155 research outputs found

    Efectos de un programa de ejercicio multicomponente y un periodo de desentrenamiento sobre la capacidad funcional, agilidad y miedo a caerse en personas mayores frágiles y prefrágiles

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    El objetivo del estudio es comprobar los efectos de un programa de ejercicio multicomponente (MCT) de 6 meses y un periodo de desentrenamiento de 4 meses, sobre la capacidad funcional, agilidad, rendimiento en las actividades de la vida diaria (AVD) y miedo a caerse de las personas mayores frágiles y pre-frágiles. Participaron un total de 99 personas mayores de 65 años, divididas en los grupos control (CON) e intervención (INT). El grupo INT realizó el programa de ejercicio, seguido del periodo de desentrenamiento, mientras que el grupo CON continuó con el estilo de vida normal. Se evaluaron la capacidad funcional y el rendimiento en las AVD mediante la Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) y el test de Lawton y Brody respectivamente, la agilidad con el “Timed Up and Go test”, y el miedo a caerse mediante el índice Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I). Se realizó un análisis ANOVA de medidas repetidas para estudiar posibles cambios en ambos grupos durante los diferentes periodos. Se apreciaron mejoras significativas en el grupo INT, en la capacidad funcional y agilidad, estableciéndose interacción tiempo por grupo en ambas, (p ≤ 0,005) respecto al grupo CON. No se encontraros variaciones significativas en el miedo a caerse, ni en el rendimiento de las AVD. El único cambio significativo registrado en el grupo CON, fue la mejora en la capacidad funcional durante los 6 primeros meses. El periodo de desentrenamiento influenció negativamente en la capacidad funcional y agilidad (p <br /

    Differences in Grand Slam competition statistics between professional and U-18 players according to the sex

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    The aim of the study was to determine the differences in competition statistics between professional and under-18 (U-18) players by sex. A total of 546 official matches of Grand Slam were selected (268 male and 278 female). The data was obtained from the official website of the tournaments. Different variables related to match time, serve, return and winners-unforced errors were analysed. Descriptive analysis and a Mann-Whitney U test to analyse the differences between professional players and U-18 players were performed. Likewise, to estimate which variables obtained the greatest significant differences was conducted a discriminant analysis. ATP players played longer sets and matches, had a better serve performance and hitting more winners than U-18 male players. Junior male players increased their return effectivity and hit fewer unforced errors than ATP players (p<0.001). WTA players hit less double faults, had a better percentage of first serve-in and hit more winners than U-18 female players. Junior female hit less unforced errors than WTA players (p< 0.001). Moreover, the key differences between professional and junior players both males and females were the number of winners and unforced errors per set. Further, the match time and aces hitting were key factors that differentiated ATP players from U-18 male players. These data would be help coaches to design junior’s trainings programs, improving their performance based on key professional stage factors

    Realistic pedestrian behaviour in the CARLA simulator using VR and mocap

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    Simulations are gaining increasingly significance in the field of autonomous driving due to the demand for rapid prototyping and extensive testing. Employing physics-based simulation brings several benefits at an affordable cost, while mitigating potential risks to prototypes, drivers, and vulnerable road users. However, there exit two primary limitations. Firstly, the reality gap which refers to the disparity between reality and simulation and prevents the simulated autonomous driving systems from having the same performance in the real world. Secondly, the lack of empirical understanding regarding the behavior of real agents, such as backup drivers or passengers, as well as other road users such as vehicles, pedestrians, or cyclists. Agent simulation is commonly implemented through deterministic or randomized probabilistic pre-programmed models, or generated from real-world data; but it fails to accurately represent the behaviors adopted by real agents while interacting within a specific simulated scenario. This paper extends the description of our proposed framework to enable real-time interaction between real agents and simulated environments, by means immersive virtual reality and human motion capture systems within the CARLA simulator for autonomous driving. We have designed a set of usability examples that allow the analysis of the interactions between real pedestrians and simulated autonomous vehicles and we provide a first measure of the user's sensation of presence in the virtual environment.Comment: This is a pre-print of the following work: Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS, volume 1882), 2023, Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications reproduced with permission of Springer Nature. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-41962-1_5. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2206.0033

    Differences in competition statistics between winners and losers in male and female tennis players in Olympic Games

