilap, timbul, bergelombang, bentuk sel ovoid dengan diameter sel 4,74 µm, memiliki budding cell, mampu memfermentasi glukosa dan sukrosa, tidak memfermentasi laktosa, serta tumbuh pada media glukosa 50%. Hasil BLAST menunjukkan bahwa isolat Ed 1B memiliki homologi 99% dengan Kodamaea ohmeri.Kata Kunci: identifikasi molekuler, isolasi, ITS, khamir, Saccharum officinarum L

    Indonesian red chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) capsaicin and its correlation with their responses to pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum

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    Red chili is a commercial crop for the food industry in Indonesia. There are some categories of red chili based on their pungency. The hot chili usually has more capsaicin than the sweet chili. Some cultivars may have more resistance to pathogen infection than the others. This research aimed to analyze the disease resistance of red chili cultivars from Indonesia against pathogenic Fusariumoxysporum and the correlation with capsaicin contents. Disease resistance was examined by determination of the Disease Severity Index (DSI) 15 dpi (days post inoculation). The correlation was analyzed by the regression coefficient. The result showed that the most resistance cultivar against F. oxysporum was Branang, while Lembang-1displayed the contrary. There was not a correlation of capsaicin content with the chili resistance to F. oxysporum


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    Isolation and Characterization of Lactic Acid Bacteria from Fermented Food Cincalok as Producer of Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Cincalok is a fermented food originating from West Kalimantan. This study aimed to obtain lactic acid bacterial isolates (LAB) capable of producing gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), to characterize the LAB isolates obtained, and to obtain GABA by the Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) method. Bacterial growth and GABA production was carried out by adding 5% MSG and without MSG, and measured spectrophotometrically. In this study, 4 LAB bacterial isolates were obtained which were coded CIN-1, CIN-2, CIN-3, and CIN-4. GABA identification of all the LAB isolates using TLC Silica Gel 60 F254 with butanol: acetic acid: distilled water (5: 3: 2) as eluent yielded Rf 0.61 and Rf MSG 0.38. The highest growth was achieved by isolate CIN-3 with an absorbance of 1.488 (at 48 hour) in non-MSG medium, while the addition of 5% MSG resulted in an absorbance of 1.631 (at 42 hour). GABA production was achieved by isolate CIN-3 with 5% MSG treatment with a concentration of 201.472 mM and without MSG with a concentration of 171.195 mM. Cincalok merupakan pangan fermentasi yang berasal dari Kalimantan Barat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan isolat bakteri asam laktat (BAL) yang mampu menghasilkan gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), melakukan karakterisasi isolat BAL yang diperoleh dan dapat diperoleh GABA dengan metode Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT). Penumbuhan bakteri dan produksi GABA dilakukan dengan penambahan MSG 5% dan tanpa MSG, dan diukur menggunakan spektrofotometer. Dalam penelitian ini diperoleh 4 isolat bakteri BAL yang diberi kode CIN-1, CIN-2, CIN-3, dan CIN-4. Identifikasi GABA dari semua isolat BAL tersebut menggunakan KLT Silica Gel 60 F254 dengan eluen butanol: asam asetat: aquades (5: 3: 2), menghasilkan Rf 0,61 dan Rf MSG 0,38. Pertumbuhan tertinggi terjadi pada isolat CIN-3 non MSG dengan absorbansi 1,488 (jam ke-48), sedangkan dengan penambahan MSG 5% menghasilkan absorbansi 1,631 (jam ke-42). Produksi GABA dicapai isolat CIN-3 dengan perlakuan MSG 5% dengan konsentrasi 201.472 mM dan tanpa MSG dengan konsentrasi 171,195 mM

    Phylogenetic of Ornamented Chilli Based on the Fruit Morphology and Molecular Marker using OPA-12 Primer

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    There are many varieties of ornamental chilli that may different from their ancestor and cause genetic variability. This research aims to determine the relationship of ornamental chillies in Indonesia based on their fruit morphology and RAPD-PCR. Morphological was analysed by description method, while molecular was analysed by RAPD-PCR using OPA 12 primer. Result showed that Katty, Naga Morich, Big Black Mama, and Yellow Primo were Capsicum chinense based on their morphology and RAPD-PCR using OPA-12 primer