17 research outputs found

    Tamanho de amostra para estimação da média e do coeficiente de variação em milho

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    The objective of this work was to determine the necessary sample size to estimate the mean and the coefficient of variation in traits of single, three‑way, and double maize crosses, in different harvests and precision levels, by resampling with replacement. Twelve characters were measured in 361, 373, and 416 plants, respectively, of the single, three‑way, and double‑cross hybrids of the 2008/2009 crop season, and in 1,777, 1,693, and 1,720 plants, respectively, of the single, three‑way, and double‑cross hybrids of the 2009/2010 crop season. Then, descriptive statistics were calculated and the sample size necessary to estimate the mean and coefficient of variation in precision levels – amplitudes of the confidence interval of 95% (AIC95%) of 5, 10, …, 35% of the mean and coefficient of variation – were determined by resampling with replacement. The sample size varied among hybrids, crop seasons, and traits. A larger sample size is necessary to estimate the mean and the coefficient of variation for the double-cross hybrid evaluated in the 2009/2010 crop season. For the same hybrid, crop, trait, and precision level, a larger sample size is necessary to estimate the mean compared to the sample size necessary to estimate the coefficient of variation. The measurement of 325, 150, 80, 60, 35, and 30 plants, respectively, is enough for the estimation of the mean and the coefficient of variation with AIC95% maximum of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35%, in all hybrids, crops and traits.O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o tamanho de amostra necessário para a estimação da média e do coeficiente de variação em caracteres de híbridos simples, triplo e duplo de milho, em diferentes safras e níveis de precisão, por reamostragem com reposição. Doze caracteres foram mensurados em 361, 373 e 416 plantas, respectivamente, de híbridos simples, triplo e duplo, na safra 2008/2009, e em 1.777, 1.693 e 1.720 plantas, respectivamente, de híbridos simples, triplo e duplo na safra 2009/2010. Calcularam-se as estatísticas descritivas e determinou-se o tamanho de amostra necessário para a estimação da média e do coeficiente de variação, em diferentes níveis de precisão – amplitudes do intervalo de confiança de 95% (AIC95%) de 5, 10, ..., 35% da média e do coeficiente de variação –, por reamostragem com reposição. O tamanho de amostra variou entre híbridos, safras e caracteres. É necessário maior tamanho de amostra para a estimação da média e do coeficiente de variação no híbrido duplo, avaliado na safra 2009/2010. Para um mesmo híbrido, safra, caractere e nível de precisão, é necessário maior tamanho de amostra para a estimação da média, em relação ao necessário para estimação do coeficiente de variação. A mensuração de 325, 150, 80, 60, 35 e 30 plantas, respectivamente, é suficiente para a estimação da média e do coeficiente de variação com AIC95% máximas de 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 e 35%, em todos os híbridos, safras e caracteres


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    The Cerrado is recognized for its biodiversity, but is currently considered a threatened biome. This study aimed to evaluate the impacts of low-intensity fire on the abundance and richness of fungal communities in a Red Yellow Latosol in Sensu Stricto Cerrado. Five treatments were defined in control and burned plots, which represent the soil collections as a function of the periods after prescribed firing. The fire effects were evaluated in the 0-5 and 15-20 cm layers of soil depth. For statistical analysis, the Shanon-Wiener, Simpson and Berger-Parker indexes were used. A significant reduction of 33.3% was observed (ANOVA; Dunnett Test p> 0,05) in total abundance (UFC.g-1), in the superficial layer and in the deeper soil profile (15-20 cm) of the burned plots when compared to the control plots. However, it was observed a fungi recolonization at 2 months after burning. A total of 21 fungi genera were found, and more diversity was observed in the burned plots compared to non-burned. The maximum Shanon-Wiener index was H´=0,85 in the 15-20 cm depth for the burned plots. For the dominance index, a maximum value of 70% was observed for the Aspergillus genus (in the treatment before burning for the 15-20 cm depth). The fluctuations in the diversity of fungi after burning were not affected by the fire, but by the rainfall indexes in the treatments after burning. The equity was uniform and showed differences in the numerical richness in burned plots and control. Rainfall has a great impact on the fungal recovery speed

    Tamanho de amostra e relações lineares de caracteres morfológicos e produtivos de crambe

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    Os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar o tamanho de amostra para a estimação da média de caracteres morfológicos e produtivos de crambe (Crambe abyssinica Hochst) e avaliar as relações entre esses caracteres. Foi conduzido um experimento a campo em Santa Maria, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (latitude 29°42'S, longitude 53°49'W e 95m de altitude), no ano de 2008. Na colheita, foram selecionadas, aleatoriamente, 75 plantas e foram mensurados os caracteres morfológicos (altura de planta, número de rácemos por planta e comprimento médio dos rácemos por planta) e os produtivos (número de frutos por planta, número de frutos por rácemo e produtividade de grãos). Foi calculado o tamanho de amostra de cada caráter e investigada a relação entre os caracteres por meio de diagramas de dispersão, análises de correlação, de trilha e regressão. Na cultura de crambe, para estimar a média com uma mesma precisão, o tamanho de amostra (número de plantas) dos caracteres produtivos é maior que o dos morfológicos. O número de frutos por planta tem relação linear positiva com a produtividade de grãos e pode ser utilizado para seleção indireta

