217 research outputs found

    Factores influenciadores e formas de cooperação universidade–empresa: um estudo empírico

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    A cooperação universidade-empresa é frequentemente apontada como uma estratégia viável para a transmissão do conhecimento das instituições de ensino superior para o tecido empresarial, com o consequente desenvolvimento das regiões/países. Assim, pretende-se com o presente trabalho analisar o fenómeno da cooperação entre uma instituição do ensino superior – Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB) - e o tecido empresarial desta região de Portugal. Para alcançar este objectivo, procedeu-se a um estudo empírico com base em dados primários e recolhidos através de um questionário e de uma entrevista semi-formal realizada a um ex-aluno desta instituição. Com base no modelo de regressão logística proposto para este estudo, os resultados revelaram que as variáveis como o sexo, idade e a escola onde se lecciona, dentro da instituição de ensino superior seleccionada, influenciam a capacidade de cooperação dos docentes no tecido empresarial. Algumas implicações teóricas e práticas para os docentes/investigadores e empresários/gestores são também apresentadas

    Capacidade de aprendizagem das empresas familiares

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    A capacidade de aprender de uma empresa é frequentemente apontada como uma estratégia viável para a sua longevidade. Esta capacidade tem maior impacto nas empresas familiares, dadas as suas particularidades. Assim, pretende-se com o presente trabalho analisar a capacidade de aprender de um conjunto de empresas seleccionadas aleatoriamente. Para tal, após uma revisão da literatura, procede-se a um estudo empírico, com base em dados primários recolhidos de um estudo de casos múltiplos de 22 empresas. Os resultados vão de encontro, de certa forma, à revisão da literatura efectuada, ou seja, as empresas estudadas possuem capacidade de aprender, garantindo, por essa via, uma maior longevidade e reduzida dependência dos colaboradores

    On the perception of social corporate responsibility in portugal among academic community – an exploratory study

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    This paper intends to investigate the level of awareness and perception of the concept and practices of social responsibility in Portuguese companies from the perspective of the academic community. To respond to this it was elaborated a questionnaire, addressed to teaching and non-teaching staff and students, composed by 20 questions. The questionnaire was distributed by Google Doc's program, sent to all universities and polytechnics in Portugal, between 13 May 2015 and 5 June 2015, being obtained 143 responses. 77.6% of respondents consider that there are no initiatives to encourage companies to be socially responsible. The overwhelming majority of respondents (92.3%) believe that social responsibility is not well developed in Portugal. This is due largely to the current crisis that is going through, which ultimately also affect social entrepreneurship. The existing perception is that the concept of CSR is not very developed and spread within the various stakeholders of companies and even in academia. Despite the existence of some courses on CSR in Portugal, these should be placed within all educational levels and especially in higher education courses in the area of economics and management and related fields.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The learning ability of portuguese small family businesses

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    The learning ability of a firm is often cited as a necessary feature for its longevity. This ability has a greater impact on family businesses, given their characteristics. This research analyses the learning ability of Portuguese small family businesses. The research is based on an empirical study with primary data collected from a multiple case study of 22 firms. The results indicate that firms have some learning ability but on a small scale. The results also show that this learning capacity is almost absent from the design of firms’ operations and employees and is especially related to the owner-manager and the relationship established with the environment

    Determinantes da rendibilidade do ativo e a estrutura de capitais - estudo aplicado a PME portuguesas

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    Os fatores que determinam a estrutura de capitais, entre as grandes empresas, têm sido alvo de intensa pesquisa nas últimas décadas, porém os estudos sobre as pequenas e médias empresas (PME) são mais escassos. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal identificar as determinantes da rendibilidade da empresa medida pela rendibilidade do ativo total, tomando em consideração as teorias e determinante da estrutura de capital das PME portuguesas. A amostra foi constituída por empresas 1024 empresas localizadas no interior norte e centro de Portugal, com dados financeiros respeitantes ao período de 2006 a 2009. Os resultados indicam que a rendibilidade do ativo destas PME, do interior de Portugal, é influenciada positiva e estatisticamente significativa pela estrutura de capital da empresa e negativamente pelos resultados transitados. A dimensão das empresas apresenta coeficiente negativo e estatisticamente significativo contrariamente ao esperado.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Variantes para iluminação pública

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    Fazer a comparação,emtermos económicos,dos gastos com a IluminaçãoPública,da cidade de Macedode Cavaleiros,usando duas tecnologias diferentes:-Lâmpadas de Vapor de Sódio de Alta Pressão v.s.Lâmpadas LED-Light Emitting Diode.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    University-industry collaboration: do the characteristics of academic staff matter?

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    It is widely recognised that a country’s development, in terms of innovation and productivity, is greatly influenced by the character and intensity of interaction between the science and business communities. Despite this importance, there is still a lack of understanding regarding the underlying factors that drive the transfer of knowledge and technology. In particular, only a few empirical studies have addressed the issue of exploring the attitudes and behaviours of academic staff in this process. This paper aims to fill this research caveat. Its main objective is to investigate the influence of academic staff’s socio-demographic and educational characteristics on university-industry collaboration. According to our objectives and to test these hypotheses, we decided on a mixed method. At a first stage, we performed a quantitative study, based on data gathered from a questionnaire applied to the overall population of academic staff at Bragança Polytechnic Institute in Portugal. The empirical study was carried out in 2011 and covered the total population of academic staff at BPI. We received 123 valid questionnaires, yielding a response rate of 23.7%. For data analysis, we applied descriptive statistics and logistic regression. At a second stage, a qualitative approach was chosen to evaluate university-industry collaboration, consisting of an exploratory semi-structured interview with the owner-manager of a recently created local spin-off from this higher education institution. The results reveal that age and gender are significantly related to the propensity to collaborate with industry. For instance, the probability of male academic staff collaborating with the business community is around 3.5 times higher than it is for females. Furthermore, we found that the level of formal qualification of academic staff and supervision of work placements had no influence, while the school/faculty academic staff belong to is significantly correlated with industry cooperation. Nevertheless, the interviewee considered the existence of curricular work placement as crucial. Overall, from our quantitative and qualitative data, there is a preference for exploitation of knowledge more in academic than in business terms. We present several theoretical and practical implications

    Efficiency and capital structure in Portuguese SMEs

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    This paper aims to analyse the bi-directional relationship between technical efficiency, as a measure of companies’ performance, and capital structure, under the agency cost theory as well as the pecking order and trade-off theory, to explain the capital structure decisions. The technical efficiency was estimated by the DEA method and corrected by using a suitable bootstrap to obtain statistical inferences. To test the agency cost hypothesis, asymmetric information hypothesis, risk-efficiency hypothesis and franchise value hypothesis (under pecking order and trade off theories framework), two models were applied using some determinants of capital structure such as size, profitability, tangibility, liquidity as control and explanatory variables through a truncated regression with bootstrapping. From an initial sample of 1024 small and medium sized companies from the interior of Portugal, for the period 2006–2009, a subsample of 210 SMEs from secondary and tertiary sectors was selected. The results suggest that medium sized companies have higher average bias-corrected efficiency than small companies; that short-term leverage is positively related to efficiency and that the companies in the sample follow pecking order theory.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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