1,107 research outputs found

    Warm molecular gas, dust and ionized gas in the 500 central pc of the Galaxy

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    We present infrared and millimeter observations of molecular gas, dust and ionized gas towards a sample of clouds distributed along the 500 central pc of the Galaxy. The clouds were selected to investigate the physical state, in particular the high gas temperatures, of the Galactic center region (GCr) clouds located far from far-infrared of thermal radio continuum sources. We have found that there is ionized gas associated with the molecular gas. The ionizing radiation is hard (~35000 K) but diluted due to the inhomogeneity of the medium. We estimate that ~30 % of the warm molecular gas observed in the GCr clouds is heated by ultra-violet radiation in photo-dissociation regions.Comment: 5 pages, to be published in: Astron. Nachr., Vol. 324, No. S1 (2003), Special Supplement "The central 300 parsecs of the Milky Way", Eds. A. Cotera, H. Falcke, T. R. Geballe, S. Markof

    Estudy the Effect of Breast Cancer on Tlr2 Expression in Nb4 Cell

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    Background: Breast cancer is the most common neoplasm in women and the most frequent cause of death in those between 35 and 55 years of age. All multicellular organisms have an innate immune system, whereas the adaptive or 'acquired' immune system is restricted to vertebrates. This study focused on the effect of conditioned medium isolated from cultured breast cancer cells on NB4 neutrophil-like cells. Materials and Methods: In the current study neutrophil-like NB4 cells were incubated with MCF-7 cell-conditioned medium. After 6 h incubation the intracellular receptor TLR2, was analyzed. Results: The results revealed that MCF-7 cell-conditioned medium elicited expression of TLR2 in NB4 cells. Conclusions: This treatment would result in the production of particular stimulants (i.e. soluble cytokines), eliciting the expression of immune system receptors. Furthermore, the flow cytometry results demonstrated that MCF-7 cell-conditioned medium elicited an effect on TLR2 intracellular receptors

    Classes of behavior of small-world networks

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    Small-world networks are the focus of recent interest because they appear to circumvent many of the limitations of either random networks or regular lattices as frameworks for the study of interaction networks of complex systems. Here, we report an empirical study of the statistical properties of a variety of diverse real-world networks. We present evidence of the occurrence of three classes of small-world networks: (a) scale-free networks, characterized by a vertex connectivity distribution that decays as a power law; (b) broad-scale networks, characterized by a connectivity distribution that has a power-law regime followed by a sharp cut-off; (c) single-scale networks, characterized by a connectivity distribution with a fast decaying tail. Moreover, we note for the classes of broad-scale and single-scale networks that there are constraints limiting the addition of new links. Our results suggest that the nature of such constraints may be the controlling factor for the emergence of different classes of networks

    Plan de negocio para integrar a las IPRESS con una plataforma de historia cl?nica electr?nica (HCE) utilizando tecnolog?a blockchain

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    El plan de negocio propuesto en la presente tesis, propone la creaci?n de un servicio que permita a las Instituciones prestadoras de salud (IPRESS) privadas, integrarse a una plataforma de Historia Cl?nica Electr?nica (HCE) ?nica; esta plataforma estar? soportada por la tecnolog?a Blockchain, Verificaci?n Biom?trica e Interoperabilidad, las cuales, permitir?n garantizar la confianza, integridad, seguridad e inmutabilidad de la informaci?n del paciente. Adem?s, esta propuesta toma como oportunidad las iniciativas digitales del MINSA (Plasmadas en resoluci?n ministerial), de lograr la integraci?n total de las Instituciones prestadoras de salud privadas y p?blicas a su Registro Nacional de Historia Cl?nica Electr?nica (RENHICE). Dado este contexto, se realiz? una investigaci?n del mercado, entrevistando a los stakeholders de las IPRESS entre el personal m?dico, administrativo y TI; validando la problem?tica, permiti?ndonos desarrollar un modelo de negocio que permitir? brindar un servicio de acceso a la HCE que resuelva la problem?tica inherente a la Historia Cl?nica f?sica e informatizada, integrando a las IPRESS privadas con las IPRESS p?blicas a trav?s del RENHICE del MINSA, logrando as? una diferencia en el sector salud a trav?s del uso de las tecnolog?as de informaci?n propuestas. Finalmente, este documento servir? como referencia para estudios a nivel acad?mico y profesional, ya que brinda un modelo de negocio usando tecnolog?a disruptiva