    Pacificação e tutela militar na gestão de populações e territórios

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    Tamanho ótimo de parcela para a cultura do feijão-vagem Plot size for the green beans crop

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    Com o objetivo de estimar o tamanho ótimo de parcela e de verificar o comportamento da precisão experimental em diferentes tamanhos de parcela e formas de considerar a produção de feijão-vagem, foram conduzidos os seguintes ensaios em branco: 1) em estufa no outono-inverno; 2) em túnel no outono-inverno; 3) em ambiente não protegido no outono-inverno; 4) em túnel na primavera-verão; e 5) em ambiente não protegido na primavera-verão. Foi mensurada a fitomassa fresca de vagens por duplas de plantas. Para as parcelas de diferentes tamanhos (X) foi estimada a variância e a sua relação com X. O tamanho ótimo de parcela foi estimado pelo método da máxima curvatura modificada, e as diferenças mínimas significativas entre médias, foram estimadas pelo método de Hatheway. Analisar a fitomassa fresca de vagens total reduz a variabilidade em experimentos com feijão-vagem e o tamanho ótimo da parcela recomendado para esta cultura é de 16 plantas para experimentos em estufa e de 12 plantas para experimentos em túneis e experimentos em ambientes não protegidos.<br>With the aim of estimating the optimum plot size and verify the behavior of the experimental precision in different plot sizes and shapes to consider the production of snap beans, the following white experiments were conducted: 1) in a greenhouse during the autumn and winter; 2) in a poly-tunnel during the autumn and winter; 3) in an unprotected environment during the autumn and winter; 4) in a poly-tunnel during the spring and summer; and 5) in an unprotected environment during the spring and summer. The fresh pod mass was measured for pairs of plants. For each different plot size (X) the variation and its relation to X was estimated. The optimum plot size was estimated using the method of maximum modified curvature, and the significant minimum differences between averages were estimated using the Hathaway method. Analyze the total fresh biomass of pods reduces variability in experiments with green beans and optimum plot size recommended for this crop is 16 plants in a greenhouse for experiments and plans for 12 tunnel experiments and experiments in non-protected

    Produtividade de alface e qualidade de mudas de tomateiro com bioproduto de batata Lettuce productivity and quality of tomato seedlings with potato bioproduct

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de Acrescent Foliar®, proveniente da fermentação alcoolica de batata, na produtividade de alface e na qualidade de mudas de tomateiro. Foram conduzidos a campo dois experimentos com a cultura da alface, em delineamento blocos ao acaso com três repetições, e dois experimentos em ambiente protegido com mudas de tomateiro, em bandejas de poliestireno expandido de 128 células, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições. Foram avaliados a fitomassa fresca e a fitomassa seca da parte aérea da alface, a altura da planta, o diâmetro do caule, o número de folhas, a fitomassa fresca de raiz, a fitomassa fresca de parte aérea, a fitomassa seca de parte aérea e a relação entre a fitomassa fresca de parte aérea e de raiz nas mudas de tomateiro. A adubação foliar com Acrescent Foliar® não influencia na produtividade da alface e confere às mudas de tomateiro características indesejáveis como redução da fitomassa fresca de raiz e aumento da relação entre a fitomassa fresca de parte aérea e de raiz.The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of application of Acrescent Foliar® derived of alcoholic fermentation of potato, in lettuce productivity and in quality of tomato seedlings. Two experiments were conducted in field with lettuce crop in a randomized block design with three replications and, two experiments were conducted in greenhouse with production of tomato seedlings in polystyrene trays with 128 cells in a complete randomized design with four replications. It was measured the fresh and dry biomass of the shoot of lettuce, and the plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, fresh biomass of roots and shoot, dry biomass of the shoot and, the relation between the fresh biomass of shoot and roots in tomato seedlings. The foliar fertilization with Acrescent Foliar® does not influence the lettuce productivity and it conferred undesirable characteristics in the tomato seedlings such as reduced roots fresh biomass and increased ratio between the fresh biomass of shoot and roots


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    This study aimed to identify the relationship between morphological variables and production variables in bell pepper plants derived from seeds of different physiological levels. The experiments were car-ried out in a randomized block design with eight replications in a protected setting at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Treatments included three lots of hybrid Tiberius seeds and one lot of Rubi Giant seeds during Spring-Winter and Autumn-Winter season with different levels of physiological quality as shown by vigor and germination tests. The following characters (variables) were measured: plant height, first fork height, stem di-ameter, and stem diameter below the first fork after 50 days, 70 days and 90 days of transplanting, average weight of fruits, average production per harvest, total production, average fruit length, and average width of fruits. Next, for each level of vigor was estimated the correlation matrixes, multicollinearity diagnosis, and then path analysis, considering the total production as the main variable.Plants derived from high-, low- and medium vigor seeds whose first fork diameters were greater after 50 days and 70 days of transplanting are more produc-tive during Spring-Winter seeding. Coefficients of correlation and effect of low magnitude were identified in vigor levels (being high, low, medium, and extremely low) during Autumn-Winter season, indicating a weak relationship between cause and effect of explanatory variables measured on total fruit production of bell pepper