6 research outputs found

    Polarized light microscopy guarantees the use of autochthonous wheat in the production of flour for the Protected Geographical Indication ‘Galician Bread’

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    ‘Galician Bread’ is a traditional baked product and a national benchmark that has recently been granted the European mark of Protected Geographical Indication (PGI), which requires at least 25% of the flour to be produced from autochthonous varieties such as ‘Caaveiro’. The objective of this work was to find a method that guarantees the presence and the percentage of ‘Caaveiro’ wheat in blended flours by using microscopy techniques. Using optical microscopy, including bright-field and polarizing microscopy, autochthonous and foreign flours were analyzed and compared. ‘Caaveiro’ starch presented a different birefringence pattern (associated with a higher amount of amylose) with respect to other cultivars used to produce flours, a feature used to make a computation of the two starch granule types in the mixtures of ‘Caaveiro’ with foreign flours. Repetitions with different mixture percentages allowed us to develop a mathematical model to estimate the percentage of ‘Caaveiro’ flour present in the mixture. Firstly, the most effective method for preparing samples was determined by ensuring the homogeneity of the samples and, subsequently, a validation was carried out with blind samples. Starch birefringence properties allowed the detection of ‘Caaveiro’ wheat flour in mixtures with foreign/Castilian wheat flours and to determine the percentages used in the flour mixtures applying a calibration line (R2 = 0.9577). Deviations were due to the difficulty in obtaining precise mixtures of the blended flours, as happened with other Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR)-based methods used in the same samples. This is a novel method for detecting contraventions/infractions of the percentage of ‘Caaveiro’ used in wheat flours, which is simple, effective and inexpensiveThis research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2021-2023 (PID2021-123905OB-I00). We would like to thank Da Cunha Group for the samples and their support of the ‘Cátedra do Pan e do Cereal’. Nerea Fernández-Canto is grateful to Xunta de Galicia for her predoctoral research fellowship (ED481A-2019/263)S

    Traceability of the local cultivar ‘Caaveiro’ in flour mixtures used to produce Galician bread by simple sequence repeats and droplet digital polymerase chain reaction technology

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    The analysis of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and of bulk ground samples by droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR) was investigated as an alternative to individual kernel testing for assessing the presence of local cultivars in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varietal blends. The recent Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) of ‘Pan Galego’ (Galician bread) requires that the flour comprise a minimum 25% local wheat cultivars. As a test for compliance with this minimum level, wheat flours were prepared by mixing commercial flours with 0%, 5%, 20%, 25% and 30% ‘Caaveiro’ and 100% ‘Caaveiro’ and 100% commercial flours were used as controls. A second analysis was performed with a second set of wheat flours with 5% and 25% ‘Caaveiro’. These were mixed with two different commercial flours to assess the potential ability of five SSRs to identify the percentage of ‘Caaveiro’, constituting the first reference of the use of SSRs in the traceability of specific autochthonous cultivars in flour blends. ddPCR using the QX200 system platform was used to the targeted proportions across the simulated range with two out of five SSRs, indicating that they can be used in the traceability of ‘Caaveiro’ in mixed flours and breadsS

    Sensory descriptive analysis and hedonic consumer test for Galician type breads

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    Bread consumption has declined in recent years due to the loss of its sensory quality. To identify the key sensory attributes for the consumer, in this study will provide to the bakery industry with a powerful tool to design products adapted to the consumer preferences will be provided to the bakery industry. For identifying the key attributes 7 Galician breads were evaluated by a trained panel using 22 attributes using the Quantitative Descriptive Analysis. In addition, a sensory acceptance test carried out by 97 consumers provided hedonic evaluations. The results of the joint analysis (trained panel and consumers) demonstrated that the loaves with the moistest bread crumb, with a predominance of large cells, and an alveolation with non-uniform distribution were the ones that presented the greatest acceptance. The use of an artisanal production process (sourdough and long fermentation time) and the incorporation into the recipe of indigenous flour (around 40%) improved the acceptance of the Galician breadS

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    Element Content in Different Wheat Flours and Bread Varieties

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    The most consumed cereal-based product worldwide is bread. “Caaveiro”, an autochthonous variety with a recent growing interest, is one of the wheat varieties that fulfill the 25% local flour requirement in the PGI “Pan Galego” bread baking industry. The element content of the refined wheat flours used to make “Pan Galego” (‘‘Caaveiro’’, FCv; Castilla, FC; and a mixture of both, FM) was evaluated in ICP-MS. In addition, wholegrain flour (FWM) was included in the analysis. Loaves of bread were made with these flours (a, 100% FC; b, 100% FCv); and c, FM: 75% FC + 25% FCv) and their element content was analyzed. Wholegrain flour ranked the highest in almost all elements, highlighting the P (494.80 mg/100 g), while the FM and the FC presented the opposite behavior, with the highest Se values (14.4 and 15.8 mg/100 g, respectively). FCv was situated in an intermediate position regarding P, K, Mg, Mn, Zn, Fe and Na content, standing closer to FWM, although it presents the highest values for Cu (1076.3 µg/100 g). The differences observed in flour were maintained in bread. Hence, the local cultivar ‘‘Caaveiro’’ has an interesting nutritional profile from the point of view of the element content