85 research outputs found

    International involvement of smes: the impact of ownership

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    This paper analyses the relation between SME ownership and international involvement. With a wide sample of Spanish firms, from 1991 to 1999, we test the following hypotheses. Family SMEs results in lower involvement in international markets, due to difficult access to necessary strategic resources. SMEs with another company as a large-block shareholder will be more involved internationally, as they do have access more strategic resources. Likewise, when another company invests in a family SME, international involvement increases


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    This paper analyses the relation between SME ownership and international involvement. With a wide sample of Spanish firms, from 1991 to 1999, we test the following hypotheses. Family SMEs results in lower involvement in international markets, due to difficult access to necessary strategic resources. SMEs with another company as a large-block shareholder will be more involved internationally, as they do have access more strategic resources. Likewise, when another company invests in a family SME, international involvement increases.


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    Many advantages have been ascribed to the Internet. Although it lacks the necessary elements to be regarded as a strategic resource, the Internet seems to be a useful tool to provide support for business strategies.In this work we discuss how the Internet can be used to support the development of capabilities and define firm boundaries. Using a sample of Spanish firms, empirically analysed, we find positive relationships between the use of the Internet and product differentiation, as well as the introduction of organizational changes. In addition, we present evidence that the Internet reduces both internal coordination costs and transaction costs as a result of the positive relationships found between the use of the Internet, the degree of vertical integration and the establishment of technological agreements with suppliers and customers.

    First come, first served: an analysis of pioneer and follower firms' market and nonmarket actions in the European mobile telephone industry

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    This study examines the relationship between erosion of the first-mover's market share and the differences in competitive behaviour of pioneer firms and followers. Particularly, we pay particular attention to market actions related to innovation, pricing and promotion, and to non-market actions related to judicial issues. The empirical study has been carried out with companies that are present in a dynamic context, such as the European mobile telephone industry. Our results show that when followers take more non-market actions than pioneers the negative effect on the firstentrant's advantage is more significant. On the contrary, we have not found a significant impact of innovating and pricing actions

    Have Spanish companies built greater entrepreneurship after privatization?

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    This study analyses some of the strategic and organizational changes experienced in public firms following privatization in its double facet: sale of companies and deregulation. Specifically, we analyse the process of innovation in terms of products, processes and organization. We also look into the development of new businesses and strategic renewal, which in the end shape the entrepreneurial capacity of a company. A sample of Spanish firms which were privatized between 1985 and 2000 shows that after privatization, these companies have experienced a significant increase in entrepreneurship. These changes are even more appreciable when a high sector competition is added to the ownership shift. Once they join the private sector, their level of product, process and organizational innovation is higher. They also develop new businesses at national level, reinforce their international activity and embark on strategic renewal processes by shedding the lesser profitable businesses and modifying their competitive strategy so as to gain efficiency

    The internet: strategy and boundaries of the firm

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    Many advantages have been ascribed to the Internet. Although it lacks the necessary elements to be regarded as a strategic resource, the Internet seems to be a useful tool to provide support for business strategies.In this work we discuss how the Internet can be used to support the development of capabilities and define firm boundaries. Using a sample of Spanish firms, empirically analysed, we find positive relationships between the use of the Internet and product differentiation, as well as the introduction of organizational changes. In addition, we present evidence that the Internet reduces both internal coordination costs and transaction costs as a result of the positive relationships found between the use of the Internet, the degree of vertical integration and the establishment of technological agreements with suppliers and customers


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    Este trabajo estudia la internacionalización de las empresas familiares. A partir del enfoque de la empresa basado en los recursos, se analiza qué problemas plantea la propiedad familiar para obtener una cantera de recursos adecuada para sustentar la salida a los mercados internacionales. A partir de ahí, el contraste empírico confirma la existencia de una relación negativa entre propiedad familiar e internacionalización medida a través de la actividad exportadora. Igualmente, se confirma cómo la búsqueda de nuevos recursos, tanto a través de la incorporación de nuevas generaciones a la dirección como mediante la colaboración con otras empresas (mediante participación accionarial o alianzas), tiene efectos positivos para la internacionalización de la empresa familiar.

    La competencia dinámica entre pioneros y seguidores: aplicación al sector de la telefonía móvil en Europa

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar cómo las diferencias en la conducta competitiva de las empresas pioneras y seguidores afectan a la ventaja del primer entrante. Se plantea un modelo teórico a partir de la literatura sobre la estrategia basada en acciones y se contrasta empíricamente en el sector de la telefonía móvil en Europa en el período 1997-2000. La metodología utilizada ha sido la del "análisis de contenido estructurado"; que permite medir la estrategia como una secuencia de acciones en el tiempo. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el número de acciones que emprenden los nuevos entrantes influye positivamente en la erosión de la cuota de mercado de la empresa pionera. Asimismo, se comprueba que los clientes valoran positivamente la simplicidad competitiva de las empresas seguidoras. Finalmente, también se ha encontrado relevante en la erosión de la ventaja del pionero la experiencia previa en el sector de los nuevos entrantes

    Universidad 2019

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    La correspondiente a 2019 es la tercera edición de los monográficos de Nueva Revista dedicados a la universidad. En esta ocasión, hemos pretendido fijar la mirada en la figura del profesor

    La estrategia de internacionalización de la pequeña empresa familiar

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    Este trabajo estudia la internacionalización de las empresas familiares. A partir del enfoque de la empresa basado en los recursos, se analiza qué problemas plantea la propiedad familiar para obtener una cantera de recursos adecuada para sustentar la salida a los mercados internacionales. A partir de ahí, el contraste empírico confirma la existencia de una relación negativa entre propiedad familiar e internacionalización medida a través de la actividad exportadora. Igualmente, se confirma cómo la búsqueda de nuevos recursos, tanto a través de la incorporación de nuevas generaciones a la dirección como mediante la colaboración con otras empresas (mediante participación accionarial o alianzas), tiene efectos positivos para la internacionalización de la empresa familiar
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