    An?lisis de las limitaciones establecidas para la deducci?n de gastos financieros empresariales

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    La interacci?n entre empresas ubicadas en diferentes pa?ses ha generado estrategias de planeamiento fiscal con el prop?sito de minimizar el costo fiscal de sus operaciones. Como respuesta a estas estrategias, los pa?ses miembros de la OCDE han iniciado un plan de 15 acciones dirigido a contrarrestar los efectos de las BEPS (Base Erosi?n and Profit Shifting por sus siglas en ingl?s), el que incluye la Acci?n 4 recomienda limitar la deducci?n de intereses. En ese contexto, diferentes pa?ses han incorporado en sus legislaciones las recomendaciones del Plan BEPS. El Per? no ha sido ajeno a esta situaci?n, pues el pasado 13 de setiembre del 2018 modific? su Ley del Impuesto a la Renta e introdujo un nuevo r?gimen para la limitaci?n de deducciones de intereses basado en el EBITDA. Considerando la nueva normativa y tomando como base la informaci?n financiera de empresas reales, el presente trabajo realiza simulaciones a fin de evaluar los efectos de los nuevos l?mites establecidos. Para ello se han seleccionado cuatro sectores de importancia en la econom?a peruana, como son, el sector miner?a, el sector hidrocarburos, el sector construcci?n y el sector electricidad

    Internacionalizaci?n de las empresas peruanas lideradas por mujeres

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    Las mujeres han venido demostrado la igualdad de condici?n y operaci?n en las actividades empresariales, consiguiendo un paso importante con el liderazgo de sus empresas, mediante un emprendimiento que pudo tener como origen una ?necesidad?, siendo considerado principalmente como una ?oportunidad? en los ?ltimos a?os. Por ello hemos considerado plantear los siguientes objetivos para la investigaci?n: - Conocer el perfil de la mujer empresaria que lidera empresas internacionales. - Conocer los factores ?nicos que apoyaron el proceso de internacionalizaci?n de las empresas peruanas lideradas por mujeres. - Conocer los retos que ha enfrentado la mujer empresaria en su proceso de internacionalizaci?n

    Impact of the faecal immunochemical test on colorectal cancer survival.

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    BACKGROUND: There is already evidence that the faecal immunochemical test (FIT) is a useful tool for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer (CRC) that helps to identify symptomatic patients requiring early colonoscopy. Although the recommendation to use FIT is widely accepted, there are no data concerning whether this strategy improves patient survival.The objective was to assess whether the survival is higher if CRC patients have been first diagnosed by FIT (as compared with the rest of patients with CRC). METHODS: We identified all cases of CRC diagnosed between 2009 and 2016 in Donostialdea (Spain), excluding all the CRC detected in population screening. We focused on symptomatic patients. One thousand five hundred twenty-seven cases of CRC were divided into two groups based on the route to diagnosis: group 1: individuals who tested positive in a FIT during the year before diagnosis, and group 2: others.Survival was assessed by Kaplan-Meier estimation, and with the log-rank test. A Cox regression model was used to adjust for differences between groups due to other variables associated with survival. RESULTS: One thousand nine hundred sixty-seven cases of invasive CRC were identified, of which 22.4% were detected in population screening. Of the 1527 cases diagnosed in symptomatic patients, 317 patients had undergone a FIT in the year before the diagnosis of CRC. In 279 cases(18.3%), the result had been positive and this was the first step towards their CRC diagnosis (group 1). Group 2 was composed of the 1248 cases of CRC (81.7%). Considering these cases, 1210 patients with CRC did not undergo any FIT while 38 patients presented a negative result in the year before the diagnosis. The rate of early-stage disease (stage I or II) was higher in group 1 (51.3% vs 45.5% in group 2) (p = 0.04). Furthermore, the 3-year survival was longer in group 1 (72% vs 59% in group 2) (HR 1.50; 95% CI 1.22-1.84).The variables independently associated with worse survival were: group 2, age > 70 years and stage at the moment of diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: The use of FIT as a diagnostic strategy in symptomatic patients may improve survival in CRC. Nonetheless,FIT is still not widely used in our region

