5,536 research outputs found

    Engineering Agent Systems for Decision Support

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    This paper discusses how agent technology can be applied to the design of advanced Information Systems for Decision Support. In particular, it describes the different steps and models that are necessary to engineer Decision Support Systems based on a multiagent architecture. The approach is illustrated by a case study in the traffic management domain

    Agent Architecture Modelling at the Knowledge Level

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    The definition of an agent architecture at the knowledge level makes emphasis on the knowledge role played by the data interchanged between the agent components and makes explicit this data interchange this makes easier the reuse of these knowledge structures independently of the implementation This article defines a generic task model of an agent architecture and refines some of these tasks using the interference diagrams. Finally, a operationalisation of this conceptual model using the rule-oriented language Jess is shown. knowledge level

    Sematch: semantic entity search from knowledge graph

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    As an increasing amount of the knowledge graph is published as Linked Open Data, semantic entity search is required to develop new applications. However, the use of structured query languages such as SPARQL is challenging for non-skilled users who need to master the query language as well as acquiring knowledge of the underlying ontology of Linked Data knowledge bases. In this article, we propose the Sematch framework for entity search in the knowledge graph that combines natural language query processing, entity linking, entity type linking and semantic similarity based query expansion. The system has been validated in a dataset and a prototype has been developed that translates natural language queries into SPARQL

    Desastres 2.0. Aplicación de tecnologías Web2.0 en situaciones de emergencia

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    This article presents a social approach for disaster management, based on a public portal, so-called Disasters 2.0, which provides facilities for integrating and sharing usergenerated information about disasters. The architecture of Disasters 2.0 is designed following REST principles and integrates external mashups, such as Google Maps. This architecture has been integrated with different clients, including a mobile client, a multiagent system for assisting in the decentralised management of disasters, and an expert system for automatic asignation of resources to disasters. As a result, the platform allows seamless collaboration of humans and intelligent agents, and provides a novel web2.0 approach for multiagent and disaster management research and artificial intelligence teaching

    Analysis and design of multiagent systems using MAS-CommonKADS

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    This article proposes an agent-oriented methodology called MAS-CommonKADS and develops a case study. This methodology extends the knowledge engineering methodology CommonKADSwith techniquesfrom objectoriented and protocol engineering methodologies. The methodology consists of the development of seven models: Agent Model, that describes the characteristics of each agent; Task Model, that describes the tasks that the agents carry out; Expertise Model, that describes the knowledge needed by the agents to achieve their goals; Organisation Model, that describes the structural relationships between agents (software agents and/or human agents); Coordination Model, that describes the dynamic relationships between software agents; Communication Model, that describes the dynamic relationships between human agents and their respective personal assistant software agents; and Design Model, that refines the previous models and determines the most suitable agent architecture for each agent, and the requirements of the agent network

    A Pattern Approach to Modeling the Provider Selection Problem

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    This article introduces the notion of agreement patterns, which provide a framework for modelling reusable problem solution descriptions for agreement fulfilment. In particular, the Provider Selection pattern has been identified for modelling the common problem of selecting a provider by a service consumer. The article presents the pattern structure as well as the reusable domain model and cognitive structures. Agreement patterns aim at providing reusable patterns useful for developers in multidisciplinary areas, such as Agent Technology and Service Oriented Computing

    UER technique: conceptualisation for agent oriented development

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    The problem of conceptualisation is the first step towards the identication of the functional requirements of a system. This article proposes two extensions of well-known object oriented techniques: UER (User-Environment-Responsibility) technique and enhanced CRC (Class-ResponsibilityCollaboration) cards. UER technique consists of (a) looking for the users of systems and describing the ways the system is used; (b) looking for the objects of the environment and describing the possible interactions; and (c) looking for the general requirements or goals of the system, the actions that it should carry out without explicit interaction. The enhanced CRC cards together with the internal use cases technique is used for dening collaborations between agents. These techniques can be easily integrated in UML (Unied Modelling Language) [2], dening the new notation symbols as stereotypes

    Aplicación de tecnologías de la web semántica para la catalogación de contenidos musicales

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    El siguiente artículo describe el proceso de aplicación de tecnologías de la Web semántica para el enriquecimiento de una biblioteca de contenidos musicales, en el contexto del proyecto Semusici. El propósito del proyecto Semusici es investigar como las tecnologías de la Web semántica pueden ser aplicadas a bibliotecas digitales y como esto puede mejorar la búsqueda y la accesibilidad. Este proyecto parte de los resultados del proyecto de eContent Harmos, que definía una taxonomía musical para la catalogación de clases magistrales, y propone una metodología para la conversión de esta taxonomía en una ontología y la migración de los contenidos de Harmos

    An Ontology for Formalising Agreement Patterns in Auction Markets

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    Knowledge and best practices on auction systems are cur- rently disseminated across the research literature, which limits its access, reuse, evaluation and feedback by practitioners. This article presents a systematic approach to collect this knowledge as design patterns, in order to provide assistance to software developers. An ontology has been de- _ned for formalising design patterns in auction systems, with the aim of improving its searchability by software developers. Finally, a case study illustrates how the proposed pattern ontology provides assistance in the development of a dynamic pricing model for an e-commerce servic

    Onyx: describing emotions on the web of data

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    There are several different standardised and widespread formats to represent emotions. However, there is no standard semantic model yet. This paper presents a new ontology, called Onyx, that aims to become such a standard while adding concepts from the latest Semantic Web models. In particular, the ontology focuses on the representation of Emotion Analysis results. But the model is abstract and inherits from previous standards and formats. It can thus be used as a reference representation of emotions in any future application or ontology. To prove this, we have translated resources from EmotionML representation to Onyx. We also present several ways in which developers could benefit from using this ontology instead of an ad-hoc presentation. Our ultimate goal is to foster the use of semantic technologies for emotion Analysis while following the Linked Data ideals