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    The aim of this study was to examine differences in the performance indicators between winners and losers in male and female high-level tennis players. A total of 128 tennis singles matches played on grass court surface at the London 2012 Olympic Games were analyzed. Data were collected from the official website of the Olympics and the following groups of variables were analyzed: serve variables (n= 7), serve return variables (n= 3) and game-related variables (n= 5). The results showed that winners had greater (p< 0.05) values of second serve (%), aces, first and second serve points won (%), points won on first and second serve return (%), break points played and break points won (%). Furthermore, they get more winners with both groundstrokes and net points won (%) than losers in both sexes. Losers also committed more doubles faults than winners, and in the male category more unforced errors, whereas female winners get higher serve maximum speed (p< 0.05). Performance indicators according to the result of the match predicted that break points won, first serve points won (%) and first serve return points won (%) are the most relevant variables in males (SC= 0.434; SC= 0.340; SC= 0.327), whereas it was the break points won (SC= -0.372) in females. Therefore, coaches should consider the variation of the competition statistics by gender if they want to enhance the chances of success of their players

    Digital twin in virtual reality for human-vehicle interactions in the context of autonomous driving

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    This paper presents the results of tests of interactions between real humans and simulated vehicles in a virtual scenario. Human activity is inserted into the virtual world via a virtual reality interface for pedestrians. The autonomous vehicle is equipped with a virtual Human-Machine interface (HMI) and drives through the digital twin of a real crosswalk. The HMI was combined with gentle and aggressive braking maneuvers when the pedestrian intended to cross. The results of the interactions were obtained through questionnaires and measurable variables such as the distance to the vehicle when the pedestrian initiated the crossing action. The questionnaires show that pedestrians feel safer whenever HMI is activated and that varying the braking maneuver does not influence their perception of danger as much, while the measurable variables show that both HMI activation and the gentle braking maneuver cause the pedestrian to cross earlier.Comment: 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITSC 202

    Análisis del golpeo de fondo en jóvenes jugadores de tenis en una competición modificada mediante sensores inteligentes

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    Use of smart devices to show the effect of modification rules and sports equipment on technical-tactical behavior in training stages, opens a new field of study to improve the teaching-learning processes. The objective of the study is to use the smart sensor “Zepp Tennis 2.2.1”, to know the impact of a modified competition (net height = 0.80m and field dimensions = 18.00x8.23m) in under-10 tennis players, according to the comprehensive approach criteria of optimization. The hits (n =7758) during 40 matches played by 20 players (average age = 9.46 ± 0.66 years) were the unit analysis. The study variables were as follows; a) number of strokes, b) percentage of hits impact in sweet spot racket; c) ball speed; and d) ball spin. The results show as follow: a) an increase in the use of flat strokes over topspin and slice; and b) scarce flat and slice play of the flat backhand appearance, nevertheless they show better values of linear and rotational speed than forehands. Decrease net height and court dimensions promote offensive behaviors in young tennis players. This offensive behavior coincides with the recommendations that encourage comprehensive approach to develop an optimal teaching-learning process.&nbsp;La utilización de dispositivos inteligentes para observar el efecto de la modificación de reglas y equipamientos deportivos sobre las conducta técnico-táctica en etapas de formación, abre un nuevo campo de estudio en la mejora de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El objetivo de estudio es utilizar el sensor inteligente “Zepp Tennis 2.2.1”, para conocer el impacto de una competición modificada (altura de la red= 0,80m y dimensiones del campo= 18,00x8,23m) en jugadores de tenis sub-10, atendiendo a los criterios de optimización de las enseñanzas comprensivas. La unidad de análisis fueron los golpeos ejecutados (n=7758) en 40 partidos por 20 jugadores (edad media= 9.46±0.66 años). Las variables de estudio son: a) número de golpeos; b) porcentaje de golpes que impactan en el punto dulce de la raqueta; c) velocidad de bola; y d) revoluciones por minuto de la pelota. Los resultados más destacables son: a) un aumento del uso de golpeos planos sobre los de efecto liftado y cortado; y b) escasa aparición en juego del revés plano y cortado, aunque muestren mejores valores de velocidad lineal y rotacional que los golpeos de derecha. La reducción de la altura de la red y las dimensiones del campo inducen a los jóvenes jugadores a una conducta ofensiva de juego. Este comportamiento ofensivo, coincide con las recomendaciones que promueven las enseñanzas comprensivas sobre un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje óptimo.&nbsp

    Análisis del golpeo de fondo en jóvenes jugadores de tenis en una competición modificada mediante sensores inteligentes

