6 research outputs found

    ooi: OpenStack OCCI interface

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    In this document we present an implementation of the Open Grid Forum’s Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI) for OpenStack, namely ooi (Openstack occi interface, 2015). OCCI is an open standard for management tasks over cloud resources, focused on interoperability, portability and integration. ooi aims to implement this open interface for the OpenStack cloud middleware, promoting interoperability with other OCCI-enabled cloud management frameworks and infrastructures. ooi focuses on being non-invasive with a vanilla OpenStack installation, not tied to a particular OpenStack release version

    Transparent Access to Scientific and Commercial Clouds from the Kepler Workflow Engine

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    his paper describes the architecture for transparently using several different Cloud Resources from with the graphical Kepler Worklfow environment. This architecture was proven to work by implementing and using it in practice within the FP7 EUFORIA project. The clouds supported are the Open Source cloud OpenNEbula (ONE) environment and the commercial Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). Subsequently, these clouds are compared regarding their cost-effectiveness, which covers a performance examination but also the comparison of the commercial against a scientific cloud provider

    Software Provision Process for EGI

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    he European Grid Initiative (EGI) provides a sustainable pan-European Grid computing infrastructure for e-Science based on a network of regional and national Grids. The middleware driving this production infrastructure is constantly adapted to the changing needs of the EGI Community by deploying new features and phasing out other features and components that are no longer needed. Unlike previous e-Infrastructure projects, EGI does not develop its own middleware solution, but instead sources the required components from Technology Providers and integrates them in the Unified Middleware Distribution (UMD). In order to guarantee a high quality and reliable operation of the infrastructure, all UMD software must undergo a release process that covers the definition of the functional, performance and quality requirements, the verification of those requirements and testing in production environments

    The DODAS Experience on the EGI Federated Cloud

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    The EGI Cloud Compute service offers a multi-cloud IaaS federation that brings together research clouds as a scalable computing platform for research accessible with OpenID Connect Federated Identity. The federation is not limited to single sign-on, it also introduces features to facilitate the portability of applications across providers: i) a common VM image catalogue VM image replication to ensure these images will be available at providers whenever needed; ii) a GraphQL information discovery API to understand the capacities and capabilities available at each provider; and iii) integration with orchestration tools (such as Infrastructure Manager) to abstract the federation and facilitate using heterogeneous providers. EGI also monitors the correct function of every provider and collects usage information across all the infrastructure. DODAS (Dynamic On Demand Analysis Service) is an open-source Platform-as-a-Service tool, which allows to deploy software applications over heterogeneous and hybrid clouds. DODAS is one of the so-called Thematic Services of the EOSC-hub project and it instantiates on-demand container-based clusters offering a high level of abstraction to users, allowing to exploit distributed cloud infrastructures with a very limited knowledge of the underlying technologies.This work presents a comprehensive overview of DODAS integration with EGI Cloud Federation, reporting the experience of the integration with CMS Experiment submission infrastructure system

    The DODAS Experience on the EGI Federated Cloud

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    The EGI Cloud Compute service offers a multi-cloud IaaS federation that brings together research clouds as a scalable computing platform for research accessible with OpenID Connect Federated Identity. The federation is not limited to single sign-on, it also introduces features to facilitate the portability of applications across providers: i) a common VM image catalogue VM image replication to ensure these images will be available at providers whenever needed; ii) a GraphQL information discovery API to understand the capacities and capabilities available at each provider; and iii) integration with orchestration tools (such as Infrastructure Manager) to abstract the federation and facilitate using heterogeneous providers. EGI also monitors the correct function of every provider and collects usage information across all the infrastructure. DODAS (Dynamic On Demand Analysis Service) is an open-source Platform-as-a-Service tool, which allows to deploy software applications over heterogeneous and hybrid clouds. DODAS is one of the so-called Thematic Services of the EOSC-hub project and it instantiates on-demand container-based clusters offering a high level of abstraction to users, allowing to exploit distributed cloud infrastructures with a very limited knowledge of the underlying technologies.This work presents a comprehensive overview of DODAS integration with EGI Cloud Federation, reporting the experience of the integration with CMS Experiment submission infrastructure system