    El uso del mecanismo de la ley 29230 "Ley de obras por impuestos" en gobiernos locales : factores que lo limitan y propuesta para incentivar su uso, el caso del distrito de Jos? Crespo y Castillo - Hu?nuco

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    La presente investigaci?n tiene por finalidad analizar el mecanismo de la Ley N? 29230 ?Ley de Obras por Impuestos?, mecanismo novedoso, pionero en la regi?n, dirigido a dinamizar la ejecuci?n de obras p?blicas prioritarias, con la intervenci?n de empresas privadas, las cuales financian y ejecutan estos proyectos, recuperando lo invertido deduci?ndolo del pago de su impuesto a la renta de tercera categor?a

    Lung emphysema and lung cancer: what do we know about it?

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    Emphysema and lung cancer (LC) are two diseases which share common risk factors, e.g., smoking. In recent years, many studies have sought to analyse this association. By way of illustration, we conducted a review of the scientific literature of the studies published to date, whose main designated aim was to demonstrate the relationship between emphysema and LC, and this association's influence on the histology, prognosis and molecular mechanisms responsible. We included over 40 studies (ranging from case-control and cohort studies to systematic reviews and meta-analyses), which highlight the association between emphysema and LC, independently of smoking habit. These studies also report a possible influence on histology, with adenocarcinoma being the most frequent lineage, and an association with poor prognosis, which affects both survival and post-operative complications. Oxidative stress, which generates chronic inflammatory status as well as the presence of certain polymorphisms in various genes (CYP1A1, TERT, CLPTM1L, ERK), gives rise-in the case of patients with emphysema-to alteration of cellular repair mechanisms, which in turn favours the proliferation of neoplastic epithelial cells responsible for the origin of LC

    Value of Serum NEUROG1 Methylation for the Detection of Advanced Adenomas and Colorectal Cancer

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    Aberrant DNA methylation detected in liquid biopsies is a promising approach for colorectal cancer (CRC) detection, including premalignant advanced adenomas (AA). We evaluated the diagnostic capability of serum NEUROG1 methylation for the detection of AA and CRC. A CpG island in NEUROG1 promoter was assessed by bisulfite pyrosequencing in a case-control cohort to select optimal CpGs. Selected sites were evaluated through a nested methylation-specific qPCR custom assay in a screening cohort of 504 asymptomatic family-risk individuals. Individuals with no colorectal findings and benign pathologies showed low serum NEUROG1 methylation, similar to non-advanced adenomas. Contrarily, individuals bearing AA or CRC (advanced neoplasia-AN), exhibited increased NEUROG1 methylation. Using >1.3518% as NEUROG1 cut-off (90.60% specificity), 33.33% of AN and 32.08% of AA were identified, detecting 50% CRC cases. Nonetheless, the combination of NEUROG1 with fecal immunochemical test (FIT), together with age and gender through a multivariate logistic regression resulted in an AUC = 0.810 for AN, and 0.796 for AA, detecting all cancer cases and 35-47% AA (specificity 98-95%). The combination of NEUROG1 methylation with FIT, age and gender demonstrated a convenient performance for the detection of CRC and AA, providing a valuable tool for CRC screening programs in asymptomatic individuals