32 research outputs found

    Assessment of the flexural strength of two heat-curing acrylic resins for artificial eyes

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    Prosthetic eyes are artificial substitutes for the eyeball, made of heat-curing acrylic resin, serving to improve the esthetic appearance of the mutilated patient and his/her inclusion in society. The aim of this study was to assess the flexural strength of two heat-curing acrylic resins used for manufacturing prosthetic eyes. Thirty-six specimens measuring 64 x 10 x 3.3 mm were obtained and divided into four groups: acrylic resin for artificial sclera N1(Artigos Odontológicos Clássico, São Paulo, SP, Brazil), heat-cure water technique (GI) and microwave-cured (GII); colorless acrylic resin for prosthetic eyes (Artigos Odontológicos Clássico, São Paulo, SP, Brazil), heat-cure water technique (GIII) and microwave-cured (GIV). Mechanical tests using three point loads were performed in a test machine (EMIC, São José dos Pinhais, PR, Brazil). The analysis of variance and the Tukey test were used to identify significant differences (p < 0.01). Groups GII and GIV presented, respectively, the highest (98.70 ± 11.90 MPa) and lowest means (71.07 ± 8.93 MPa), with a statistically significant difference. The cure method used for the prosthetic eye resins did not interfere in their flexural strength. It was concluded that all the resins assessed presented sufficient flexural strength values to be recommended for the manufacture of prosthetic eyes

    Comparative study of the relation between two methods of mensuration of the angle of condylar sagital pathway, using two recording materials

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    A morfologia oclusal em qualquer procedimento realizado na boca deve apresentar equilíbrio com os movimentos mandibulares. O correto ajuste dos guias condilares no articulador possibilita que uma reabilitação oclusal seja facilitada e obtenha sucesso. Com a finalidade de verificar a precisão da individualização da inclinação da trajetória sagital condílica em articulador semi-ajustável, estudaram-se dois materiais de registro intra-oral: cera associada a resina e silicone polimerizável por adição. A mensuração dos ângulos obtidos foi realizada através do aparelho Buhnergraph e diretamente nas guias condilares do articulador. Diante dos resultados encontrados, conclui-se que não há diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os materiais, independentemente do método utilizado para a leitura dos ângulos da inclinação condilar. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe occlusal morphology in any procedure made in mouth must keep in balance with the mandibular movements. The right adjustment of the condylar guidances in the articulator makes possible for an occlusal rehabilitation to be easy and well succeeded. In order to check out the individualization accuracy of the condylar sagital pathway inclination in semi-adjustable articulator, there were studied two materials to intraoral impression: wax associated with resin and addition silicone. The measurement of the angle obtained was made by the Buhnergraph device and directly on the condylar guidance of the articulator. With the found results, we may conclude that there is no significant statistical difference between the materials, no matter which method is used to determine the angles of condylar inclination

    Psychosocial aspects in the rehabilitation of patients with anophthalmic socket : implicationsof the use of ocular prosthesis

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    A integridade da face é condição que interfere no cotidiano do indivíduo sendo que a perda do globo ocular tem um impacto psicológico, demandando uma condição de adaptação. Intervenções como a reparação protética parecem produzir mudanças nos âmbitos emocional e comportamental. Objetivo: Identificar os aspectos psicossociais relacionados à ausência unilateral do globo ocular e avaliar a adaptação dos pacientes usuários de prótese ocular. Métodos: Para realização da pesquisa foi utilizado como instrumento de coleta de dados um roteiro de entrevista adaptado aos objetivos desse trabalho. Este foi composto por duas partes, a primeira referente a dados gerais de identificação do paciente e aspectos socioeconômicos. A segunda parte incluiu dados específicos sobre a perda e reabilitação ocular com 31 questões. Vinte e oito pacientes voluntários foram entrevistados. Resultados: A maioria era do gênero masculino (53,57%). A idade variou entre 11 e 67 anos. O trauma foi o fator etiológico prevalente (60,71%). Foi encontrada diferença estaticamente significativa (p<0,05) entre os escores dos sentimentos da época da perda e atualmente (z Wilcoxon=-4,41; p<0,001). Conclusão: Os dados evidenciaram dificuldades emocionais no processo inicial de contato com a condição de perda do olho e o papel da prótese como elemento de inclusão social, ressaltando a relevância do trabalho em equipe e do acesso a serviços de protetização para a adaptação desses pacientes.Facial integrity is a condition which interferes in the daily life of the individual. The loss of an eyeball has psychological impact, requiring adaptation. Interventions such as prosthetic repair seem to lead to emotional and behavioral change. Purpose: The objective of this study was to identify the psychosocial aspects related to unilateral anophthalmic socket and evaluate patient adaptation to prosthesis. Methods: All participants responded to a semi-structured interview. This was composed of two parts, the first regarding the general data of patient identification and socioeconomic aspects. The second part included information about eye loss and rehabilitation, with 31 questions. Twenty-eight volunteers were interviewed. Results: Most were male (53.57%). Ages ranged between 11 and 67. Trauma was the prevalent etiological factor (60.71%). A significant statistical difference (p<0.05) was found between the scores of the feelings of loss before and after prosthesis (z Wilcoxon=-4.41; p<0.001). Conclusions: The data showed emotional difficulties in the initial contact with the loss of an eye and the role of the prosthesis as an element of social inclusion, stressing the importance of teamwork and access to fitting services in adapting these patients

