584 research outputs found
Contrasting styles of Bi mineralization – equilibrium and evolution in Zambézia Pegmatite Province, Mozambique
O cariz generalizado da ocorrência de minerais de bismuto na Província Pegmatítica da Zambézia deverá expressar uma especialização protolítica bismutífera primordial que foi sequencialmente mobilisada pela instalação e evolução dos magmas granito-pegmatíticos correspondentes aos campos de Melatube, Naípa e Namacotche. Evoluções magmáticas a hidrotermais distintas e o alcance da interacção água-rocha, dependente da maior ou menor abertura dos sistemas, explicam os contrastes paragenéticos observados.Widespread occurrence of Bi minerals in Zambézia Pegmatite Province must represent a protolithic Bi - specialisation mobilised by the emplacement and evolution of Melatube, Naípa and Namacotche granitepegmatite magmas. Distinct magmatic to hydrothermal evolutions and extend of water-rock interaction, in
contrasting conditions of close or open system, explain the observed paragenetical variability
Bi-Ti-Nb-Ta fractionation in granitic pegmatites as a paragenetic guide for aquamarine detection: Melatube case study (Mocuba, Mozambique)
A assinatura geoquímica dos minerais de Nb-Ta-Ti e a sua associação com minerais de bismuto no grupo pegmatítico de Melatube, põe em evidência algumas condições de intrusão e cristalização favoráveis à formação de água-marinha, na transição, zona intermédia - núcleo de quartzo: a) presença de rochas meta-ultrabásicas encaixantes; b) espessura adequada do corpo pegmatítico; c) dissipação lenta de calor permitindo forte difusão de constituintes, nucleação viável e crescimento regular.The geochemical signature of Nb-Ta-Ti – group minerals and associated Bi phases in Melatube pegmatites emphasizes the importance of some specific genetic conditions controlling aquamarine crystallisation at the transition between intermediate zone and quartz core: a) presence of meta-ultrabasic host-rocks; b) pegmatite bodies with an adequate width; c) protracted heat supply or slow cooling rate simultaneously allowing strong constituent diffusion, steady nucleation and consistent growth rates
Glycyrrhiza glabra hydroethanolic extract and manuka honey alone and in combination inhibit bacterial and fungal planktonic cells and biofilms
The natural tendency of polymicrobial infections and co-habitation of bacteria and Candida are currently well-recognized and reported as highly fatal. This kind of interaction is usually associated with drug tolerance, infection relapse, persistence and high mortality. The interest in natural products has emerged and their potential applicability as therapeutic strategies is being constantly explored. Purpose: The main goal of this work is to evaluate the effect of the hydroethanolic extract of Glycyrrhiza glabra, and Manuka honey, in Staphylococcus aureus and Candida tropicalis planktonic cells and single and mixed biofilms. Methods: The effect of both the G. glabra extract and the honey was evaluated by determination of the minimum inhibitory/bactericidal/fungicidal concentrations and by determination of their antibiofilm activity (alone and in combination) on single and mixed-species biofilms. In addition, phenolic compounds were characterized in the hydroethanolic extract with high performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. Results: Among the phenolic compounds identified in the G. glabra extract, flavonoids were the most abundant (≈75 % of the total phenolic compounds), with liquiritigenin being the most representative. S. aureus and C. tropicalis were susceptible to both antimicrobials acting alone. When tested in combination, a significative synergism was observed against C. tropicalis single biofilm formation. Instead, the combination showed an additive effect against mixed biofilms of S. aureus and C. tropicalis. In general the combination G. glabra+honey showed a broader antibiofilm effect than each partner alone. Conclusion: The results showed the good anti S. aureus and C. tropicalis effect of G. glabra and manuka honey against both pathogens tested and highlighted their potential use in combination as therapeutic strategy to combat S. aureus, C. tropicalis and mixed species infections particularly when growing as biofilms.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology
(FCT, Portugal) for financial support by national funds FCT/
MCTES under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020
unit, and by LABBELS – Associate Laboratory in Biotechnology, Bioengineering
and Microelectromechanical Systems, LA/P/0029/2020; as
also for CIMO UIDB/00690/2020 (DOI: 10.54499/UIDB/00690/2020)
and UIDP/00690/2020 (DOI: 10.54499/UIDP/00690/2020); and SusTEC,
LA/P/0007/2020 (DOI: 10.54499/LA/P/0007/2020); national
funding by FCT, P.I., through the institutional scientific employment
program-contract for L. Barros and M.I. Dias contracts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Análise retórica de introduções de artigos científicos da área da saúde pública
A crescente demanda pela publicação de artigos científicos tem levado pesquisadores a preocuparem-se cada vez mais com a escrita no ambiente acadêmico. Sendo a introdução uma das seções responsáveis pela garantia de publicação do artigo e ainda pela aceitação do trabalho pela comunidade cientifica, merece, assim, especial atenção no momento de sua redação. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar, por meio da aplicação do Modelo CARS (SWALES, 1990), de que modo introduções de artigos científicos da área da saúde pública são organizadas retoricamente. Foram analisadas as introduções de dez artigos científicos redigidos em língua portuguesa e publicados em revistas indexadas na base de dados Scielo no ano de 2012. Os resultados indicam que a maioria dos artigos adota uma organização retórica das informações coerente com as opções previstas no modelo de análise utilizado
Total hip arthroplasty complications in patients with or without controlled diabetes mellitus during hospitalization
AbstractIntroductionTotal hip arthroplasty (THA) is a procedure that aims to restore the function of the hip joint. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most prevalent comorbidities among patients undergoing THA. DM involves various immunological and metabolic aspects, which lead to limitations and surgical complications.ObjectiveTo evaluate the association between THA complications and controlled DM during hospitalization period.MethodsCross-sectional research through the analysis of retrospective records of a private hospital in Salvador, Bahia. The chi-squared and Fisher's exact tests were used in SAS statistical program.ResultsMost patients were elderly females. The most prevalent comorbidities in the sample were hypertension and diabetes. The most frequent underlying pathology in the sample was coxarthrosis; among patients with DM, it was femoral neck fracture. The most common complications were changes in the hemolymphopoietic system, among which anemia was the most frequent complication. Cardiovascular, nervous, and blood glucose complications were positively associated with controlled DM. In turn, hemolymphopoietic, genitourinary, digestive, electrolyte, and infectious complications were not associated with DM. Having DM was a protective factor for thermal complications. There was no statistically significant difference between patients that had or did not have DM in each complication group studied.ConclusionPatients with controlled DM did not present more complications than those without DM during hospitalization in the post THA
Navegar o teatro contemporâneo : uma experiência da frustração à autonomia
O artigo discorre sobre pressupostos do trabalho do espectador de teatro, encarando este fazer como um ato produtivo. A partir dos avanços dos estudos da semiótica teatral ao longo do século XX, a noção de recepção ganha relevância e os estudos sobre o espectador se mostram cada vez mais refinados. Neste sentido, o objetivo é buscar princípios fundamentais para a relação teatral na atualidade e analisar que tipo de esforços são requisitados do espectador diante do espetáculo teatral contemporâneo. Este trabalho é fruto de um estudo teórico oriundo da pesquisa de Mestrado realizada no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Cênicas da UFRGS em 2012.The article discusses the assumptions of the theater spectator's work, viewing this as a productive act. From the advances in the study of theatrical semiotics throughout the twentieth century, the notion of reception gains relevance and studies on the spectator show themselves to be more and more refined. In this sense, the objective is to seek fundamental principles for the theatrical relation in th
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