4 research outputs found

    Characterization and Correction of Evaporative Artifacts in Speleothem Fluid Inclusion Isotope Analyses as Applied to a Stalagmite From Borneo

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    Fluid inclusion water isotope measurements in speleothems have great potential for paleoclimate studies as they enable the reconstruction of precipitation dynamics and land temperatures. Several previous observations, however, suggest that inclusion waters do not always reflect the isotopic composition of surface precipitation. In such cases, dripwaters are thought to be modified by evaporation in the cave environment that results in more positive Ī“ 2H and Ī“ 18O values and shallow Ī“ 2H/Ī“ 18O slopes. Although evaporation can occur in cave systems, water can also be lost to evaporation during analysis but before water extraction. Here, we examine the likelihood of this possibility with a stalagmite from Borneo. We demonstrate that many samples lose water, and that water loss is controlled by the type and size of inclusions. With multiple replicate measurements of coeval samples, we calculate an evaporative Ī“ 2H/Ī“ 18O slope of 1.0 Ā± 0.6 (2SE). This value is consistent with model predictions of evaporative fractionation at high analytical temperature and low humidity. Finally, we propose a method to correct for this effect. We find that fluidā€“calcite Ī“ 18O paleotemperatures calculated with corrected Ī“ 18O data show excellent agreement with recent microthermometry temperature estimates for Borneo, supporting the validity of our approach and implying limited stalagmite Ī“ 18O disequilibrium variations. Corrected fluid inclusion Ī“ 18O and Ī“ 2H values follow the expected hydroclimate response of Borneo to periods of reduced Atlantic Ocean meridional overturning circulation. Our results suggest that careful petrographic examination and multiple replicate measurements are necessary for reliable paleoclimate reconstructions with speleothem fluid inclusion water isotopes.The Norwegian Research Council (Grant 262353/F20)European Research Council (Grant 101001957 to A.N.M.)FARLAB (RCN Grant 245907)Juan de la Cierva Fellowship (IJC2019040065-I)Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and co-funded by the European Development Fund and the European Social Fun

    Warm Middle Miocene Indian Ocean Bottom Water Temperatures: Comparison of Clumped Isotope and Mg/Caā€Based Estimates

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    The middle Miocene is an important analogue for potential future warm climates. However, few independent deep ocean temperature records exist, though these are important for climate model validation and estimates of changes in ice volume. Existing records, all based on the foraminiferal Mg/Ca proxy, suggest that bottom water temperatures were 5ā€“8Ā°C warmer than present. In order to improve confidence in these bottom water temperature reconstructions, we generated a new record using carbonate clumped isotopes (Ī”47) and compared our results with Mg/Caā€based estimates for the Indian Ocean at ODP Site 761. Our results indicate temperatures of 11.0 Ā± 1.7Ā°C during the middle Miocene Climatic Optimum (MCO, 14.7ā€“17 Ma) and 8.1 Ā± 1.9Ā°C after the middle Miocene Climate Transition (MCT, 13.0ā€“14.7 Ma), values 6 to 9Ā°C warmer than present. Our record also indicates cooling across the MCT of 2.9 Ā± 2.5Ā°C (uncertainties 95% confidence level). The Mg/Ca record derived from the same samples indicates temperatures well within uncertainty of Ī”47. As the two proxies are affected by different nonā€thermal biases, the good agreement provides confidence in these reconstructed temperatures. Our Ī”47 temperature record implies a ~0.6ā€° seawater Ī“18O change over the MCT, in good agreement with previously published values from other sites. Our data furthermore confirm overall high seawater Ī“18O values across the middle Miocene, at face value suggesting ice volumes exceeding presentā€day despite the warm bottom water temperatures. This finding suggests previously underappreciated additional influences on seawater Ī“18O and/or a decoupling of ice volume and ocean temperature

    Cold spells in the Nordic Seas during the early Eocene Greenhouse

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    The early Eocene (c. 56 - 48 million years ago) experienced some of the highest global temperatures in Earthā€™s history since the Mesozoic, with no polar ice. Reports of contradictory ice-rafted erratics and cold water glendonites in the higher latitudes have been largely dismissed due to ambiguity of the significance of these purported cold-climate indicators. Here we apply clumped isotope paleothermometry to a traditionally qualitative abiotic proxy, glendonite calcite, to generate quantitative temperature estimates for northern mid-latitude bottom waters. Our data show that the glendonites of the Danish Basin formed in waters below 5ā€‰Ā°C, at water depths of <300ā€‰m. Such near-freezing temperatures have not previously been reconstructed from proxy data for anywhere on the early Eocene Earth, and these data therefore suggest that regionalised cool episodes punctuated the background warmth of the early Eocene, likely linked to eruptive phases of the North Atlantic Igneous Province

    Hepatic Circulation

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