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    La utilización de dispositivos inteligentes para observar el efecto de la modificación de reglas y equipamientos deportivos sobre las conducta técnico-táctica en etapas de formación, abre un nuevo campo de estudio en la mejora de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El objetivo de estudio es utilizar el sensor inteligente “Zepp Tennis 2.2.1”, para conocer el impacto de una competición modificada (altura de la red= 0,80m y dimensiones del campo= 18,00x8,23m) en jugadores de tenis sub-10, atendiendo a los criterios de optimización de las enseñanzas comprensivas. La unidad de análisis fueron los golpeos ejecutados (n=7758) en 40 partidos por 20 jugadores (edad media= 9.46±0.66 años). Las variables de estudio son: a) número de golpeos; b) porcentaje de golpes que impactan en el punto dulce de la raqueta; c) velocidad de bola; y d) revoluciones por minuto de la pelota. Los resultados más destacables son: a) un aumento del uso de golpeos planos sobre los de efecto liftado y cortado; y b) escasa aparición en juego del revés plano y cortado, aunque muestren mejores valores de velocidad lineal y rotacional que los golpeos de derecha. La reducción de la altura de la red y las dimensiones del campo inducen a los jóvenes jugadores a una conducta ofensiva de juego. Este comportamiento ofensivo, coincide con las recomendaciones que promueven las enseñanzas comprensivas sobre un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje óptimo

    Statistical Differences in Set Analysis in Badminton at the RIO 2016 Olympic Games

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    The aim of the present study was to determine statistical differences in a set of badminton competition matches in five different modalities with regard to competition level (Group Phase vs. Eliminatory Phase). Data from 453 sets (125 in men’s singles; 108 sets in women’s singles; 77 sets in men’s doubles; 73 in women’s doubles and 70 in mixed doubles) from the RIO 2016 Olympics Games were recorded and classified in two groups of variables to analyze variables related to match (5) and set (15). A descriptive analysis and univariate test (Mann–Whitney U) for non-parametric data were conducted. The results show in men’s and women’s singles all the variables related to match were higher in the Elimination Phase than in the Group Phase (p < 0.01). In Sets 1 and 3, the longest set duration, rally and average rally were found in the Elimination Phase than Group Stage (p < 0.05). In women’s singles, these differences were also recorded in Set 2. For doubles, the results are more stable among groups. Men’s doubles had a longer duration of the match and set (sets 1 and set 2) (p < 0.01), and also scored highest for average rally strokes (sets 1 3) (p < 0.05) and shuttles used in the Elimination Phase vs. the Group Phase along the match (p < 0.01). In women’s doubles, more shuttles were used in a match in the Elimination than in the Group Phase. Moreover, the same results are established for Set 2, including for average rally. Mixed doubles saw no match going to three sets. However, the greatest differences showed a longer rally and average rally being registered in the Elimination than in the Group Phase. In conclusion, the timing factors of the badminton singles and doubles games were different in the Elimination and Group Phases. This information may help players and coaches prepare and administer different types of workouts or, more specifically, competition schedules adapted to the characteristics of modern badminton

    Exploiting visual saliency for assessing the impact of car commercials upon viewers

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    Content based video indexing and retrieval (CBVIR) is a lively area of research which focuses on automating the indexing, retrieval and management of videos. This area has a wide spectrum of promising applications where assessing the impact of audiovisual productions emerges as a particularly interesting and motivating one. In this paper we present a computational model capable to predict the impact (i.e. positive or negative) upon viewers of car advertisements videos by using a set of visual saliency descriptors. Visual saliency provides information about parts of the image perceived as most important, which are instinctively targeted by humans when looking at a picture or watching a video. For this reason we propose to exploit visual information, introducing it as a new feature which reflects high-level semantics objectively, to improve the video impact categorization results. The suggested salience descriptors are inspired by the mechanisms that underlie the attentional abilities of the human visual system and organized into seven distinct families according to different measurements over the identified salient areas in the video frames, namely population, size, location, geometry, orientation, movement and photographic composition. Proposed approach starts by computing saliency maps for all the video frames, where two different visual saliency detection frameworks have been considered and evaluated: the popular graph based visual saliency (GBVS) algorithm, and a state-of-the-art DNN-based approach.This work has been partially supported by the National Grants RTC-2016-5305-7 and TEC2014-53390-P of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.Publicad