286 research outputs found

    Literary awards, an strategy in Carlos Casares output

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    En este trabajo, integrado en las líneas de investigación de LIJMI, se describen brevemente las principales estrategias de acción de las que hizo uso Carlos Casares Mouriño para situarse y asentarse en el campo literario gallego, dedicando una mayor atención a los premios literarios como elementos canonizadores. El escritor ourensano no solo fue autor de obras en gallego pensadas para el potencial lector infantil y juvenil sino que también escribió obras para el público adulto, además de preocuparse por realizar traducciones de obras canónicas universales, ser editor de biografías de figuras clásicas de la lengua y cultura gallegas y ser colaborador diario en varios periódicos gallegos. A continuación, a la luz de la identidad, la intertextualidad y el humor, se analizan de forma independiente pero resaltando similitudes y divergencias entre ellas, dos de las obras de Carlos Casares premiadas y pioneras en la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil gallega: A galiña azul (1968) y As laranxas máis laranxas de todas as laranxas (1973). Como cierre del trabajo se concluye que ambas obras posibilitaron que Casares se situase y asentase en el sistema de la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil gallega y se convirtiese en un clasico de este sistema. Se apuntan marcas de identidad del estilo casariano comunes al resto de su producción y se recoge la bibliografía manejadaIn this paper, which goes along the lines of the research network LIJMI, the main action strategies Carlos Casares Mouriño employed to enter and establish in Galician literary system are described. Regarding this, literary awards as canonizing elements will be mainly focused on. The author from Ourense wrote not only Galician works for potential children and young adult readers, but he also wrote works for adults, translated universal canonical works, edited biographies of Galician language and culture classical authors, and collaborated daily in several Galician newspapers. To go on with and in the light of identity, intertextuality and humour, two prizewinning and pioneering works by Carlos Casares are analyzed, independently but highlighting the similarities and differences between them. These are A galiña azul (1968) and As laranxas máis laranxas de todas as laranxas (1973). To finish with, it is concluded that both works enabled Carlos Casares to enter and establish himself in Galician Children and Young Adults’ Literary system, and to become a classic in it. Common identity style characteristics to all Casares output are commented, and the bibliography employed is exposedS

    Carlos Casares na prensa diaria (1968-1992)

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    Nesta Tese de doutoramento pártese de fundamentacións teóricas sobre a vinculación entre Literatura e Xornalismo, para a seguir realizar unha descrición e unha clasificación temática das colaboracións en prensa de Carlos Casares publicadas entre 1968 e 1992. Colaboracións realizadas por Casares de forma parella e simultánea á súa produción literaria, e a outras facetas por el desenvolvidas no ámbito da cultura galega. Estas facetas do autor permiten profundar nas relacións entre xornalismo e literatura na súa obra. En anexos ofrécese un traballo hemerográfico que dá conta dos lugares, datas e títulos das colaboracións realizadas polo autor en distintos xornais galegos (La Región e La Voz de Galicia) e foráneos (El País e El Mundo)

    Best Practices in Road Transport: An Exploratory Study

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    Purpose: Road transport aspects are becoming increasingly important due to their high impact on economic, environmental and social sustainability. Considering the triple bottom line approach, best practices play a fundamental role within organisations. The purpose of this paper is to analyse several sustainable initiatives in road transport adopted by companies. Design/methodology/approach: The findings were developed and evaluated based on empirical data captured through a survey of 98 professionals involved in logistics and transport activities. Additionally, key literature on transport initiatives was reviewed to supplement the framework for the implementation of best practices in road transport. Findings: The exploratory study shows the importance of each best practice and determines the level of implementation of each initiative, comparing the results among different dealers (retailers, wholesalers, carriers and manufacturers), type of transport fleet and companies’ revenues. Research limitations/implications: The sample of 98 companies was based on simple search filters and the group is not wholly representative of all sectors. Respondents were mainly managers from Spain involved in logistics and transport activities. Surveyed companies included manufacturing, retailers, wholesalers and third-party logistics providers. Practical implications: The most common best practices in road transport are identified, including initiatives related to: efficiency, reusability, safety, optimization, emissions, waste and recycling. Initiatives that influence road transport are ranked by their degree of implementation in the companies analysed. Social implications: Implementation of some of these best practices may help lessen negative impacts of road transport on society and the environment. Originality/value: The study results indicate which practices are most frequently used and their level of implementation depending on companies’ roles in the supply chain, revenues and types of transport fleet. By implementing the proposed best practices, companies will adopt sustainable behaviors to improve their transport performance.Peer Reviewe

