482 research outputs found

    Virtual Satellite Network Simulator (VSNeS) - A novel engine to evaluate satellite networks over virtual infrastructure and networks

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    Space has been populated by a wide range of satellite systems from governmental and private space entities. Monolithic satellites have been ruling it by providing a custom design that accomplishes a specific mission. Nevertheless, novel user demands emerged have required global coverage, low revisit time, and ubiquitous service. The possibility to integrate in-orbit infrastructure to support current communications systems has been discussed persistently during the last years. Specifically, the concept of deploying networks composed of aircraft and spacecraft (creating the so-called Non-Terrestrial Networks), has emerged as a potential architecture to satisfy this new demand. This novel concept has enabled to investigate mobile technologies in space infrastructure. For example, this is the case of the Software-Defined Satellite, which aims at managing in-orbit infrastructure by using Software-Defined Network techniques. These novel concepts pose multiple challenges which dedicated developments shall address. Likewise, specific equipment and simulation environments shall support them. Currently, open source satellite network emulators have certain limitations or are not easily accessible. This project aims at presenting the Virtual Satellite Network Simulator, a novel simulation engine capable to represent satellites as well as ground nodes in virtual machines and deploy a virtual network that depicts the channel effects and dynamics. VSNeS has been generated from different modules, that thanks to the joint work is able to generate the virtualization. First of all, a Python3 program has been developed, which works as a manager and is responsible for running the rest of the modules according to the virtualized scenario. Furthermore, Kernel-based Virtual Machine has been implemented for the execution of the virtual machines. The channel management is done with the NetEm emulator. Finally, a graphical user interface is delivered by Cesium. This dissertation presents formally a preliminary design with the essential steps to select each technology. Then, the networking design is also discussed. Different tests are also shown in order to verify the correct functioning of the tool. In addition, tests about the performance of the final release have been performed. The program has been tested with the following protocols in different realistic scenarios: TCP, UDP, and ICMP. This allowed us to verify the correct operation of the program, checking the delays and channel losses. Moreover, it is empirically demonstrated that some protocols are not functional for geostationary satellites, due to the long latency caused by the large distances

    El Aerarium Militare

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    Estudio de los orígenes , fundación y medios fiscales para sufragar los gastos del ejército Imperial romano .Exposición de las principales fuentes históricas para su conocimiento , así como las últimas investigaciones.Study about the origins, foundation and fiscal sources to pay the Roman Empire Army costs. Description of the main historical sources and last investigation

    La participación de la provincia tarraconense en la crisis de los años 68/69 d.C.

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    Los turbulentos acontecimientos que se desarrollaron entre los años 68/69, son considerados como el tramo final de la dinastía Julio-Claudia y el inicio de una nueva etapa en el Alto Imperio. En un corto espacio de tiempo Roma padeció una guerra civil, sublevaciones en las provincias occidentales y cuatro emperadores se sucedieron en el gobierno de Roma. Todos estos hechos son consecuencia lógica de otros procesos anteriores, que se desarrollaron principalmente en el Principado de Nerón, eclosionando en estas graves manifestaciones que pusieron fin al mismo. Tales sucesos históricos incidieron de manera muy directa en la Híspanla romana y más concretamente en la provincia Tarraconense, que tuvo en ellos una activa participación

    Bimetallic Pt-Pd co-catalyst Nb-doped TiO2 materials for H2 photo-production under UV and Visible light illumination

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    In this work we synthesized a series of binary PtPd co-catalysts supported on a Nb-doped TiO2 support. The catalytic solids and corresponding monometallic reference systems are characterized using X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron, and UV–vis spectroscopies, together with microscopy and porosimetry tools. Such characterization was able to show the formation of PtPd alloy particles in the bimetallic catalysts. The mono and bimetallic TiO2-based powders were tested in the photo-production of hydrogen from methanol:water mixtures under UV and visible illumination conditions. Analysis of catalytic properties was carried out through the measurement of the optical properties of the materials and the calculation of the true quantum efficiency parameter. Results indicate that the PtPd co-catalysts have superior performance that the Pt and Pd monometallic counterparts both under UV and visible illumination conditions. Optimum performance was achieved with a material having a Pt:Pd 1:1 atomic ratio. A remarkable increase in the use of the visible range and thus in sunlight utilization is achieved with the 1:1 Pt:Pd bimetallic system with respect to the monometallic counterparts. The evolution of the bimetallic co-catalysts under reaction conditions as well as their key properties to interpret photo-activity were analyzed with the help of the above mentioned techniques as well as photoluminescence spectroscopy and an in-situ infrared analysis of the materials under reaction conditions. Results point out the critical role that both PtPd alloying and the metal-support interface play in the reaction

    Nerón y neronismo : ideología y mito

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    Existen en la Historia momentos brillantes, momentos de apasionante actividad cultural, momentos de conflictos y de guerras y momentos de renovación y de crisis