9 research outputs found


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    In Brazil different regions have inadequate water and sewage treatment facilities, which can be made worse by the installation of large enterprises. The perception of these populations about the scenario in which they live is of great relevance in this context, the present study has the objective of analyzing the socioenvironmental profile and the perception of the water quality and its relation to health damage by populations resident from the area of Belo Monte hydropower plant. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 268 residents of two cities in the interior of Pará-Brazil and the data were obtained from the application of a semi-structured questionnaire. The results showed that the interviewees had minimal education and were low income. Most interviewees reported having running water in their home. However, 63.1% of the interviewees considered the water provided as organoleptically altered and of poor quality. Of the interviewees, 92.5% stated that their water is mainly from wells; 94.8% perceived a relationship between decreasing water quality and increasing health problems. Of these, 85.2% related to the decrease in water quality with renal problems, 75% with liver problems and 28% with hypertension. About 61.6% of respondents reported concerns about lack of basic sanitation. It is concluded that the populations studied understand the importance of quality water consumption and relate water quality to health problems. Therefore, these results serve as an alert to managers regarding the urgent need to improve the quality of life of this population. Keywords: Pará, sewage systems, drinking water, health, chronic disease.    RESUMO :No Brasil, diferentes regiões têm instalações inadequadas de tratamento de água e esgoto, o que pode ser agravado pela instalação de grandes empresas. A percepção dessas populações sobre o cenário em que vivem é de grande relevância neste contexto, o presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar o perfil socioambiental e a percepção da qualidade da água e sua relação com danos à saúde por populações residentes da área. da usina hidrelétrica de Belo Monte. Um estudo transversal foi realizado com 268 moradores de duas cidades do interior do Pará-Brasil e os dados foram obtidos a partir da aplicação de um questionário semiestruturado. Os resultados mostraram que os entrevistados tinham educação mínima e baixa renda. A maioria dos entrevistados relatou ter água encanada em casa. No entanto, 63,1% dos entrevistados consideraram a água fornecida como organoléptica- mente alterada e de má qualidade. Dos entrevistados, 92,5% afirmaram que a água é proveniente principalmente de poços; 94,8% perceberam uma relação entre diminuir a qualidade da água e aumentar os problemas de saúde. Destes, 85,2% relacionaram-se à diminuição da qualidade da água com problemas renais, 75% com problemas hepáticos e 28% com hipertensão. Cerca de 61,6% dos entrevistados relataram preocupações sobre a falta de saneamento básico. Conclui-se que as populações estudadas entendem a importância do consumo de água de qualidade e relacionam a qualidade da água a problemas de saúde. Portanto, esses resultados servem de alerta para os gestores quanto à necessidade urgente de melhorar a qualidade de vida dessa população. Palavras-chave: Pará, sistemas de esgoto, água potável, saúde, doença crônic

    Air quality in cities of the extreme south of Brazil

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    The region comprised of cities located in the extreme south of Brazil has numerous potential sources of pollution, such as industries, mining and agricultural activities. Despite this, they do not have detailed scientific information regarding air quality. The present study aimed to evaluate air quality in nine municipalities in the extreme south of Brazil, based on the monitoring of six pollutants (O3, NO2, SO2, PM2.5, PM10 and CO) present in Brazilian environmental legislation and the relationship of these pollutants with meteorological parameters. Information on air pollutants and meteorological parameters was collected from satellite data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts “Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service”, extracted using The Wealther Channel (IBM, USA) during the period ranged from April 25, 2020 to July 4, 2020 in Rio Grande, Pelotas, Bagé, Candiota, Hulha Negra, Pedras Altas, Aceguá and Herval. The concentration of pollutants was below Brazilian limits, with the exception of a single episode in the municipality of Rio Grande. Temperature was the meteorological parameter most correlated with air pollutants, except for SO2, but in general, all pollutants correlated (positive or negative) with at least one atmospheric parameter. Finally, the composition of air pollutants in each municipality seems to be related to its local economic activity. We encourage the continuity of studies in the region aiming at a complete temporal analysis that encompasses all seasons

    Rapid tests for the toxicity evaluation of soil contaminated by lead-acid batteries manufacture

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    Lead-acid battery manipulation is one of the major sources of environmental contamination of lead in developing and underdeveloped countries. For the preliminary investigation of the soil ecotoxicological potential of a mechanical workshop with deposit of lead-acid battery tailings, the avoidance behavior response test with Eisenia andrei and the phytotoxicity test with Lactuca sativa were made. The quantification of cadmium, copper, lead, zinc, manganese, iron and arsenic, was also performed. The level of lead found in the test soil was 56 times higher than the permitted value in Brazilian legislation, but the soil only showed toxicity in the avoidance behavior response test with earthworms. None of the phytotoxicity tests showed toxicity to lettuce seeds in germination rate and seedling length. This preliminary study confirms the contamination of these sites by lead and indicates that this contamination can cause damages to the edaphic fauna, suggesting further studies in areas contaminated by tailings of lead-acid batteries