    Economic and Environmental Packaging Sustainability: A Case Study

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    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to analyze the suitability of the packaging strategy of an important Spanish agro-food company, regarding to economic and environmental sustainability. Design/methodology/approach: Three different types of packaging are analyzed to obtain a diagnostic of the initial situation. In this process, cost and carbon footprint are calculated in order to measure the economic and environmental impacts, respectively. Then, a new packaging allocation logic is proposed with the aim of improving both aspects. Findings: The results show that the carbon footprint is strongly and positively affected by the cost reduction, showing the viability of a win-win relationship between both aspects. Research limitations/implications: The strength of this win-win relationship may be conditioned by the input values considered in this case study. Conversion factors used to calculate carbon footprint vary a lot among researchers, showing the need of standardization in this topic. P r a c tic al im plic a tio n s: Since the existence of a positive relationship between economic and environmental sustainability has been demonstrated, organizations should find this kind of situations in themselves to satisfy their own stakeholders. Originality/value: This article shows the potential of unite waste elimination with eco-friendly activities with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of companies. This paper also contributes to the knowledge of economic and environmental sustainability and reinforces theoretical aspects, paving the way for further research on these topics.Peer Reviewe

    Apuntamentos de Crítica xenética sobre “Cartas de inverno”, de Agustín Fernández Paz

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    Despois de salientar a figura de Agustín Fernández Paz na literatura infantil e xuvenil galega, estúdanse os diferentes tipos de variantes en Cartas de inverno nas tres edicións empregadas á luz das teorías da Crítica xenética para incidir no proceso habitual de reescrita e autocorreción que realiza Fernández Paz. Conclúese destes apuntamentos que existen dous momentos neste proceso da súa escrita

    Economic and environmental packaging sustainability: a case study

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    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to analyze the suitability of the packaging strategy of an important Spanish agro-food company, regarding to economic and environmental sustainability.Design/methodology/approach: Three different types of packaging are analyzed to obtain a diagnostic of the initial situation. In this process, cost and carbon footprint are calculated in order to measure the economic and environmental impacts, respectively. Then, a new packaging allocation logic is proposed with the aim of improving both aspects.Findings: The results show that the carbon footprint is strongly and positively affected by the cost reduction, showing the viability of a win-win relationship between both aspects.Research limitations/implications: The strength of this win-win relationship may be conditioned by the input values considered in this case study. Conversion factors used to calculate carbon footprint vary a lot among researchers, showing the need of standardization in this topic.Practical implications: Since the existence of a positive relationship between economic and environmental sustainability has been demonstrated, organizations should find this kind of situations in themselves to satisfy their own stakeholders.Originality/value: This article shows the potential of unite waste elimination with eco-friendly activities with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of companies. This paper also contributes to the knowledge of economic and environmental sustainability and reinforces theoretical aspects, paving the way for further research on these topics

    Density and reproductive characteristics of female brown bears in the Cantabrian Mountains, NW Spain