    Patients’ profile attack for laryngeal cancer attended in oral cancer center – UNESP

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    Um estudo foi realizado no Centro de Oncologia Bucal da Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Araçatuba. Entre 88 casos de câncer atendidos no Centro de tratamento oncológico entre 1991 e 2003, 80 casos de câncer de laringe foram identificados em homens. Sexo, idade, uso de tabaco e álcool, realização de cirurgia e tratamentos oferecidos após a cirurgia foram dados obtidos de pacientes com um questionário padrão. O maior número de casos de câncer de laringe ocorreu em região glótica e necessitou de intervenção cirúrgica (laringectomia parcial ou total). A freqüência de câncer de laringe foi mais alta em fumantes e foi mais comum em idade entre 50 e 69 anos. O tratamento fonoaudiológico e a utilização de prótese estética ainda estão restritos a menor porcentagem dos pacientes. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTA study was conducted in Oral Cancer Center, São Paulo State University – UNESP, Araçatuba Campus. Among 88 cancer cases seen at an oncology treatment center between 1991 and 2003, 80 laryngeal cancer cases were identified among men. Gender, age, tobacco and alcohol use, necessity of surgery and treatment proposed after surgery were data obtained from patients with a standardized questionnaire. The highest number laryngeal cancer cases occurred in glottic region and were necessary surgery intervention (partial or total laryngectomy). The frequency of laryngeal cancer was higher in tobacco smoking, and was more common in age among 50 and 69 years. The speech therapy and the use of esthetic prosthesis are still restrict to a minor percentage of the patients

    Color alteration of the paint used for iris painting in ocular prostheses

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    The purpose of this study was to assess color alteration of the paints used for iris painting in artificial eyes. Five disks of heat cured acrylic resin were confectioned by microwave energy for each paint analyzed, in a total of 40 specimens. Each specimen consisted of a colorless acrylic resin disk and another of equal size, of scleral white colored acrylic resin, with the painting interposed between the two disks. The specimens were submitted to an accelerated aging process in a chamber under ultraviolet radiation for 1,008 hours. To assess color variation, a reflective spectrophotometer was used. The results were statistically analyzed by ANOVA and the Tukey test (p < 0.05). All the paints underwent chromatic alteration. The oil paint presented the highest resistance to accelerated aging

    The influence of chemical disinfection of two silicone types on dimensional changes and on the maintenance of details of plaster casts

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    A possibilidade de haver infecção cruzada através de moldes tornou necessária a desinfecção de materiais de moldagem, previamente ao vazamento de gesso. O propósito deste estudo foi avaliar a influência da desinfecção química com solução à base de glutaraldeído a 2% em modelos obtidos por duas marcas de gesso especial, por aspersão de dois tipos de material elastomérico de impressão, durante 15 minutos, analisados segundo testes de alteração dimensional linear e manutenção de detalhes. Os resultados, após análise estatística pelo teste de Tukey, mostraram haver alteração dimensional nos modelos de gesso obtidos a partir de materiais elastoméricos diferentes, independentemente da desinfecção química. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe possibility of cross-contamination by handling moulding impressions has made necessary the disinfection of moulding materials, before the plaster casting. The purpose of this study was to analyse the influence of chemical disinfection with a 2% glutaraldehyde-based solution, on plaster casts obtained with two brands of dental gypsum, by sprinkling it, for 15 minutes, on two types of elastomeric impression materials, in order to detect dimensional changes and maintenance of details. After the statistical analysis by the Tukey’s Test, the results indicated that the occurrence of dimensional changes in plaster casts obtained from different elastomeric impression materials, does not depend on chemical disinfection

    Prevalence of signs and symptoms of the temporomandibular dysfunction and anxiety in a population of brazilian students coming from a municipal school in Jaboticabal, state of São Paulo

