10 research outputs found

    Mechanical and electrical properties of red blood cells using optical tweezers

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    Optical tweezers are a very sensitive tool, based on photon momentum transfer, for individual, cell by cell, manipulation and measurements, which can be applied to obtain important properties of erythrocytes for clinical and research purposes. Mechanical and electrical properties of erythrocytes are critical parameters for stored cells in transfusion centers, immunohematological tests performed in transfusional routines and in blood diseases. In this work, we showed methods, based on optical tweezers, to study red blood cells and applied them to measure apparent overall elasticity, apparent membrane viscosity, zeta potential, thickness of the double layer of electrical charges and adhesion in red blood cells.134S

    Reproductive biology of Echinometra lucunter (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) in a northeast Brazilian sandstone reef

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    The edible sea urchin Echinometra lucunter (Linnaeus, 1758) is a very common species on the sublittoral-midlittoral in Brazilian rocky shores. The aim of this work was to describe the gametogenesis and reproductive strategy of the E. lucunter population at Muro Alto beach in the Northeast coast of Brazil from August 2004 to August 2005. A total of 240 specimens were collected on the sandstone reef flat from a tidepool during spring low tides. The overall sex ratio was1.12:1,withoutsignificanttemporalvariationexceptinOctober2004. Firsts sexual maturity ocurred in individuals from a diameter of 20.8 mm. There was not a significant difference in gonad index between females and males during the sampling period. The female's gonad index variation was associated with a well-defined spawning, corroborated by the histological analysis of the gonads, which demonstrates sex differences of the gamete production. By contrast, the males showed no clear pattern. It is suggested that continuous reproduction with seasonal peaks in the E. lucunter population occurs at Muro Alto beach.<br>O ouriço-do-mar comestível Echinometra lucunter (Linnaeus, 1758) é uma espécie muito comum no infralitoral e mediolitoral do Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever a gametogênese e a estratégia reprodutiva da população de E. lucunterna praia de Muro Alto entre agosto de 2004 e agosto de 2005. Um total de 240 espécimes foi capturado de uma poça de maré situada no topo recifal, durante as marés baixas de sizígia. A razão sexual total foi de 1,12:1 sem variação temporal significativa, exceto em outubro de 2004. A primeira maturidade sexual ocorreu em indivíduos a partir de 20,8 mm de diâmetro. Não houve nenhuma diferença significativa no índice gonadal entre fêmeas e machos durante o período de amostragem. A variação do índice gonadal das fêmeas foi associada a um período de desova bem definido, corroborado pela análise histológica das gônadas, que demonstra diferenças sexuais na produção de gametas. Ao contrário, os machos não apresentaram nenhum padrão. Sugere-se que a reprodução da população de E. lucunter na praia de Muro Alto é contínua, compicos sazonais