15 research outputs found

    A tabu search algorithm for dynamic routing in ATM cell-switching networks

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    This paper deals with the dynamic routing problem in ATM cell-switching networks. We present a mathematical programming model based on cell loss and a Tabu Search algorithm with short-term memory that is reinforced with a long-term memory procedure. The estimation of the quality of the solutions is fast, due to the specific encoding of the feasible solutions. The Tabu Search algorithm reaches good quality solutions, outperforming other approaches such as Genetic Algorithms and the Minimum Switching Path heuristic, regarding both cell loss and the CPU time consumption. The best results were found for the more complex networks with a high number of switches and links

    Sistema experto basado en la lógica difusa para la detección de configuraciones climáticas asociadas al confort

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    A través de la lógica difusa es posible detectar patrones de comportamiento que generalmente ocurren en un edificio, en el caso de los sistemas de climatización, se pueden detectar situaciones en las que decidir entre maximizar el confort y/o maximizar el ahorro. Este artículo presenta una metodología para el ahorro de energía en estos sistemas, en función de la ocupación y la sensación de confort de sus ocupantes. Esta metodología proporciona información importante y útil para la selección del punto de ajuste del confort de las salas de un sistema de climatización central, sin necesidad de utilizar valores fijos basados en los programas horarios u otras metodologías

    Optimal dispatching of elevators employing the consideration of relative time

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    El presente artículo expone, primero desde de un punto de vista teórico y matemático, las bases de nuevo controlador para la optimización del despacho de ascensores en un edificio teniendo en cuenta lo que se denomina el tiempo relativo, es decir no sólo se tiene en cuenta el tiempo que una cabina tardaría en atender una llamada considerada, sino que además se tiene en cuenta el impacto (la modificación de los tiempos de espera) que esta opción de despacho tendría sobre las demás opciones. Finalmente la validez del algoritmo de despacho es ratificada mediante simulación.The article puts forward the idea of a novel elevator group control system that takes into account not only the time a lift spends responding to a call but the impact this allocation option have over all the dispatching options. Firstly the proposed algorithm is justified in mathematical and theoretical terms and finally its performance is demonstrated via computer simulation

    Dynamic fuzzy logic elevator group control system for energy optimization

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    High-rise buildings with a considerable number of elevators represent a major logistic problem concerning saving space and time due to economic reasons. For this reason, complex Elevator Group Control Systems are developed in order to manage the elevators properly. Furthermore, the subject of energy is acquiring more and more industrial relevance every day as far as sustainable development is concerned. In this paper, the first entirely dynamic Fuzzy Logic Elevator Group Control System to dispatch landing calls so as to minimize energy consumption, especially during interfloor traffic, is proposed. The fuzzy logic design described here constitutes not only an innovative solution that outperforms usual dispatchers but also an easy, cheap, feasible and reliable solution, which is possible to be implemented in real industry controllers

    Controlador dinámico de detección de patrones de tráfico mediante lógica difusa

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    Controlador dinámico de detección de patrones de tráfico mediante lógica difusa. Método, dispositivo y sistema controlador dinámico de detección de patrones de tráfico (uppeak, downpeak, lunchpeak, interfloor) mediante lógica difusa en donde, en función del valor de variables de masa y variaciones de masa, se desarrolla un proceso de inferencia borrosa en función del componente de masa, de la variación de dicha masa y del tipo de tráfico inmediatamente anterior, determinando, en función de la evaluación de las reglas de inferencia y del peso ponderado de dichos componentes, el tipo de patrón de tráfico correspondiente a ese período de tiempoEspañ

    Serum micrornas as tool to predict early response to benralizumab in severe eosinophilic asthma

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    Severe eosinophilic asthma poses a serious health and economic problem, so new therapy approaches have been developed to control it, including biological drugs such as benralizumab, which is a monoclonal antibody that binds to IL-5 receptor alpha subunit and depletes peripheral blood eosinophils rapidly. Biomarkers that predict the response to this drug are needed so that microRNAs (miRNAs) can be useful tools. This study was performed with fifteen severe eosinophilic asthmatic patients treated with benralizumab, and serum miRNAs were evaluated before and after treatment by semi-quantitative PCR (qPCR). Patients showed a clinical improvement after benralizumab administration. Additionally, deregulation of miR-1246, miR-5100 and miR-338-3p was observed in severe asthmatic patients after eight weeks of therapy, and a correlation was found between miR-1246 and eosinophil counts, including a number of exacerbations per year in these severe asthmatics. In silico pathway analysis revealed that these three miRNAs are regulators of the MAPK signaling pathway, regulating target genes implicated in asthma such as NFKB2, NFATC3, DUSP1, DUSP2, DUSP5 and DUSP16. In this study, we observed an altered expression of miR-1246, miR-5100 and miR-338-3p after eight weeks of benralizumab administration, which could be used as early response markers.This manuscript was funded by Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria–FIS and FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional) [PI15/00803, PI18/00044, and FI16/00036], CIBER de Enfermedades Respiratorias (CIBERES), Merck Health Foundation funds, and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (RTC-2017-6501-1