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    Objetivos: Avaliar a prevalência de sinais e sintomas da disfunção temporomandibular e dos diferentes níveis de ansiedade em crianças, por meio de um levantamento epidemiológico em escolares do ensino fundamental. Métodos: Foram selecionados 304 alunos de escolas particulares do município de Jaboticabal, São Paulo, sendo 83 da 4ª série, 117 da 6a série e 104 da 8ª série (Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa: 200501873). A amostragem composta por crianças de ambos os gêneros, com idade entre 9 a 15 anos foi avaliada por meio de três questionários auto-aplicáveis, sendo um deles para quantificar o grau da disfunção temporomandibular (Índice de Fonseca) e outros dois para determinar o nível de ansiedade (IDATE C).Resultados : Observou-se que 64,5% possuem sinais e sintomas de disfunção temporomandibular. Este mesmo grupo apresentou alta pre -valência do nível médio de ansiedade sendo Estado: “Como estou me sentindo” e Traço: “Como eu geralmente me sinto”. Os resultados mostraram 96,7% e 63,5%, respectivamente. Ainda com relação a ansiedade traço (relacionada à personalidade), 36,5% das crianças apresentaram nível alto de ansiedade. Conclusão : A grande parte das crianças do ensino fundamental possui sinais e sintomas de disfunção temporomandibular e apresenta-se bastante ansiosa. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTObjectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate prevalence of signs and symptoms of temporomadibular dysfunction and anxiety levels in children, by means of an epidemiological study which was accomplished in scholars from Elementary and Junior High School.Methods: A total of 304 students coming from the Municipal School of Jaboticabal/SP were selected, being 83 from the 4th grades, 117 from the 6th grades and 104 from the 8th grades (Committee of Ethics in Research: 200501873). The sample was composed by children of both genders, ages ranging from 9 to 15 years old. The evaluation was performed by means of three self-applicable questionnaires: one to quantify the temporomadibular dysfunction degree (Index of Fonseca), and two to determine the anxiety level (IDATE C). Results : It was observed that 64.5% presented signs and symptoms of temporomadibular dysfunction. The same group showed high prevalence of anxiety (“How do I feel?”) and Personality Trait anxiety (“How do I usually feel?”). Results showed 96.7% and 63.5%, respec-tively. Still regarding the anxiety related to personality trait 36.5% of the studied children presented high level of anxiety.Conclusion : A great number of children coming from Elementary and Junior High Schools showed signs and symptoms of Temporomadibular dysfunction and anxiety

    Temporomandibular joint dysfunction and anxiety in graduate dentistry

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    As Desordens Temporomandibulares são doenças que afetam as articulações temporomandibulares e músculos da mastigação do aparelho estomatognático. Fatores psicossociais desempenham papel importante na etiopatogenia dessa doença. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a relação entre o grau de desordem temporomandibular e o nível de ansiedade em estudantes de graduação em Odontologia, em três períodos do curso (1o ao 4o semestres, 5o ao 7o, e 8o ao 10o semestres), por meio dos questionários auto-aplicáveis Índice Anamnésico de Fonseca e do Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado (IDATE). Os dados foram tabulados e posteriormente analisados por meio dos testes estatísticos Kruskal-Wallis e correlação de Pearson, ao nível de significância de 1%. Os resultados mostraram correlação positiva e diferença estatisticamente significante entre DTM e ansiedade, em todos os períodos avaliados; e um nível mais alto de ansiedade foi observado no período intermediário do curso (5o ao 7o semestres). Concluímos que houve relação diretamente proporcional entre DTM e ansiedade nos alunos avaliados, estatisticamente significante, independente do estágio cursado; o maior nível de ansiedade foi observado no grupo formado por alunos do 5o ao 7o semestres, contudo sem nenhuma significância estatística. Torna-se importante desenvolver uma estratégia para o controle do estresse e da ansiedade dos alunos no curso de graduação em Odontologia. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe Craniomandibular disorders are illnesses that affect the joints temporomandibulares and muscles of the chew. Psycho-logical and social factors are important role in the etiology of this illness. The objective of this study is to evaluate the relation between the degree of craniomandibular disorders and the level of anxiety in students of graduation in Dentistry, in three periods of the course, by means of the auto-applicable questionnaires Fonseca’s Index and of the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). The data had been tabulated and analyzed by means of the statistical tests Kruskal-Wallis and correlation of Pearson, to the level of signifcance of 1%. The results had shown to positive correlation and statistically signifcant difference between craniomandibular disorders and anxiety, in all the evaluated periods; e a higher level of anxiety was observed in the intermediate period of the course (5o to 7o semesters). We conclude that it had directly proportional relation between craniomandibular disorders and anxiety in the evaluated students, statistically signifcant, independent of the attended a course period of training; the biggest level of anxiety was observed in the group formed for students of 5o to 7o semesters, however without no signifcance statistics; and is important to develop a strategy for the control of stress it and the anxiety of the pupils in the course of graduation in Dentistry