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    Here we present annual nearest-neighbour distances (as a proxy of density) between females with cubs-of-the-year (hereafter FCOY) and reproductive characteristics of brown bears Ursus arctos in the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain), from 1989 to 2017. FCOY nearest-neighbour distances and reproduction parameters of 19 focal females followed over several consecutive years (from 2004 to 2017) were obtained from bears inhabiting the western sector of the Cantabrian Mountains, where most of the bear population resides. In contrast, general reproductive characteristics were studied in the whole Cantabrian Mountains (western and eastern sectors together) on a sample of 362 litter sizes and 695 cubs. Mean nearest-neighbour distance between FCOY was 2559 ± 1222 m (range = 1305–4757 m). Mean litter size was significantly larger in the west (1.8 ± 0.2 cubs) than in the east (1.3 ± 0.6 cubs). Mean litter size for the whole of the Cantabrian Mountains was 1.6 ± 0.3 cubs. Litter sizes of one, two and three cubs represented 33.4, 56.1 and 10.5% of observed family groups, respectively. Interannual variations in litter size were not significant for both the western and the eastern areas. Mean cub mortality was 0.2 ± 0.5 cubs and did not vary among years. Cub mortality per litter size was 3.9% for one cub, 69.2% for two cubs and 26.9% for three cubs. Mean reproductive rate of the 19 focal females was 1.5 ± 0.6 cubs (n = 58 litters). Litter size of focal FCOY did not differ from the litter size obtained from systematic observations in the whole Cantabrian Mountains. During this period, cub mortality occurred in 24.1% of the 58 litters. Females usually bred every second year (average litter interval = 2.2 years). The estimated reproductive rate for the bear population was 0.7 young born/year/reproductive adult female

    Best practices in road transport: an exploratory study

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    Purpose: Road transport aspects are becoming increasingly important due to their high impact on economic, environmental and social sustainability. Considering the triple bottom line approach, best practices play a fundamental role within organisations. The purpose of this paper is to analyse several sustainable initiatives in road transport adopted by companies.Design/methodology/approach: The findings were developed and evaluated based on empirical data captured through a survey of 98 professionals involved in logistics and transport activities. Additionally, key literature on transport initiatives was reviewed to supplement the framework for the implementation of best practices in road transport.Findings: The exploratory study shows the importance of each best practice and determines the level of implementation of each initiative, comparing the results among different dealers (retailers, wholesalers, carriers and manufacturers), type of transport fleet and companies’ revenues.Research limitations/implications: The sample of 98 companies was based on simple search filters and the group is not wholly representative of all sectors. Respondents were mainly managers from Spain involved in logistics and transport activities. Surveyed companies included manufacturing, retailers, wholesalers and third-party logistics providers.Practical implications: The most common best practices in road transport are identified, including initiatives related to: efficiency, reusability, safety, optimization, emissions, waste and recycling. Initiatives that influence road transport are ranked by their degree of implementation in the companies analysed. Social implications: Implementation of some of these best practices may help lessen negative impacts of road transport on society and the environment.Originality/value: The study results indicate which practices are most frequently used and their level of implementation depending on companies’ roles in the supply chain, revenues and types of transport fleet. By implementing the proposed best practices, companies will adopt sustainable behaviors to improve their transport performance

    Aplicación de técnicas Lean Construction a través de un método de Action Research en los procesos de gestión de una empresa constructora

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    En este artículo, se desarrolla un método de Action Research para implementar técnicas de Lean Construction en los procesos de gestión de una empresa constructora. A través de la creación de equipos formados por profesionales de distintas áreas, se busca definir e implementar diferentes mejoras. Nuestra investigación se divide en tres fases: captación de datos, definición de las líneas de actuación e implementación y seguimiento del plan de actuación. Los resultados de nuestro estudio sugieren que la colaboración entre los diferentes departamentos ayuda a lograr un cambio empresarial significativo y a potenciar la implementación de la filosofía Lean Construction

    Analyzing store features for online order picking in grocery retailing: an experimental study

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    The digital transformation is having a major impact on the consumer product market, pushing food retailers to foster online sales. To avoid large investments, e-grocers are tending to use their existing physical stores to undertake the online order picking process. In this context, these companies must choose in which traditional stores must prepare online orders. The aim of this study is to identify which store features affect order preparation times. The action research approach has been used at a Spanish e-grocer to analyze the characteristics that differentiate picking stores from each other; furthermore, the preparation times for a sample of online orders have been measured. The data were analyzed statistically using one-way ANOVA to define the optimal store in terms of size, assortment, backroom and congestion. The study shows that three of the four characteristics are significant on the preparation time. Therefore, e-grocers using a store-based model can use this information to focus their efforts on optimizing this process, assigning online order picking to the most appropriate stores. The approach used allows the study to be suitable for different retail context. Moreover, the results serve as support for strategic decision-making of researchers and e-grocers seeking to become more competitive in this continually growing market